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�7 c�� <br /> ��� <br /> ,, <br /> �- J' 1��\--'��� ��1 ' � � ' � � ` � <br /> ������- J���,'�°,�D, \J �, --_� , .,o <br />� _ _ <br /> _— �-_— -- _ - --- _ <br /> _ _ _ ___ __ _ _ <br /> - 54�8$'.;Sfafe JournaI Cou�pany, Bluhk Book 3lakeis, Stationeis aud 1'rinters-L7ncoln N�a , ° � <br />----- <br /> --_- -------_�--_— ___._�, _ _.__.__._— _.___ _---__. ______� � — <br /> ana pear last above �rri;t�n. ii <br /> S��necl, Sea14c� �na pelivareci in 7�-resence of Florence s.JJever '�, <br /> S.C.Hus�on <br /> w�ate of iJe'r�rasku � � � <br /> . <br /> Hall County ( Cn �his ^4 aay of 1lover.i'uer A.D.�9I1, 1�ef�re r?e the unciersi�naci �.C . <br /> ziust��n a I?o1.;?� y Puu�ic� clul�� corar��issionecl ar.0 ru�.lified for ar.d resiaing in said County, �?ersanal�.y <br /> ,; <br /> �. <br /> carse Florer.c� s.Deve-r � �rife ) tc� r�a �norTn �;o be �he identic�l �erson yrhase narle is affixed to '� <br /> the fore�oin� ^onv��tance �s �r�ntor, and ackno-;�rledged the �ar1e to be her valuntary act and de�d ' <br /> for �he ��uri�oses tl:erein set for-�h. - <br /> - <br /> �VitnQ�s y�y an�u :�?o�^,riµ1 ;;eal the clate abov° ��i+,ten. '! <br /> (�'F.!lf�) 5.�, .'rIuston SZotary Pt�b�ic . � <br /> �� <br /> ?.qy com�ission ex�ixes <?uly �5 , 1r12 :� <br /> Filea �or record J�rt?.�ry u, 191�� �t ^ .?0 0� clack P.�:+. '�, � '� <br /> S/L��'%'_•2 rr�ul� __--____ 'i <br /> Reg'i s�er of� Dee cis <br /> —�—Q—�—Q—�-17-�'J-�n—�—n—C)—O�(�....r�_(j...J..���CJ_f)_(l...Q.�l�..�(�...�r.�._f�...fa.-.�-.Q._f)_Q_.Q_Q_(�..��.�(}�0�(J.�Q��_(�-.Q _O�.')�r,��f)�r�����'��i � <br /> 'i <br /> �tTIT CLAI,''� DEED.�°� Kno;lr all 2�9en by TYiese Presen�a: That '�e, Sid�:ey E.1Vhite �.nc� 1�abe1 � , <br /> d�111t9 � Hus'pand and +�ife ) of the Count;T of Hall ar.d State of iJe'ux?ska, for the consideration <br /> of T�vo Thousand A+o/1.00 (:�?000.00) P�'+T�T.,ARS, hereby niuit-claim and convey unto Alice Deveraux ii <br /> af tne Cc,unty of Alial�a and State of Cklahoma, all of our right; title, and interest of v�hatso- <br /> ever natvre, in ar�a to the foilowing iiescri'becl Re�l Estate, situated in the County of Hall and <br /> State of idebrasr.a� to-wit :- <br /> .. <br /> �.. . <br /> C' T' <br /> a d. <br /> o E er .., .E 1 _ of Sec ion t3ne 1 of o - V <br /> S u�h a..t uax t . t n T wn �h i� 1 ine <br /> � ( � ) O � <br /> �9) T3orth� of �an�e I�1ine ��), +7est of the Sixth P.�•".. Hall County, ide�r�rasl;a. <br /> , Ii3 idTi�:mSS i'J�i�';R^CF� ��re i;ave l:ereunt� set our iiar.ds thi� �6 cia�r of Decernber, 1911. <br /> iJitness: Sictney E.��hitQ '� <br /> Joiin �allacner <br /> ��Iabel iVhite <br /> State of ���e�ra�ka � <br /> :ss <br /> Hall County ( C:n tl�is 2nci d�zy Janu�ry A.n. 1912 i�ef�re me, t,he undersi�necl, a <br /> Notaxy Pui�lic in ancl for said County, personally carne Sianey F .�Nr.ite - :.iaqel �hite �rh� Are <br /> . <br /> �ersonally knocvn to r�7e +o be tne icientical rersons �rhose narnes are �if ixed to the ���ove instrumen�t <br /> . <br /> as �rantors and they sevE3rally �c�rnoEVied�ed the s�id instrur:lent to b� their volun�ary act arcl cieei� <br /> TJitnass my har.k and TJotarial Seal, �he clate aforesaici. '' <br /> II �SEAL) John �allacher . <br /> i 1;1y commission ax�ires iaov 25tn 1�1'� idotary PLii�11C . , <br /> ; � � <br /> Fiiec� for record Jar�uars,r 4th, 19I� �.t � .30 o� ciock A.�,i. <br /> �- <br /> i Re�istex of D eds ' <br /> —O—O—U—J—c:7—t�-0-0—O—Ci—�a_O_c�_c;_q_Q—� —��—�—��—�—�—O—O—n—�—�—�)—d—ti-0—�-0—�-4-4—'>—O—O-0-0-0-0— —O—O—O—',> <br /> �UIT CLAI�� nFED�,R, � j <br /> This Ir:denture, 1nac�e this 4th clay of January , in the year Gne Thousand Nine `I <br /> Hunc�red arci t.,el�r� R�'T;,'FFP1 Pella, �rife of 7�illiam H.�3ordner, �rar.tee herein, of rrand � <br /> Isiand, i,ek�raska, of the first ;�art, anci �illiam R.Bc�rdner , �f �rand Islana, Nek�raska, of the <br /> second p�rt . iJI1^iTESSETi: tnat ti:e saicl r�arty of the fir�t _�art, in consideratien af the <br /> sum of Ghe noliar ancl o+her �ood and °ufficient cansideration� to her duly paid, the reeei�t <br /> ; <br /> .rhereof is hereby ;�rnr:�•rrled�erl, has reMised, released and c�uit-claimed and by these nresents <br /> �. <br /> does for self her heirs� executors ancl adr�inistrators� reMise, release and f�raver �;uit- ':: � <br /> clain: cor.vey unto the saic; rarty of the second part and to his heirs and assigns forever� ' <br /> • all i�er r i�ht, t it le, intarss�� estate, elaim and demanc3 both «t l�w anci ir� equity, of, in and 'i <br /> to all Lot ilur.nber Four (4) and the �Jest �ne third of Lot i�w�ber Threa (3)� in Rlock I�w�ber <br /> Sixty iline (69}� of trie �ri�;inal to�rn, noy�r City , of xrar�d Islar.d, ilebraska, �s �hown 'ay the ' <br /> recor�ieci ?;lat t�ereof . T��gether with all and sin�u,-ar the hereditamerlts thereurtQ belonging j; <br /> To Have ar:d to Hold t'r�e above uescri'ped premises unto th� saicl Ni_�� iam H.Borciner, his , <br /> r,eirs ancl assi�r�,s ; so that neitner she tne said Della �sordre-r nor ar.y �erson in her rame <br /> , ii - <br />