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. ��� <br /> ����������� ������� � 5�� � o � o �� <br /> � _—/ ---� --�_. �_—,._,��_� _� ���% J�� <br /> --------- II-- -- ___� � ^ _` <br /> li and berialf, shall or ��rill hereafter c1aiM or der:and �ny ri�ht or title to the said premi$es or <br /> ' any ;nart thereof but they ancl every one of them shall '�y these ;�resents be exeluclecl and ferever <br /> ' ��arrect. <br /> r In I�itness 7Viiereof, Tile said narty of the first part has hereurto set her hancl and seal <br /> ', the ciay and year last above ��rritten. <br /> Signed, Sealed and Deliv�red in nresence of l�ella Rordner <br /> �f. A.P-rincc . <br />' ! :tate of i�3eb-r�.ska ( <br /> :�s <br /> Fiall C�unty � On thi� 4 day of .?�nuary A.D. 1912., before me the ur�dersigr�ed N.A. <br /> ' Prince a =�c�±ary Public, duly comslissioned ancl �ualified for ar:d residing in �aid County, nerson- <br /> � aily carle Della �orctner, t o ne r;nov�n t o be th° iu.ent ical �er�on ��hose nam�e is sff ixeri to the <br /> I fore�oir.0 ronveyance as grantor, and ackr.orrledged the same to Ue her volun�ary act ar.d deed for <br /> ' tiie nur?-?a�es therein set forth. <br /> +Vitness my hand and T�otarial �eal the date �bove ��rritten. <br />� � ;I � (SEAL) �9 . A.Prince <br /> i 2dy commissi��n exnires �Tune 3" 1914 . l�ot�sy Public . <br /> � <br /> ; Filed �c�r record January 5, 1a12, �t �.45 o' clock A.::i. �• �/ �jJ� <br /> '� �x���L� l� --------- <br /> Pegister of D eds <br /> _o_o-o_c,_�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�:-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-c�-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-e-o-o-o-o-o -a-o-o-o-c;_ <br /> ! QLTIT CLAI2Ji DEED. ��,.. <br /> This Incientu-re, if�ade this ?l�t uay of Deceriber in the year one thousand nine hun- <br /> !I c�rea eleven nE�iVF,Ei1 �tto Ott, �achelor� of the first paxt, ancl Tlieodore Boehm, of the Secbnd <br /> �i <br /> � �! nart i�7ITiu'F�SSETi:� that the saia party of the first part, in consider�ti�n of the sura of T��o <br /> �� <br /> ','; F.undred� �;�OQ .00) and Nolloo DCLLARS, to Me duly naid, �r,e receint :�rhereof i� hereby a.ckno�,yleag- <br /> ;; - <br /> :� �d� h�ve rer�li�sa, released ancl �uit-elaimeci anci by these �resents aoes for him self his heirs, <br /> ,; ' ,�� <br /> '� executors and a�lministrators, remise� relAase and forav�r quit-claim and convey unto the�narty <br /> ' of the soeona part and to his r.eirs, and assi�;r.s forever� all my rigr:t, title, ir.terest, estate, <br /> claim �nd der�and poth at law and in ec�uity, of, in, and to all of Lot T�lelve (12) in Block �ix <br /> i ��) of i7niversity Place, Lots Cne & T�see (1 l� �) in nlock Fifteen (15) of University Place, Lot <br /> . ' iwo {N} in Block Six (6) of TTr.iversity Pl�ce, Lots i�ine F,• Flevon (� & 11) in F1ock Ten (10) of <br /> ' TJr�ivers,ity Place, and Lots FivQ, Seven and T1ine � �-"' � 9) in nlock Fivo �5} of Scarff' s Addition <br /> to �Jest La�rn, �ranc3. Island, as rer plats of sait: Adciitions no�v on file in the Re�ister of P.eeds <br /> ' Gffice of Hall County, ti'abraska. Together with all ana sin�ular the hereditar,�ents thereunto <br /> � ' '� uelonging. T� riAv':: Ai'I) TC iiGLD the aK�ove ciescriueu premises unto the �aid Theoclore BoehM <br /> '; Y�is heirs and assigns: so that neither he the said Grani;or or any rerson in his name ar.c� r�ehalf <br /> ,j slzall ox vrill iierQafter claim or any ri�ht or title to the said p-rer�ises or any part ther- <br /> ,; eof, i�ut t:ney and eveiy ane of them shall by �:ese nreseni;s ba excludeci ancl forever Uar-red. <br /> - Iid i7I;l?�:;; �VHERE(�F, T'r:e saic� narty of ±he fi'r�t rzrt hus herelznto set his l;anc� �;.rc� �Q;�2 <br /> � <br /> ,�'r,e c�ay an� ;reax a'►�ove �rritten. <br /> ! Si�ned, Sealed and deli�Tered in �resance of �%tto Ott . <br /> 1 David 4ckerman + <br /> , <br /> ' ''� State of i��ei�raska ( <br /> i :ss <br /> '� Flall County ( On this 6+h day of �Tanuaxy A.P. 1912 before r�e navid AckerMan a iTotary <br /> � <br /> ; <br /> '� Pui�lic, duly corlr:iissioneci ancz ^ualified for anci residin� in said County, personally c�e Otto <br /> '` �tt to me kno4rn to be the icientical rerson uesc-rii�ed in ar.d �rho executed the fore�oing conveyance <br /> ' as grantor, anci aeknovrleci�ed said instruraent to be his vol�anta�y aet anci cleed. <br /> 7Vitness rly hand and seal the clay and year last above vrritten. <br /> (�"F�IL) Davicl AcJ;erman <br /> 3uiy cor:unission expires the 19th ciay of rebr�i�ry I9Io . iio+�.ry Public . <br /> Fileu �or record Janu�ry 8, 1912 �t 10,4G o ' clock A.��i. <br /> � � �e�i s e r o D e�� �-- <br /> , t e ds <br /> —C�—G—G—O—O—O_p_c�_p_q_O—c�—:'—O—O_O—O—�—c?_O—O—O—�?_ ._p_(?_t)—O—O—q—c�—O—C'—O—C�—O—O-4-0-0— c?—O—G—c?—O— <br /> Q-- <br /> i <br /> i', <br />