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)tltl • <br /> . , <br /> �;" � J 1---J � � � � <br /> �_�����'' � � ��������� �_����� ����, <br /> _ _ _ -__ _ -- -- - -- — <br /> __----___--_-- ---_ _ _ __ - - -- __ _. � __ _ — <br /> -_ _ _ _ _ _ __ <br />� ___ 5$296—State Sournnl Company, Bluuk Buok Dfakeis Stationeia and Printeis, T�incoln, Neb. _.___ ______.._�,. __. _ _._. .__.___— . <br />� �rA�=�.A'�TY L�EED. � wll i�lon b ��lese Present� . Tha Lininuer Im�1er.lent Co. a cor�oration <br /> Knc�;« � y '^ � y � - 'I <br /> � <br /> organizsd ur.u�x the la�vs of fhe ^tata of .?eUraska, in consic3exatior of Ten Thous3nd Five hur.clred;� <br /> (105�0.00) Dollars in liand ;�aici, Does herer�y arant, Aar�ain, Sell, ConveJ ar.d Confirm uunto �,�.V. 'i <br /> ii <br /> Cur���s tha fc�llo��ir.g Ges�;ribecl Real Pro�er�y� situat� in the County of H�,11 and �tate of rlebra�ka <br /> to-:Frit : -�-- il�e i�rartr� half of Lot� i�?urnbered (5} f ive and (5} Six in Rlock AIo (79} Sever.t� � <br /> iJine irl tne originai t��wn no,�J Cit�,� of �x�nd Isl�nci, T�leura��ca, as sho,�n by the Recorded plat ther�of <br /> to�ether witiz all tiie Tenernents, t?P-c�c?���,.�ents an�3 Appurtenances to +he same belon�in�� and all ' <br /> tiie Estate, Title, Claim or Demand ;�rhatsc�ever of �he �aid Linin�er Irimlement Co. of, in, or to t�.e <br /> ���me or any ?�art tilereof. To r3V3 ard t o Hold t'r:e a�ove desc ri'r�ecl prer:�ises , trrith the <br /> 1 <br /> ap„urtenances, unto -�he said I1.V.�ur_Lriiin�s and to h�s heirs ar.d assigns forever . <br /> .�na tne said Linin�er Im�ler�ent Co . for its self a:�d i+s successors, cloes covAnant �vith the said i <br /> ; <br /> I�i.�T.Ctu�L�in�s ar.�:� :vi+h iiis hei:�s and assigns, that it is la�,�fully seized of sa�d prerr,ises, tha+ � <br /> thPy a-re free froz.i ir.cur.lbrance, t.}uti 1� has g<�od right anci la�trful autharity t� sell the same, ;i <br /> :� <br /> and th;t it ��ri11 anc� it s suc cessc�rs shall ;�rarrant �nd ciefend t�la sa.�ne �ant o the said ��1.V. C"tunr�ings 'I <br /> anc� his iieirs ar.d ass:��r�s fp�ever a�;ainsf the la:�rful clair��s and der.�ands of all �ersons�eve�. , <br /> In ��itn�ss �Jr�areof, said��r Imn1e::lent Co has causeu tnese j resents to '�e s�;nad by �� <br /> its Presider_t aru �ec�elary, a:�.d its cornorate sFal to �e hereto affixecl, �'his 13tn cla;;r of i�'ov- � <br /> �m�Ai 1�.^,11. j <br /> Lininger Ir:plsmer,t Co. '� <br /> I In er !i <br /> P r e r.c <br /> .� e o f <br /> � <br /> cor�� Ry �'. L.H�ller Pre�ident " <br /> �Tennie V.Rressrian asal � � � <br /> Attest id .��I.riead Secr�tary : <br /> �� <br /> � <br /> State oi P1eUras�::� � <br /> :�s <br /> County of Dou�la� ( Gn thzs 13±ii uay of I•ic�ver.l�sr A.r.l�ll , befoxe me, a A?otary Public <br /> c:u1y cc�r�,.rnissionecl ar��c:: :�ualifiea in and for said County, �ersonally ea::e +he abo��e r.a�ed F.L.N;_.11�r <br /> �resiaPnt, ancl :J.H.��ead, wecra�ary c�f Lir�in�ex In��ler�ent Co. Y�ho �e personalll kno�rn to Me to b� <br /> tile icien�ica�. r,ar�ons -�JIlO�,P, n�irnes are a�fixeu to tha a;��«e Deeci as Presicient and Seeretary of <br /> _ <br /> u�iu corY�oration, anc� tl�ey ac�:r.��;��t�ed�ed the instrt,r^Pnt +o i�a �he�r. volunta-ry act and deed of <br /> �aid cor��ora�ion, <br /> :�i�nQSS :n,r hancl ancl official seal at C��ha, 2•1ebr, in said County, +�.e date aforesail�. <br /> �rr^,AL) �?ennie V.�re�strian <br /> ;�iy cor�tnis�i��n axy�ires <7une 26, 1�313 iv'otary publiC . ' <br /> i <br /> Fil��d far recorcl Jantiar�� 16, 191G at 3 0 ' clock P.Pri. <br /> � <br /> , <br /> �e�istax �f ne s ' <br /> -O-O-U-O-U-U-�:,-�-0-':�_rj_p_r�_O-O-0-0-0-O-d-O-O-fl-O-O-O-Ci-O-Q-O-O-O-O-U-4-O-0-0-0-0-0--0-0 -fl-O-rJ <br /> AAP.RA��TY DEED ` Daniphar� Cemetery Associa�io�. <br /> �o. /�o - <br /> K�o�r all Men by These Prese�ts, That �te, �m H.I�arsh S�nd Ii.S.Crawrford ar_d A,'�. Smi�h <br /> Trustees of Doniphan, Vebraska, in consideratfor� of Te�a Dt�LL,A�S, i�a hand paid, do hereb;T grant,� ' -. <br /> . <br /> barg��rt:� sell and convey and confirm u��a Anna B.�ilsor�� the follo�i�ag described real estate ! <br /> �ituate i� the county of Fiall, anc� State of Nebraska, �o-wit:- Lot Nu�;�er 192 ir� Block Nuniber i <br /> 48 in the Doninhan Car.letery, situatc� on the Northeaat !�uarter of the Northeast �uart�r of Sectid�n <br /> ,� <br /> Five (5) ir_ To�;nshi� Nine (9) , North of Range Idine (�} �QS� of the Sixth Principal �eridiax� <br /> �s ths same is laid do:vn and described oz� the plat of said Cer�etery a�ow o� file 3� the County ; <br /> Cleri��s office of said Hall Cour.ty, 2lebraska, To�et2zer with a17, the te�eme�ts, Hereditaments ;; <br /> and Appurtenancea to the sams belo�gin�, an�l all the Estate, Right, Title, Inte�est, Dower� <br /> C�aim Qr De�a.nd �hatsoaver of the said rrantors, or either of them, of, in, or to the �ame, <br /> or any nart thereof, �o have and to hold the above described pre�i�es, with the ap�urtenances, '; <br /> ur�to the said rrantefl and to her heirs anc3 assi�ns forever. And we do hereby covenant �vith '� <br /> li <br /> the said 4ra�tea ar.d her heirs and assigns tY�at :tre are Ia�rfully :�eiz�d of said �remiaas ; tn3t i <br /> ti�ey are free fron encum�rance; that �e have �oad right a.nd lawful authority to sell the sane; � � <br /> . � <br /> and �re do hexeby covenant to ararrant anci defend the �aid premises a�ainst the lawful claims ,' <br /> ;i <br /> ; <br />_ , � <br />