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-- <br /> 2��� � � <br /> 4 _ � \ c <br /> -... � � ��� � � � . <br /> � ������ ������������� �� � ��; `�,��ip� � ��������� <br /> - - -- � <br /> _-_ _ _ . ___ -__ � - - _ -_ _- - _ - - <br /> _ ___ . � _ <br /> _ � .__� _ <br />�___._ __v,.,,_ ��`LffB-Sta�e Journal Couipany, Blun$ ITouL \Iakeis, _Stationers a1u1 PrinYers._S.Inaoln.$eb. . _. ___...-�______�. � — <br /> _ �------ _._.. �,. ..... _ ---------�- --..___—. _—__�___ — - _ <br /> � , _._ ,s,. II <br /> REFE�F�t DEED �^ -.. r,i�0'N A7�L i�lr'�PT .rsY TriES�T PF.r fi�.idTS: : II <br /> THAT :Thereas, in an action rendin� in the Distriet Co,.�_rt of xall Count f, ldebraska � <br /> ( Case No .3512) in ��Y:ich Le�n�rci :�.Riczcard �nd Abraham L.Rirk�rt3 ;rere �l�.intiffs and Tennant <br /> L.RicYarci, 2�.iartha Aate�, ���telissa Knox, Kate Bates� 01ive P.Com;aton, Mai�el 7Vites� Lewis Rickard, ;� <br /> i�ia3r Biltoft, rraee .�ills, Gavan Rickard, Jesse R.Rickard, a Minor and Floss A.Riltoft �u�rdia n ' <br /> ; <br /> of saici Jesse r�.Rickcirci, ana T. �.C,t�arrison, ad.linistxator of the est3te of Le=,�i� F,i.�kard, dec- ,� <br /> eased ��ver� defend�nts, it �ras aniong other tiiings, founcl, arctexod� a�judged and decreed as foll- �! <br /> i <br /> � <br /> ows : That I�e�rris Rick�rd diec� interstate in tile year 1910 seizecl in fee sirrmle of the following ;; � <br /> cieseribecl real �state in ti�e Co�znty of Hall and ths State of �,ebra�ska� to-wit :- . ' <br /> SJorth East �uarter of the i�orth ;�est G?ua-rter of Section No-. Tti�venty Neven (27) in tf}wnshi� !�� <br /> ldo. �,ieven �11), ?�lorth of Ran�e T�o . Ele�en (11) Nest of G" P.�.2, with other lanas, that the ',; <br /> heirs at la�v anci oniy heirs at la�r of �he said 1�evris Rickard, dece�sed ^.�e Leonaxc� K.Rickard, <br /> Abrah�m L.Ricr:ard. Tennar.t L.Rickarcl, P-lelissa Kr.ox, Clivo P,C�r�nton, I:4ar`ha Rates, Kate Rates, <br /> ; <br /> ::i�Uel Ni:;.es, Le�.ri� Ric�rarci, 1Qay i3iltoft, rrace i�2ills, Gv.�er. ��ckarcl, and Jesse R.Rickard a minor 'i <br /> t�.at legal service of surimons as 'qy law rroviaeu, ��v�s made u��on the defendant, �Tesse :�.Rickard , <br /> a r:iinor a�d tha+ a �uarclian ad lit�m ��xras auly apnointed �uarclian zor the said rninor, that a.11 " <br /> tiz:a'aove nai�ied defenaants ciuly entered their voluntary ap?�earancs and ��ere made n�,xties to said � <br /> procaedings, that the share� ana interests of the above nar�,ea hPir� ��rere dul;,r Confirmed in the <br /> real estate above descri��ed and the unciersi�neu, Artr�ur C.l��ayer anu Arthlar r.Abbott were auly �i <br /> �, <br /> ;,, <br /> a;,�poir.t°d reaexees �c� rl�r:e pa-rtition of saici �remisas with other lancls, 'i <br /> �, <br /> And .x�hereas, s�id ra�erees a���oir.ted b;T ��id C�urt to make �artition of said real estate <br /> raade �n ��rritin� duiy sipned, setting forth tl:;at �artitic�n of saici lancl could nc�t be made ivithout ! <br /> �r�at pre,iLuu�e to tha o�,rners tnexeo� Y�hi�h renart °�ras ��uly ex�.mined b�r said court and the Court i' <br /> ��ei::� s�tisfieci ti�ereJri�h, conf:irrna�l, tnn same to be entioreci, c�irecting us to sell s�id nremises ''; , <br /> ��ritn ot' iand� as upon execution to tha highest and best bidder for c�sh in the manner �rovi- ' - <br /> deci by law. : <br /> Ancl in pur�u�nce of said orcler �r1e caused a notice to be published in the irand Island <br />' Indepenclent a newsnaner nu�lishe� and in �eneral circulation in saic� County, of Hall, that v,re <br /> , <br /> arould offer for s�le tne said l�nd �t the front door of �he $ourt House in said County on the ` <br /> 18" uay of Decer.lber A.D. 1911. at one o� clock �.tii. of the said day ancl at tha time ancl nlaceWin ' <br /> • 1 <br /> �aici notice anc� after notice had i�een �ubli�izecl fo.r r?iore tlian 30 ciays ;�e offerea said land at ` i � <br /> ;i <br /> i ublic uuction anu sold s.�id lancl ai�ove clescri'�ed to l�ry F.t�iiller for the sum of Tvrent�� Nine . <br /> htinared ssventy five Po?�ars, he l�eing the highe�t bicider thero.of and afterwards on the 4" day <br /> of January A.�. 1912, said Court an�roved ancl confir�ecl said s�le ancl by an order directed u� ;; <br />�I as refe-rea� tc� el�ecute to s�id h�ry F.ldiller a deed conveying said land to �him ir. fee simnle . ; <br /> No�v Ti�terefore, ���e 4rthur ^.':1a�er and Arthur ��.A,�bott, in consider�tion of the nrerni�es <br /> an�? of �he su� of T�renty iJine �iund-red Se�tenty Five P.ollars so bicl �nd paid by said �,xy F.RSiller� <br /> ard by vir�ue of the �nov�rer� vested ir us by la.=r, ao 'nv thase presents, grart, bargain, sell anc� '� , <br /> convey unt� Hax�y �.;.;i�.ler_ anu +� his l�airs ancl assi�ns forever the follo�ing described real <br /> estatQ situate in tha Cour.ty of Hall State of ij�'�raska, to-:�it : - Tdorth :�ast �uarter of ;; <br /> � � <br /> i�orth �est �u�rter �f Section 1Jo T:r�nty Seven. (27) in tovrnshir E��v^n �11) North of Ra�i�e No i <br /> , <br /> Elev:;n (:�1) i'Jest 3" P,?,1 , tirith ali appurtenances th�reto 'r�elonging. <br /> To ri�ve a::d to �iola `he sarne �o lzirn tne said ��ry i'.;,��iller anc� to his i.eir� ar.0 assi�ns <br /> �orevex . <br /> Si,necl th�s 5" day of January. A.n. 1�J12 . <br /> - Ar;hur C.lviayer <br /> In Presence of <br /> B�yarc� H.Pair,e Arthur s. Abbott ' <br /> ' � T Reserees . � <br /> � ,��� 183- �1CTARI AI.� ACK2�G'��tLFT�rxl:iEi�1� � � � ��� � <br /> ' <br /> ;i <br /> , <br /> „ <br /> i <br />�_ � ` �� <br />