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� -. _ -, _ _ _ � <br /> . ,. <br /> , 7�� <br /> �z <br /> ���'I��� i�J ��,��,�' � 5° �� o � o <br /> � � _ __J_, ���, ��_, ���� ��� <br /> � � of eaici real estate: No4v, therefore� I� county treasurer of said county of Hall� in consicieratio <br /> i <br /> � . ' of the �remis�s, anci by virtue of the statutes �� the S+,ate of r?e�r�ska in such cases made, anci <br /> proviciec�, uo hsreby grant and eonvey unto S.C .Huston, his heirs arci as���r.s, forever� the said <br /> � real estate hereinu�fore clescribed subj ect , ho�rever� to any redemntion �rovic�ed b�,r law. <br /> riven under my hand and official seal this 16th day of necember A.D. lcll. � <br /> JffITi1ESS: lSEt1Lj Theo P.Boehm , <br /> F3ayard H.Paine . Coun�y �reasurer. <br /> State of l�Ter.ras};a { <br /> :ss � <br /> �Iall Caunty ( dn thie 1E;th ciay of Decemi�er A.i:.1911, 'aefore me a Not3ry Public in anct <br /> ! �or saic� 8ounty ��rfionally anpeared the above nar�ed Theo P.Roehm trea�ta.rer of s�id County,� rer- <br /> , sonally known to ms to be ±he traa�urer of said County, at the aate of the execution of the fore- <br /> going conveyance, anci to be the identical nerson z�;'r�ose is affixed to� and �rho executed said <br /> � conveyance as trea�urer of said County, and ackno�rledged the execution of the same to be his <br /> ' voluntaxy zct ar.d deed as txea�urer of said County, for the purposes therein exnressed. <br /> ; <br /> , �Vitness my hand ar.d offic�.:1. seal tr�e day and year last above written. ' <br /> , ' , <br /> ;; (SEAL} Aayard H.Paine <br /> li �wiy cor.unission exnires rtov 10, 191� Notary Public. - <br /> � �, � <br /> ! Filed for record P�cern'ber 20, 1911 �.t 4,30 0 �clock P,,�i. . � <br /> � egister o ecis <br /> � -o-e-c�-a-o-o-o-o-o-e-o-e-c�-�-o-e-c>-c-e_o-�-c�o-o-o-�-�-o-o-o-e-o-o-�-o-e-o-e-o-e-e-e-e- -c:-�-o- <br /> Sheriff� s Deed on Foreclosure of Tax Lisr.. � � � <br /> �{now all 1��en 'ay These Presents: That �hereas, in an �.cti�n in the District Court <br /> ' of the Elevanth Judicial Disti ict of T3ebraska, within and for �iall County, wherein .Almanson <br /> ! Jarvis, , was Plaintiff, and Emma Lee Ross, James S.�7ohnson, and Lots Eleven (11) and Twelve (1�) <br /> 'r, of Block Two ('?>) in B�gga �and Hills' Addition to tha City of �rand Island, 2lebraska. vrere Defen� <br /> ' ants, it was by gaid Court at the June Term thereof, A.D.1911, to-�rit, on +,he lOth day of July <br /> A.D.1911, eonsiderec� adjudged, anu decraed that in default of the payment to tl�e Clerk of the <br /> District Court of the costs of s�icl action, and to the plaintiff the sum of �41.35 with intarest <br /> thereon at the rate of 1�� ner annum from July 10, 1911 and �4 . 13 attorney' s fees ��ithin 20 days <br /> fram the date of such �ud�niQnt and dgcrQe, that the ec�uity of reder�ption of each and all of said <br /> ' defenclants in and to the lands and tenements hereinafter descri"aed be foreclosed ancl forever � <br /> ' baxred, and that the Sheriff of said Hall County cause the lands and tenor�ents hereinafter descr- <br /> , i'r�eci to be ar�praisad, advertised, ancl sold aee�rding to law; ancl Yvhereas the said defendants <br /> ' having made default therein, Jamas P�i.Dunkel� �s Sheri£f of said County, unaer and by virtue of <br /> the oxcler of said Caurt to him directed, did, on the �3rd day of IJovember A.D.1�11� at the front <br /> aoor of the Court �ouso in the City of rrand Island, in said County. of Hall� ( the same being <br /> ! ths ;�lace vrhexein the District Court was last held in said County ), havin� first duly ap�raised <br /> said lands �nc� teneraents as re�uired i�y law, and given due and le�al notice of the time and <br /> place of said sa_�e for not less than thirty days prior thereto� in the Free Press, a legal news- <br /> ' �aper printed and in �eneral circulation in said County of Hall, sell the said prer�ises at public <br /> _ ' auction t� Carria A.Klinge, ( she being the highQSt and best bidder thexefor) for the sur.� of Cne <br /> - ' fiun�lred and no�100 DCLLAnS, such sum being more than two-thirds of the a�?�raised value of said <br /> nre mises, vrhicii sale ��vas afterNarcls at the 23ovQi;���ar Term of said Court , A.D.1911, examined and <br /> confirmed, and the said Jar�es 1.1.Dunkel, as Sneriff �f said County, was orclered to execute a �leed <br /> of saia rreznises to the said Carxie A.Klinge, <br /> �� <br /> 6N <br /> ldow Th�refore, I� the s3id James a�l.Dunkel, as Sheriff of �iall Cour.ty,� in pursuance of <br /> ! thQ order of saic3 Court, as aforasaic�, in consideration of the premises, and by virtue of the <br /> ' nowers in me vestad ��y lasv, do here�y givQ, �rant, and convsy unto the said Carrie A.Klin�o, and <br /> . <br /> asaigns� the ?�rernises snld as afore said, to-�vi� : All of. �,ots Eleven (11) and T�relve (1?) <br /> , „ <br /> of Block T�ra 2 ir. Bo s and nills ' Aadition to the Citv �f �rand Island Hall Count I1e%raska. <br /> � ) �� . , Y, <br />