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_ y� <br /> ��)9 <br /> � . � � ��k:.. <br /> � D'������� �������5��� }���� ��� <br /> __ -- _ _-_ _ __ _ ____ _ _ __ _ <br /> _�___ _�__ __ _ ___ __- __ ___ ___ �_ � . <br /> ~�� !;iVAt`�.T�,�:;TY DEE�.��``� kno�r a11 �;ien by These Presents: ' Th�t ,��e, Charles Scherzberg ?nd Er;il <br /> '!Sc�ierz'�ar�, bctr� un:larried, . xrantors, ( Uein� t:r�o of the s�ven chil�:re:� a::d heirs of Theodore <br /> '�c:`�erz��Pr�, �.rho, on or at�out +..e 8th clay of June A.P,.191�, diPCl intestate and seizPCl of ±he r�al <br /> Ps�a�� iiereinaf�er describeci) in conaideration oy the sur.i of Fo�ar�een t�r�n�y*-ei�ht and <br /> 58�100 P.�LLARS, in hand l���d ao hereby grar�t, ��ar�;ain, sell ar11 convey unto 7�illiam '�e11y f• <br /> 'Ed,vin J.Lon� nf the County of Hall, arl�. State of ale�rask� �'�ran� ees, tne follovrin� iiesc�ibed <br /> - <br /> ';pre:.�ises � si���at�:: :in the County of ��a11, ar.d M�ate of P1a��ras�:a, to-�+rit : - <br /> Cur ,anaiVi��ea +rro sevenths (F;/;�) ir�terest ir. and to +r,? ;i�Psterly Fort�a-n�ne (4. 9) feet by one <br /> ',hu:�ar°cI t�irty-���ro f 1��} feet of Lot Three (3} in Rloc�. SeT,�enty-ei�ht (78) of tl,:e original touvn, <br /> no-��r city, c�� �xand Islan�i, ��ie��rask� �.ei:�� a rec�ar.�;u1�r pi�c� of ;rouncl havi��; a fror�w�° of <br /> - r� faet on Seccnd St-reet and a depth of 132 faat, off of the Nesterly side of said Lot 3, as <br /> '�u.:vevea, ;�l.ttecl ana recoxciea. To,r�,eti�er �1ifih all the �ene:�gnts, 'r.sreciitai�ientU and a���nu�- <br /> ''ten;r�ce� t7ie.reurto ��elongin�, all tne ��tate, Ri�r,t, Titla� Interes�, DoT,�er, Curtesy, Claim, <br /> _ 'i,anci Dernand ��-rhatsoevex of the sai� �rantors of, in, or �o the �ar�e or uny ��art tl:ereof, <br /> To riave and to ��old the a'�ove ciescribed pre;nises, r�i�h +he a�?7urtenar.ces, unto the saicl �ran�oes <br /> , i . . <br /> ' and to thei� hEfirs an1 assigns forevar. Ancl ,��g h�ze'c�y cov°nant r,rith the said rrantees that we <br /> . hold said t��erA�ises '�y goocl and Zaeri'ect title� t�.at �re have good right and la��rful authority to sal <br /> '� ar.d convey the; that they ar° free and clear of all lien� and incw�nbrances yvhatsoever. <br /> ' excent taxas for Str�et Pavi:��, :�hic11 ':he �rantess assur�e ancl a�ree +o pay in addition to the <br /> � <br /> - a'aove-i<�entionecl consider�tion. <br /> �� And :rre covenant ;o ��rarran� and defond t��e �aicl pre::iises a�ain�t �he lawful clai:ns of all person <br /> s ��1 _ <br /> ���- �frhomsoavQr, exca����axe, f or St ree� Pavi�g. <br /> �ated �he <^,9th day of :1ay, A.I?.1911. <br /> i'�ITi�TESS: <br /> G.L.Struble as to Charles; S. Cr.arles :?chexzber� <br /> �-�_' Tv1.J .HendQr::on as to Erail S. Emil Scherzi�erg� <br /> �t at e of Ckla'n o:�a ( <br /> ` :ss <br /> , Roge-rs County � Cn thia 27th day of Cctober A.I�.1°11, before me, the undersigr.ed , a <br /> �tota�y Public ��rithin and for saicl County, �ersonallt,r c��a Charles Schexzbex�, an unr,iarried r�an <br /> to rle �erso��lly kno�,rn to 'ra� �he iaentical person :�rhose na�e is affixecl to the al�ovo ir.stru.�:ent <br /> �,� as one of the :'r«n�ors , and he ac�no;;�l�c?�;�d the sa�e to 'Ne his volur.tary act ar.c? desd for �he <br /> ' ��j,ase the�c�in e����•essad. <br /> � <br /> _ In r7��ress �Thereof, I hava herQUnto su'scribed my name and affixed my official seal at <br /> '_„ . <br /> Glare�:lore, in said Cour.ty, on tne clata laat above ���rritten. <br /> . ��i_y co:��.rnission expire� �,Sarcr. unc: 1912 (SEAL) r.�eo L.Strubla i�otary i?ublic <br /> ;,' ��t at e �of Ar:�ansaa ( <br /> . : 3.f`i <br /> � I ^x;xlancl County, ( Or. +hi� ��h 1ay of I�lover:l�er �.::. 1911, �,ef nre me, �he unaer si�ned , a <br /> r �` ;� i1o��y Public �3rithin ana for said C��u.zty, nersonally car:ie, Fmil Scherz►�e-rg to r:ie personally kr�owr <br /> • ., _ �o ��e tize ic.�ntical -�erson ;vhase nar�e is aff.ixecl to tl�e al�ove ir.strur:ant us ona of the srantor <br /> ';' and he ackno;vl�cl�ed tr�e sar:le to ue hi� vo�untary �ct and cleed for �he y�ur;�ose therein express3d. <br /> , In �titness ;'Jhexeof I have llereunto subscribed ��y nai:le and affixecl r~.y o�fic�al seal a� Hot Springs <br /> . �; in saia County, on tne date last above :vritten. <br /> ,� I��iy cor.:Llission ax�:ires ..1�rcYi w7 1915 (SEAL) i�I..7 .Hena°rson r�llotary_ Public <br /> ;, ----- --- <br /> ;; <br /> 'i Filecl for recor�a January lo, 1912, at 1 0� clocl: P.i�i. <br /> � . �! , l�J <br /> r�;i�ter of P,ee s � <br /> -O-'.�-O-O--`�•-�J-O-O-O-O--O-n-O-O-O-O-Q-�--0-0-0-0-0-0-�-O-Q-�-O-�-n-!�-n-O-!�-O-O-O-n-O-O 4-O-0-n_ <br /> � � <br /> , <br /> ll _ <br />