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: )tl � <br /> �e,, <br /> � ����J��� ������'�5�� ���� �Q� <br /> __ . _ ___ _____ _ _ __ _____ <br /> . _ _ _ <br /> --------- � of all perso�s whomsoever. -- — ---_—_—_ _-- <br /> Signed this 23 day of January A.�.1908. <br /> In Presence of �9311iam H.�Iarsh Sr. <br /> ' A.f,d.Cooke � H.S.Cra�rfard <br /> Laura E.Smitn $ A.B.Smith ' <br /> ! The Stato af Alebraska ( <br /> :ss <br /> Hall County ( On thie �4th day of Jan A.n.1908 before me a Notary Public in <br /> and for said County, personally eame ths �bove named 7Pm. H.Smith, "-:.., a:�d H.S.Cra.�ford and A.B. <br /> S�ith, Trustees, �rk�o are personally kx�own ta me to be the identical persons vhose z�ames are <br /> affixed to the above Deed as Grantors, ar_d they aeverally acknowledged the e�ecution of the <br /> ' eame to be thair v�lur�tary act and deed for the purpose�s *herain etated. <br /> ; . , <br /> ' �itness my �and and Notarial Seal , at Doni�aharr,i„ on the ciate aforesaid. <br /> (S�AT�} H.T.In�;alls <br /> � I�y commissiQn expires Feb 3 1911. ilotary Public, xall County, Nrbraska. <br /> '; - Filed for record January 17, 1912 at 1.30 o'clock P.P=i. <br /> � . <br /> i� <br /> , Register o s <br /> '; -o-o-�a-o-o-�-c�- - -o_o_o_o-o-o-o-o-�--o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o_o-o-o-o-o-o- o--o-o-o- <br /> REFEREF�S ' DEED .:`�`'"° <br /> KNOW AZI, RZEN BY THESE PRESEN'TS: <br /> ' THAT whereas, in an action pending in the District Court of Hall County, Nebraska, (Case No.3512 ) <br /> in which Leonard K.Rickard and Abraham L.Rickard werP p1�,intifPs and Tennant L.Rickax d, Martha <br /> � Bates, �2elissa Knox, Kat� Bates, Olive P.Compton, Mab�l Wiles, Zewis Rickara, May BiltoPt, GraCe <br /> �� Mills , Owen Rickard, Jesse R.Rickard, a minor and Floss A.Biltoft gua,rdian of said Jesse R.Rickar , <br /> and T.O.C .Harrison, �,dmini.strator of the estat� of Zewis Rickard, deceased were defendants it wa� <br /> axnon� otner tY�ings, found, ordered, ad,�udged and decreed as follows: that Lewis Rickard died <br /> ' interstate in t7ie year 1910 seized in P�e simple of the following described real estate in the <br /> County of Hall and the State of Nebra�Ka, to-wi�t .- North West quartEr of North West quaxter oP <br /> r ' S°ction Na. Tti�enty s�ven (27) in township No Eleven (11 ) North oP Range No. Eleven (11) West of <br /> � 6" P.M. with otYler lands, that the heirs at la,w and only heirs at la,w of the said I,�wis Rickard, <br /> deeeased arE I.eonard K.Rick�x d, Abraham L.Rickard, Tennant L.Rickax d, Melissa Knox, Olive P. <br /> C�mpton, Martha nates, Kate Bates, �abei Wiles, Lewis Rickard, May Biltoft, Grace �ti11�, Owen <br /> , Rickara, and Jesse R.Rickard, a minor that legal service of swnmons as by law provided, was made <br /> ; upon the defendant, Jesse R.Rickard a minor and that a gua,rdian ad litem was duly appointed <br /> ;i <br /> '�:; gua,rdian for the said mir.or, that all th� above n�med d�fendants duly entered th�ir voluntary <br /> ! app�ara,nce and were made parttes to said proceeding, that the shares and interests oP the above <br /> ' named heirs were duly Confirmed in the real estate above described and the undersigned, Arthur C. <br /> , M��rer and Arthur G.Abbott w�re duly appoint�d rePere�� to make paxtition of said premia�� with <br /> other lands, . <br /> ! And •whereas, said r�eferees aFpointed by said court ,to make partition oP said real estat� made in <br /> ivrriting duly signed, setting f orth that partition of said land could not be made without great <br /> ; pre�u�e to the owners thereof, which report was duly examined by said court and the Court being <br /> j! sa�isPied therewith, confirmed, the sam� to -t�� entered, directing us to s�li said premises witri <br /> � other lands as upon execution to th� highest and best llidder Por cash in the manner provided by <br /> ' 1'c�W. <br /> I' Anc� in pursuance of said order we caused a notice to be publish�d in the Grand Island Indep�ndent <br /> , a newspaper published and in general cireulation in said County of Hall, triat w� would offer Por <br /> ' sal� the said land at the 1'ront door oP the Court House in said County on the 18�� day of December <br /> , ' A.D. 1911. at one ofelock P.M. of the said day and at �he time and pl�.ce stated in said notice and � <br /> ' aPter not�ce had been published Por more than 30 days S�ve offered said land at public auction and <br /> �. <br /> ; <br /> u <br />