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� . __ __ <br /> . . �C��;. <br /> '�°��� <br /> � <br /> �1LJJ'L!�JJ''=�' ��LJJ'�, w�/J5'-���' �IJJ`���� ��� <br /> ' - - <br /> - = _- _. -- � _ - __ - -- -- -� � _�- - �- <br /> __ _ __-- �_ _ _ . <br /> � QTJIT CLAI��I DEED.� �� This Indenture, 2�iade +his ?1 day of DoceMber, in the ;rear ar.e Tnousand <br /> 2�TinQ Hunclrecl ancl Eleve� �3ET�fEEi1 i'�illiam �V.Purvis and Nettie Purvis, ( 1-i�zsband and wife ) of <br /> ' the first ??art, and Herr7an Thode of the part, iJZ2�1ESS�TI-., that the said ;nartiQS of the <br /> first »art in cor.sic3eration of the sum of OnQ nollar and other valuable consic:eration nCL�.,AF,S, <br /> to ris duly paici tr�e receint .�rhereof is nereby acknowlect�ed, have reraised, released and !�uit- <br />. claimecl and by these nresents c�o for our selves our heirs, execut�rs, administrators, remise, <br /> : release and forever c�uit-claim and convey unto the pa�dp:�arty of the second �art and to his <br /> heirs and assi�ns forever, all our right, title, interest, estate, claim and demand both at law <br /> and in e�uity, of� in, ar_d to all Lot Tlumba-r Ten (10) in Rlock Num'aer Thirteen (l�) Ronn�e Brae <br /> Adclition to rxand Islar�d, idebraska. <br /> 5ubj ect to a mort�a�e of �400 .00 and subj ect to a �nort- <br /> ;j gage of �100 .G0 ar_d subject to the unr�aid port;ion of a certain mortgage of �86.OG �hich the <br /> �; grantee assuries and agrees to p�� with interest from January 1� 1912. <br /> . Together with all and singular tn9 hereditarients thereunto belon�rirg. • <br /> � To Have and to Holcl the a'�ove uescribed premises unto the said Herman Thode his heirs and assign <br /> , so ha nei'-:�.er of the ai � ' ' lliar,i Pur.vis ar.d iJettie Purvis or ar. �erson in our name and <br /> t t � , s clr'Gi �!. Y _ <br /> �� <br /> � ! L^ehalf, shall or c�rill here�.fter claim or dem.and any right or title �o the said premises ox, �ny <br /> ;� <br /> � part thereof but they and every one of theM shall by these preserts be e�cluded and forever <br /> barred. <br /> In 7�itn�ss Nhereof, The said rar�ies of the f irst �art have set my hand ar.d seal <br /> � � '! the clay and year last 3'�ove v�ritten. <br /> Si�necl, Sealecl and Deliverec� ir ;�resenee of 7Tilliam N .Purvis <br /> H.J .Hart . <br /> �; J.i� .�dorris • i�ettie Purvis <br /> � <br /> �, <br /> State of JPashin�ton ( � <br /> Kitsap Cc�un�y ( Gn this ?6 day of Decamber A.D. 1°11� before me +ha ur.aersigned <br /> r.1;1.asterhout, a 1Jotary Pu��lic, duly co:nr:,issioned anc� nualifiecl for and residing in said Cour.ty <br /> rarsonally carne rJillian +d .Purv�s and ilettie Purvis, � hus'�and and wife} to me ';nown to be the ' <br /> iclentical ?�e-rsons �rhose naraes ure affixed to +he foregoin� conveyarce as grantor�s and ackr.o�v_ <br /> �ledged the sa�:�e to be �their voluntary act and deecl for the nur�oses +r:erein set forti�. <br /> i�itness my hanci and T�otarial Saal the ciate above ���rrit;en. <br /> _ F.i�i.Osterhout, .3otary Public <br /> , i�ly corc:mission exl ires Sapter�bex 13, 1914 (SF.AL) � 0,��,�� ;�-��?����i� <br /> r r � c; ^ o� 1 o c k P �,�. /�-����� � �"�- . <br /> , Filed �or �.ecorcl Jar�ua-ry u, 1. 1? �t � c . � �_ ���^ <br /> ' PeUi�ter of D ds <br /> -o-o-o-o-c�_o-o-o-c,���-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o_o-c�-o_o_o_c�_o-c�_�-o-o-o-o-o-o-c_,_a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- o-o-o-a- <br /> �UIT CLAI1�1 DEED. ,� This Indenture, P4Sad° this ^4 day of November, in tne year Cr.e <br /> Thousanci ��ine 7�� anci Eleven, rETA�Fi? Florence ? .Pev�r, of the f irst ��art, ar.ct Frank �-i. <br /> Dever � husi�anrl) of the second rart . i9IT;,�:SS�T�:, the said �:rty of the first part, in <br /> eonsicler�tion of tl�e sura of Gne & r.o�100 noli_ar� to me cluly paic� the reeeint �rhereof is he-reby <br /> acknowled�ed, I -rernised� :relaa�ecl anc� qui�-clairned and by these presents do for my self my r.eirs <br /> � ekecutors,auniiristratUrs, remi�e� release ancl forever r+,uit-claim and convey unto the saicl party <br /> of -�i;e seconu �art and to his i:eir� ard assi�ns fol�v�ar, all my right, title, interest, estate� <br /> claim ana demand r�oth at lavl ar.d in equity, o�, in ar.d to all Fr�ctional Lots :�even (7) ar.d <br /> right (8) in frational Aloc:c Six �6) :vans Aadition to tize Citz� of x-rand islana, :�ebraska, �_s <br /> su�ve;Te1� ;�latted & racorded. <br /> To�etner v�ith all ar.0 singular �he herec::�±ar:lents thereun�o belonging. <br /> To 'r;ave and to Hold ;�.e abova dasc�ic�ecl 3�rer.iises unto the said Fxank H.Dev:;r, his i�eirs and <br /> assigns; so that r.eitner I +,hQ said I'lo��nce rz.Pe�rer or :n�� �-�a-r�on in �;� na:�e and behalf, sha?1 <br /> or �vill :nareaf+er claim �r ciernur.d an� ris;ilt or title +�� the said �reniises or� any ��ar+ t:.ereof <br /> , 'aut tns�r �,3.?:d 6v8T� one of the� shall 'qy these ���esen�;s 'r�e exciucled ar.d fo�ever uaxred. <br />; � .:Cn iJitness �7hereof, Tiie saia j�axty of �he first �?art has hereunto set hsr hand ana seal tne clay <br /> i <br /> ; <br />�� �, .� _ , <br />