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__ . . i <br /> ��� � � � ' � �'� <br /> �� D � � �I�oJ 1 �,��� �� ' � , � � �i �..��:/;0 <br /> ��� ��� � __ � . � <br />_ _ - _ _ _ - -- - _ __ __ _ <br /> -----_ - ; _ -- ------- --- -- — <br />-- :.....-� --'S¢S$$—�ta���ournaI �ouinany,ILTii��ook�Tial�ers,��tittloners-and PMnt�rst Li�It6T$� Neb. ".." ` ...' �` —" –'.i.�. <br />�, ... _.__.:--._-._.:-- ---__--._ � . �.___--�......_---.�_�—_. . ._�.___ � _ — <br /> _r..—.._ .._.. . __ _.. ...._- - ._-.. —__--..—_—_.:v_ _�__,�.�_-"°- <br /> solcl saicl land above described to Tennant Z.Rickard for the sum of thirty s�ven hundred sixty 1 <br /> dollars , he being t�ie highest bidder thereoP and aPterwards on the �+" day of January A.D. 1912, sa�.d <br /> ,. <br /> Court approved and confirmed said sale and by order directed us as referees to execute to said <br /> Tennant Z.Rick�.rd a deed conveying said l�nd to him in fee simpl�. <br /> Now Therefore, we Arthur C.Mayer and Arthur G.Abbott , in consideration of the premises and of th� I <br /> sum of thirty s�ven hundred sixty dollaxs so bid and paid by said Tennant I,.Rickard and by virtue ' <br /> of the Fowers vested in us by law, do by these presents, gra�nt, bargain, sell and convey unto <br /> Tennant Z,.�tickard and to his heirs and assigns forever the following described real estate situate '� <br /> in tne County of Hall Sta.te of Nebraska, to—v�rit :— <br /> North West quarter of North West quarter of Section No. Twenty seven in township No.Eleven N'orth ' <br /> ; <br /> of r, No Eleven West G" P.M. with all appurtenances thEreto belonging. I <br /> To Hav� and to FIold the same to him tiie said Tennant L.Rickard and to his heir� and assigns Poreve�. <br /> ,i <br /> Si�ned this �j° day of January A.D.1912. Arthur C.�d_Yer �� <br /> In Presence of <br /> Arthur G.Abbott � <br /> Ba�rard H.Paine Referee�. ' , <br /> � <br /> State of Nebraska, ) , '�' � <br /> )�s. �� <br /> Coun�y oP Hall ) On this 5�� day of January A.D.1912 b�fore me, a Notary public in and `i <br /> for said coun�y, personally Art�iur C.r�ayer and Arthur G.Abbott to me personally known to be ;; <br /> t11e identical persons whose names ar� affixed to the above instrument as grantor , and severally ; <br /> acknowledged tYie execution of th� sar!Ze to be their voluntary act and deed for the purposes � therein;! <br /> expressed. <br /> In Witness Whereof, I have h�reunto subscribed �qy name and affixed � oPficial seal at Grand Tslan�. <br /> ,, <br /> on the day last a�bove written. <br /> Ba�vaxci H.Paine '' � <br /> (SEAL) Notary Pub11c � <br /> Commissi.on expires Nov. 10, 191b <br /> Filed for record on the 19th day of Ja.nua,ry 1912 at 10:10 o'clock A.M. '� <br /> . !� <br /> Register of De ds <br /> ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������k�� �����������;' <br /> TRF'.,AStTRER'S TAX DEED.'� A`r'FIDAVIT OF PUBLTCtsTTON. !I <br /> The State of Nebraska, ) <br /> il <br /> : SS. <br /> Ha11 Cou.r�.ty. j E.W. Augustine being first duly sworn, deposes ar�d says that he is the '; <br /> i <br /> � <br /> , <br /> I'I Business T�ar�ager of tYie Free Press, a le�;al we�kly newspaper, published at Grand Island, said <br /> CountST ar�d State, and that the pri.nted notice hereto attached and made a part hereof, was pub— � <br /> lished in the regular editions of said newapaper Por three consecutive weeks, the first publica— !,' <br /> tiorl be:ng on the 8th day of Septembe-r, 1�11. ' <br /> E.W. Augustine. <br /> Subsc.ribed in my presence and sworn tc before me this 22nd day of September, 191� , at Grand <br /> Islaxi�., Ivebraska, <br /> C.H. Goellert. ' <br /> Fees �2.00 ��_ Notary Public. ( SEAZ� �Y Comtciission expires July 7, 1917. ; <br /> 1 <br /> To F.J. Ross and E.E, Trionlpsan . <br /> You are hereby notifi�� I purchased on the lOth day oP ' <br /> . <br /> ' January, 1�10, of the treasurer of Hall County, Nabraska, at private tax sale_ lot No. three (3 ), y <br /> in I31ock No, ten ( 10 ) in Boggs and Hill �s a3diti�r *e the city of Grand �sla,nd, Ha�l County, Ne- ' <br /> �� <br /> braska. Said lot wa� taxed and assessed in the name of F,J. Ross arld E.E. Thompson f'or the yeara 'I <br /> ;; <br /> • � <br /> 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1�05, 1906. 1�07 and 190� and was sold for taxes of th° �aid� ysars. ;; <br /> , <br /> You are furthe.r notifiAc� th�t. �?r�l.ess redemption is ma.d° v�ithin thre� mont�.� Prom the time � <br /> �; <br /> of the service of this natice, that I shall apply for a tax deed for the s�,i� Fremises. The timei� � <br /> !; <br /> for redemption for sai�. ta,x sale tvill ex�ire on the lOth day of January, 191�. <br /> Dated this th da of Se ember A.D. 1 11. F.O. Peterson. r � <br /> 7 y pt , 9 Ce tiPicate No.73S7. <br /> _ ii � <br /> � i�r� i� <br />