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���7 <br /> �_- <br /> �l�j�j��� J��j' J � ��JJ� �V � �� <br /> , � � �J���J___/ J ��� J �� <br /> ------ ; S t at e o f Neb r as k a ( - ---------- ----------__—�--- -- --- <br /> :�s <br /> � County of Hall ( Gn this 5" u:y of Jar.uary A.D. 191? �;efore me, a ilotary �u'alie in and for <br /> , � said County, nersonally ca.�e Arthur C:pufayer and Ar',tur r7..Abbott �o me personally l�no;trn +o be +he <br /> iclentical rersons ;rhose nar.�es are affixed to �ne above instrument as grantor, �nd severall�T <br /> ' �c�noa�I�ci�;ed t7ze execu+ion of -rhe sar�ie to be their voluntary �ct and deed for the purnoses tr.erQ <br /> : in exnressad. <br /> In �1i�ness i�hereof� I have hereunto subscri��ed my ��me and affixed My official seal a� rrand <br /> Islanu, on tl�ie ua,T last a'�ovz �,rritten. <br /> �ryFAL} F�a;��^rd H.Paine . <br /> ' t�iy cor�r�i�sion 'axpi-res Nov, 10, 1916 T1o+ary Public . <br /> :' Fileu f or ra cord January 9, 1912 at 3 .45 0' clock P .:ai. <br /> ' � <br /> � Re�istPr of eds <br /> —O—O—U—U—c.)—i)—C;�-O—��—O—U—O—O—O—O—�i—t:�—<-i—r>—ti—O—O—O_q_p_{1_!�_p_r,_n_(�—Q—ti—O—c.i_<�—O—O—Q—O—O—O—O —O—O—O—U <br /> 7J ARRAa IT Y DEr^,D.,; ` <br /> This Indenture, i,lacle tiiis fou-rth da� �f �Tanuary in the lear �f our Loxd or�e thousar. <br /> inir_e hundred anci t�xelve t�ET7`dEEI� i�illiam A.Stolley, sin,�,le r�an of thr� City of Dowa�;iac� Coun�y <br /> , c�f Cass and 5tate of 1�:iichi�an, of +,he fir�t part, and F,s.Stolley of �rand Island, �debraska, of <br /> � <br /> �+he second ,,art, 7VTT?dESSr.T'rI, T'nat �he said ;?�.rty of the firs+ �art, for �nd in consa.deration of <br /> . ''tre sura o� n.�ur Hunctirad Dollars� to him in hand raid by +he saici r,arty of the �econd part, tr.e <br /> 'recsi��t ,xri�er�of is hereby confessed anrl ac�:novrledgec�, aoss by t:nesa �resar_t� �rant, l�ar;ain� sell <br /> ;�-remi�e, relaase . alien an1 confirm unto thP said ��arty of tne seco::d part, and his r,eirs, <br /> �assi�ns, F�i�I���R, all certain y�iece or parcel of l�nd sit�aate ar�cl being ir. the of <br /> iCoun�y of Hall ar,c3 State of iTe��raska, �nQ ciescribed as folloyr�, to-;-•rit : - <br /> Lot n�;:.'�ered 4ne (1) of �ection T�xre�lve �l?) ir. Totivn�hin T°n (10) iv'orth of Ran�e Vine (9) i�est <br /> of ;ne Sixth PT1?:C1.?�al ��8T7.c�lc'ZI1 in 2�lebraska. cor:tainin� t�;�enty acres and forty-h�ar.�reclt,hs of An <br /> ' ' ucre . To�;ether �vi+h all uncl sin�ular `re herecli+�zr_!ents ard arpurtana�ces ±�ereur_to be1�n�- <br /> ', ir_� ox in anyfr:�.se a?�rertaini^n�: '^0 H�?IE A17� T�. ��CLD fne said nremises, As above descri,�ed, :�itn <br /> '-- ���e a��;^ur�_Anances, unt� fi�e saicl narty of tre �ecar.c� ��rt, an� +o h�s heirs and assigns, Forever. <br /> A r.d the sa�d ;Villi^m A.Stolley nar�ty of t��e first �art, his heirs, execvtor� 3nd his ^dmin- <br /> ! istrators, does covenar.t, grant, bar�;ain and a�ree to and :vi+h +,he said ,�arty of the second part, <br /> his i�eirs anu assi�ns� that at tYie tirne o� tiz.� ensealin� ancl Saliver�,� of ti�ase ?�resents he i:s Nell � <br /> ' seized of the above gr�nted ;�-rernises in FeQ SiMple; anci. th�t they are free from �11 incum'orances <br /> , ���hat�ver �ncl t:at he ;vill, and his heirs , executors, his ���r�inistrators shall Narrant and Defend <br /> tize sar:le a�ai.n�t all laarful clair�s ���hatsoever. <br /> In ;ditnsss 1Vhereof, �he said ��arty of the fi-r�t �art, has hereunto set his hand and seal �he <br /> . day and year iirst al�ore :%rritten. <br /> �igneci, Sealed and ;�sliverpd in Pre�ence of <br /> i�illi�m .A.S+olley (L.S) <br /> i C .E . S��veet � <br /> P-4ary �e'a7�ard <br /> ; State o� Ifizchigan ( . <br /> ��� :s s � <br /> '' Coun+�r of Cass ( Cn this 4tn day of Jar.uary in th° year one tno�asanci , nine hundred ancl <br /> I�' �:relve ;�efore me a idotary Public� in ard for s�id County, ;�Prson�l�y a�neared "1Jilliarl A.Stol� ey <br /> :li to r�e �no;�an to ��e th�� sar�e per5on described in, ana ��vho exAcu+,ea the �vitnin instrur�.ent, wro to �e <br /> ; �cknoyllecl�ed the ��..�:A lo ae l,i�� frea act a�:d rieeci. <br /> �SF:AL) �vi3r�r r,e��ha�d <br /> �Tat�xy Puk�lic� Cass County, ?�,iichigan <br /> ..i,r commission ax�ires 2�larch 10, 1912 . <br /> ' Fi1a�1 for reco-rd Janl�a�y 13, 1°12 at 2.?0 ��' clock ?.:��. <br /> � <br /> ' Re�ister of ecls <br /> -o-o-o-o--o--o-�-o_c,--�.,-o-o-��-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-�-o=n-o-o-o-o-o-��-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-n-o-o-o- -o-o-o-o--o- <br /> , <br /> . <br /> i <br />, ;'; <br />