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?�)�� . <br /> ��.:.. <br /> � -: <br /> U J�'J����' �� L���I�J'Lli��'�� 1L51 V 'a; ��J�' <br /> ����-� �---i.��/ �� _� ���- _� �__r o� � <br />�-- _ ----- - ___—_. __— : _ __ _ <br /> ...__".._____ _.__. ..__....___,_- 1 ...... �.:. __�.__._ -_ <br /> ... _ .......__ ....._._..� -_.._�_ __. ._'___ � <br /> �S�$�g=StatB Journal Comy7Aiss, Bt��nB Eabfi�afiers, Stutiotiers anH Prtntera,"LTnc6Tn Ncb.-" _ <br /> office in �rand Island, Ne'�raskay for the delinquent taxes the ye�rs 1907 - 1908. u�on the above �� <br /> ae�,�•ri'�eci ��ro�erty am�>untin� to ida a::d �8/10Q DCLLAF,�, incluciin� interest and penalty t�:ereor� <br /> and t��e costs allat�reu by law to . Clara L.Yc�unkin for tne sum qf Cne and 86�100 POLLARS, �he '�ein� , , <br /> ti�.e hi�;hest anci aest ��icicler for the Anca I furthex eertify that unless redemptian is nade ;; � <br /> af s�ia i�eal F,state in the manr.ez provided by l�w, the said Clara L.Younkin her heirs ar.c� asgign� <br /> will be entitled to a deed tl�erefox on and after the E nd ciay of Navernber A.P...1911, on surrender '. <br /> of this certificate, ��roviQed tYie la�r as r:�ade in such cases has besr. complied �rith. <br />� In ;Jitness +Jiiereof, I have r�ereunta �et my hanc3 this lat day of r�over,�uer A.�.1909. , <br /> Theo P.Aoehm <br /> �SEAL) Treasurer of ��County, State of Nebraska. <br /> �l,�so <br /> Adv Jun� 1911 By R.L.Harrison Deputy. <br /> ( Assi�n::�or.t on bacY ) <br /> . rranci islar�d, Tlebraska. <br /> Cct 15 19I0. <br /> For value receivea � nereby a�si�r. �11 rny interests of ev�ry nature in the �ithin tax sale ''. <br /> , , i - <br /> to ,S.C.Huston, Ize to derive aII 'peneiits �hat r�ay received from e�.r:e in ray place. <br /> Clara L.Younkin ^�� , <br /> Nn+ice of Pu'�lication "Ex1iiK�it �" � <br /> � .H.Daiy r�eir�; first uuly sworn cle�aa�es and states thQt he is the pui�lisher of 'Ehe <br /> Cai-ro Record, a weekly ne��rspaper �u�:lishecl at Cairo, Ha11 Caunty, Ne�;raska, ancl that the legal <br /> n�tiee� � true col�y of �;�hich is at�acY�.eci, was published i}� saict naper for a nerioc� of three week� <br /> �rie first nu��ication i�aing on the 1;th day af J,�.1y, 1911 and the last nuUlication being on the • � <br /> 2�'th duy of July, 1911, , �.H.Dal - <br /> ,9�ti9rd��G-r���r�✓ �/�c�vv��.c.-���O�G,rnr-�•-v��%� �-�i7ue� z7.�-.�y'�a�y; /y//- �.��"/`���rz�aw <br /> ���u�-�/��� /��/9!l . T•TotiCe Of TaX�Sale Rsciem�tion (��� ���'`� <br /> To Chaxlea S1�ck, to Chas S1ack: You ancl e�ch �f you are hereby notified th�t upon +he <br /> lst u.ay of P�lover:ibar 1J09, Clara L,YGU.nkin ;�urc2lased at ynzblic +�x sale of the county treasurex <br /> of Hall connty, ��e�rµska, at his office in the c�urt house in �aid County, tne follo��vin� describ�d <br />,I <br /> real estate, to-�vi� :- Lots 11, 12, ana 13 of Sur.nyside subQivision of Lots 50, 51, 5^, 53, and :! <br /> 54 of B�xks su'odivisi�n of the T�1.E.� af sec 10, t��,rn 11, range 9, 7P, Hall County, T?ebr��ka.. for , <br /> delincluent tax°s for tne ysars 190� and 1908 which �rere taxeci anci as�essed for the years 1907, <br /> 1908, 1909, 1910, ir_ the r.ame of Slack anci that ±h� recoru +itle N�anas in +he office of th� <br /> _ <br /> regisi,er of deed� �s C7:arlea �iack, No one is occunant or �n posseUsian of said rremi�es, und � <br /> , , � <br /> all af the delinc;uwr�, l.�xes are naid �r.d said sale ana clelinciuent tax r�ceipts have aeen c2uly <br /> �ssigneci to S.C.nus�on vvhn is noiv tne oi�rner arcl holder trie-reaf. <br /> . <br /> ; <br /> You are further no�ified that the time of reciem;�tion fror:i said tax �ale vrill e�ire �vit� <br /> ;; � <br /> the lst ci.ay �f T�1c�ver.�ber 1911� �nd tl:at after the expixation of three r:�onths or More from the aat� <br /> of t7ie service of tliis notice the unc�ersigned �ri11 aPply to the saicl county treasurer for a tax :" , <br /> daed �'c.�r the saicl prem.ises. Certific�te Na. 7�24 . <br /> °�ton . <br /> A sls�nee of Pur chaser. <br /> , <br /> TR�ASLT�'.�R'S T.F�C DEED. ' <br /> Kr.ow all i.en by Tl�.ase Presents: Tl�at 7dhereas, at a public saie of <br /> real estate for �he non-r�u��r,�ent of t�es, Made in the county of Hall �n the l�t �ay of ??�vemt,er , <br /> 1909, t7:e follo�,ving clescri?�ea re?1 e�t�te �i±�.ate in saici county , ta-�xit :- . <br /> I,ots eleven Z11) t��relve �12j and t71irUeen �13) in Sunnysicie �u'�-Pivi��ton of Lots fifty, fifty� , <br /> one- fifty-two� fiity-th�ee, and fifty four, of Aarks Subaivision of part of the 23orth East <br /> nuarter of Section t,an t10} to�vn�hip elevQr (11} P.ange P1ine (9) �lest of the 6 P.1�. in Hall Count� <br /> iie�;ra��za. tvas sold to C�ara L.Younkan far +he delinryuen�i; taxes of tne yR�rs 1907, 190� anci , . <br /> i'�he-reas� ti:e same not h��.vin� beer. redeemea from suc'ri s?le� and it arn�arin� that the holder of <br /> ti:e ce-rtificate of --�urciiase of saicl real estate has corn;�lied with the la�vs of the State of �Teb- , <br /> -rasl;a necefisary to en�i�le S. C.Huston � of saicl Claxa L.Younkin the rurch�ser to a deed <br />___. _-_ - r� <br />