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_ , <br /> ��� . . � � � � <br /> ..,�. <br /> � � � <br /> v ���I�� LyJV�J����/J��� ������ ���J � <br /> _ � �_ � �-- -� � _� �-. <br /> _ _ _ _ - - ---- — — <br /> - ------ - __ ___ __ _ - -- � ____ __� — <br /> _ ,` - 5�d8$-S�afe JournaI Company, Blauk IIuo& :�Iakers, Stntioners xud PilnEeisZi�n.coIiy��g7j,� A - ! --�' __ _ <br /> — ---—,_.,�_, _ _._. . . _.. _ .—.—._--�---=..__ - —____---- — <br /> _._ ... _ — <br /> vrith all and singular �he a.ppurtenancas thereunto ueion�;ing, �o hav4 and to hald ��nto her the s�id � <br /> il <br /> Carrie A.Klin�o her hairs und ��si�ns f�rev�r . <br /> In �di+ness Nhereof, I hava as such Sheriff of Hall County, Ne��raaka� hereunto set my i <br /> .iand �his �th d�y of �ecember, A.D. 1911. <br /> Lxecut9d ancl deliveraci in rresence of �7ames �J:.Dunkel <br /> Fred C.S,an;r�lan Sheriff of Hall County. <br /> t aul Thotm�son <br />� <br /> The S�ate of .te'�-raska � <br /> .� <br /> .��S <br /> Hall County � Cn this oth day of Docezr:'be-r A.D.1911, �efore me Fred C.Langrnan <br /> Cl�rk of the District Court ciuly elected and ��ualified for said County, nersonally ap?�eared <br /> .Ja:�:es i.i.Dunkel, She-riff of said County, to r�e kno�rn to �e the iaentical person described in and ',; <br /> . o - <br /> � � <br /> � <br /> o • m _ ran or ancl acknowled ed saici instrument to be his <br /> wh ex.,c,uted the forQ�oin� lnstju ent as � t , G <br /> voluntary act and deed as such Sherifi . ' <br /> In iVitnoss "r'Jh�reof� I h Ave heret?nto set r�y hand and of.ficial seal at rrar�d Island, <br /> in said County, the day ancl y�zr last above writtan. <br /> �SEAL) Fred C.,Lan,�. ma_�n <br /> Clerk af the Distriet Court. , <br /> Filed for reco�d Dece��ibar 2�, 1911 �t 11.40 0 ' clock A.��. __ <br /> . , \_� <br /> Register af eeds � ' <br /> -c-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o o-o-a-o-o-a-� <br /> �J,ARR�'VTY D�.ED:� Know all �fen 'py These Presents. ' <br /> That we, Aaron I�.n3rshfield and Ann Rarshfield, his wife, of Davis County and State of Io�v�, • <br /> in consideration of the sum of Ten Thousand two hund-red fift J and no/100 IiGLL1�.RS, in '.��.and �aid bp <br /> Anna Revarts of �iall County, in the State of Plebraska clo hereby �ELL and CONVF.Y unto the said <br /> Anna �everts the foilo�Nin� deacriK�ed nremise� situatsci in the C�unty of na11 ar�d S1�ate of Nebraskta <br /> to-:�rit:- • <br /> ihe north�vre,t quarter of Section Thi�teen, iownslzip 1dur�ber i�ine and Range Nur�ber ' <br /> Ten, west of the sixth P.i.i. ' <br /> And bre hereby covenant with t:�e said Anna Ftevert s that ��re holcl said premises 'ay t it lo in fe� <br /> ; <br /> simple ; that we hava good ard la�•�rful authority to sell and convey +,he sams ; that they are FREE <br /> AiuD CLLAR CF ALL LIEa1S Aiv'D INCiTi�.�RRANCr.S "r'JriATS4E'TER and :�e cov°nant to 7P�4c'�RAi1T AND DEFEi;D the said <br /> ;. <br /> prer�lises ��ainst the layrful claims Qf all ;�ersons vrhor_�soever; and the said Ann F�arshfield hereby '' <br /> raiin�ui�hes her right of doaver in and to the above clescri��ed rremises. <br /> Si,ned this T3tk� day of S°�?ter:�'�erA.D.1906. � , <br /> I e <br /> � <br /> n Pr � <br /> s nce of A ro L <br /> a n .H�'sh�ield <br /> +�7a?ter A1�egg <br /> nate Abegg Ann Harshfield <br /> �tate of IoYva ( <br /> :ss <br />' 1 '1 <br /> �ta eila o t <br /> t � � <br /> C n <br /> u � G 1 0 ,� e n a r D <br /> n this 3�h da f e t r e A. ._90� �efore m <br /> e 1 er be o <br /> P t N a t A N r '' <br /> Y ,T p , g� a t a y, <br /> ' Public ;�ithin and for said County, personally came Aaron L.Harshfield R: Ann Harshfield, his `vife, <br /> ��ersonally to me knotiyn to be the iclentical nersons ��hose names are affixed to the a�ove instrumen$ <br /> as grantors and severally acknorvladged the exec,_�ti�n of the same to be their voluntary act and <br /> clesd for the }�urr�osa tlierein exprsssea. <br /> In Testimony �heroaf I have hereunto sub�cribed my name and affixed my official seal at <br /> j lakes�?ur�� Ioyva, on the ciate last auove �vritten. ' <br /> (SEAL} 7daltax Abe�� <br /> l�iy commission expires July 4, 190J. il�tary Public . <br /> Filed for record Pecern'aer 30, 1J11 at 3.40 o� cl4ck P.1ri. <br /> . <br /> Registar o eds � <br /> -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-c�--o-o--o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-c�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- o-a-o-o �» <br /> � <br />_ . <br /> ; <br /> _ _ _ r � <br />