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��� � � � '�� <br /> �.,.,. � � ��� '�� � � �� � � � �� � � � � , � <br /> ����j� ��I�'���JJ��� �!,���� ��0� � <br /> _ --- ------- _._ _ _. �_._ _ _. � _ _- .,._ __�. - — __ — — <br />—_ .._. __. __ <br />_ __$4288=State 7ournal Compauy, Bliti�L Boo6�iakeis Stationet�s aud Printess, Lincoln, Neb __. _. __ ..-_. _._..�_ _ _— _- � <br /> �AR�tAIdTY DEED�� ��no��,r all Trien by T:lese Prssents: 'i <br /> � <br /> That .�e, Alvina Corcls anci Coxds, i�er��ar.d, �nc� ;��Iirnie SY�.ecial�er (nee Scherzberg) ; <br /> r <br /> rrantors, � t`rle �aia Alvina Cords anrl 1��iinnie �Y�aclager '�ein� tMTO of tha se�ven children and heirs ;; <br /> � <br /> of Tfieoclore "cher7'aerg �,�rho� on or �bout tne 3th c�ay_ of June A.D.1.910, c�ied, intesta�e, and seized!; <br /> of the real estate hereir��fter described) in cc�nsidaration of �ria sum of Fo��rteen hundzed tvlen�y;! <br /> ei�ht and 58�104 �CI�LA�S, in i:;nd �aid cio hereby ��ar.t, '�ar;;�ir�� ,�elZ and convey unto �'illiam <br /> i:�ll•,� r�� Ea,;rin J .I.on� o.i tha County of 1.a11 , ana S�ate of iTebr��ka, �rant�es +.1:� following descr- �� <br /> �i <br /> i%:;a ?>renii�es, �i�u<tecl in t�:e Cour_�; of �?all, and S+a�e of i�tebrask�, to-t�vit :- <br /> Our unciividaci t�ro sevar.�hs (M��) ir.t°rest ir. ancl to tne +Jesterly For+,y Nine (49) feet by one li - <br /> hunured uncl thirty-two (i3�) ��Pt of Lo+, Three (�� in Fllock Sev-nt�y-e:i�ht (78) of the original '� <br /> `.c��vny r.o�� ci+y, of �r�n�; islar.a, :`�,ei�raska, being a rectan�;ular �iece of �r�und having a <br /> ;; <br /> frc�r.tL�a of 49 feet on r8COI1C1 ctreet a ciepth of 13? fPet , off of the i�esterly side of said � <br /> I, �. <br /> Lot 3, ks surveyecl, plat�ea ar�d rec orded, �� <br /> To�ether tivith all �rle ten�r:ents, herQditar�Ants anci a���ur+en�r�css thereunto 'r�elon�in�, and ' <br /> - ;� <br /> � <br /> all the Es+ate, Rigilt, Title, In19rest, I�o�Jer, Cur�e��*, Cl�im and nernand whatsoever of the said ;� , <br /> rrantoxs of, ir., or to -rha �r ar�y r��,st thereof. � <br /> ;� <br /> To �ave and to 'riold +ne above describecl pre�;iises , .Rrith �lie a�?nur-ter.ances, unto the �aid "i _ <br /> �ranteas and to their heii,s ar�d assigns fore�rer . Ana we herepy c�venant vvith the said irantee� �� <br /> that �re hcld s�id ��ei:isefi uy gooci arld perfect +itle; that cre have good -ri�ht anu lav�ful authorit;„� <br /> �� <br /> �a sell ana carvey t:�a sar�e; �iia+ tney are frae and cle?r of all liens ar.d incuml�rances T�vi�atsoev!ler - <br /> ,:, <br /> � E3hC�73t t�X@5 ffll �fi 88t t�1V�?1�� :':r�.'�C!_ �'1:� xrunteas assur.,e �rC� r1�Y'G'P +,Q l;�u`,,t lri a,C�C�1''i,lOri �O f,�78 <br /> ;%ove-r,:ent�one� c�r_�ic�.er�tion. An� �ti�e coverar�t t;o ;varrar.t aru. defend the said rrer�ises a�air�st <br /> ���e la,•r=ul c��s of all Y;r-rs�n� :��r.o,::�oever, e4>cev,t ��io1 +:�xes fc�r �+r°P+ Pa�rin� . <br /> i�;;t+ed +iia 29�h cla�► of :4ay A.�; .1�;11. . <br /> ,,7IT��F:��"F,;;; <br /> (1) Alvir.a Corcls `�--� <br /> l• D�IEriLlS� t O 61.,,r�, � � 1 P' N _�__'___._�..._.r..�..... <br /> (�) Fmil Cords <br /> .7 .�T.Kerrigaz ��ritnessto si�rature ..�-__.._.._____� . <br /> uf I.�� Sheuak��r. �3) Iviinnie _ <br /> :, . <br />���' State of 1::ei�r�ska ( � � <br />� <br /> : s: - - <br /> S,errian County ( �n this 1'7 day c�f Au�ust A.D. 1911� 1�Pfore m.e, the undersigr_ed a <br /> ' �s. <br /> r1o��xy Public tiritilin and for 5�.id County, ���r�onal?y carne �lvir.a Corcl� ar.d Frail Cqrds he� huabar�ci <br /> �o r:�� yer �onally kr.ct�rn to 'c�o the icier�tical 37Prson� ..rhose na�es are �,fiixed +o tiie al�ove in�±rumen;t <br /> - <br /> °ati ar^�1s, �nci �.ey �P�Ter3liy �ri:no���lec:�Ued �'r.e sar:e to be t'r.eir vollantary uet anci deed far t':s �� ,"_ <br /> I <br /> ,�irx�ose therein 8a��i @S58CI. - - � <br /> :�n i`ditr.ess "���ie-reof, I �,a?T� hareunto, sui�scrii�9u :nsr nar�.e ard afs ixeti m;r affici?1 seal a� �I �, � <br /> ,, <br /> - . ; <br /> RUc�;v�lle, �n �;aia Cour.�y, on tl.e c�ata last abc�ve -.Frritten. ; <br /> � <br /> �;F�.L} E.J?��rref�u s � � ti . <br /> :.y co:amissi�n e;,�ire�; A�-ril 9, 1�15 . �dotary pu'r�lic . <br /> c + r � <br /> t a <br />�� �,�a�., of Cali�. ornia � � � <br />'I ' • ss <br /> Ci�y and Coun�J �� wan rr��n�is^c� ( �r. L' 9�"r: a�;r of ��ct�;;Pr 1911 b�fore r.7e LhQ under <br /> >;�r�ec: a �,;ot��xy Fu.:,=ic ancl zor sai�l Ci+y �:�a colz�tV ana ^��te ;�erson�lly c^., <tinnie ; <br /> � <br /> c - <br /> aizec�a'.ey to r.le ��rsc�„a�±y �:n�,,rn ��� i�e ona of ±h�; li,t82�!+1Cu1 �ertions ;rhosnarne i� a�fi�ed to the a��ve • <br /> , <br /> ,� :� <br /> and fore�aing ins; rLU:ient _�s o:�� of +he x��ntor� and she acknUwled�ed t�:e same to be her volunta�ty <br /> i <br /> act a���a aeea �or �:is pur�ose ;i�Qrain ex;�ressed. �i <br /> ,; - <br /> In �Ji��ss� iJhP-rec�f I have ��ereun�o subscribed tny name and affixed my official seal at th� ' <br /> City and Caunty of ;ar. Francisco, on t:-�e data last a'r�ove s,rri�tan. t! .. <br /> (cF.AI�) =T ,.T .Irerrt�ar <br /> �, ,�.. <br /> �ti�p com�:�ission ea;,�ixe's �u�;ust �7th 191� ilotary t�zi�lic � <br /> � i:� <br /> Fi�eci for recoxcl <Januaxy 1�, 1�I? a� 1 0 ' clocr. �.A�i. , ;; <br /> �__ ___ <br /> -.e�ister v _. eds ' <br /> -�-O--J-O--O•-Q-O-O--�--J--O-O-O-:a--O_J_O-:) _q _,��_p-O-O�p�p...p...q.��;,_�,->>Q...,�_p-.n-O-O-O-Q._r�...�j_.�..�j_n 7-O���q._p�(�- <br /> : <br />�-__1- _ __ _ _- . II � <br />