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- - _ pn <br /> �(7�l <br /> ?� <br /> � � �'� 4 <br /> � ��}�'��� ��'��'���� ���� ��� <br /> . ___ ._ .�_ _,. __ ____ __ ___�____ __ ._____ _ _ _ . _ _ __ __ ______ <br /> Y s '! saia conveyance ?�s treasurer of said county, arid acxnowlocz�ed the execution of the same to be <br /> hi.s voluntary act and c�eed a� treasurer of saicl cour.�y for the purposes +herQin ex�ressad. <br /> i'�itness My hand and official seal the aay and year last above written. <br /> ' �aEAI,) Fa�ara rt.Paine. <br /> , �:iy conlriisgion exnires Nov 10, 191i�r ��w�Ot,�y Pu'�lic . <br /> • Fi1ed for reco-rd Decez�'caor 20, 1911 at 4 .30 o� clock P.?�i. <br /> _- � <br /> Re�ister of D eds <br /> -O-0-0-0-O-Ci-O-�)-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-CI-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O -0-9-O-U- <br /> �~�� AFFI'�AVIT GF ASSI�'NE,:. CF PtTRCHASER FCR A TAX DEED. <br /> State of �Se��raska- ( <br /> :ss <br /> County of iiall ( S.C.Huston being first dul�J sworn, dePosea and says that Clara L. <br /> Yc�unkin ��,ras the ;�urcl:aser of Lots eleven (11} t;velv� (1�) anQ thirteen (13) in Sunny sido Sub- <br /> division of lots 50, 51, 52, 53 and 54 of .�arks Subclivision of the Tdorth East �uarter of <br /> , Section 10 - Twp 11- Range 9 in Hall County, Nei�raska, that she made such ;nurchase at a nublic <br /> tax sa3.e r.�ade in pursuance of la�xt, by the Treasurer of said Count f, at his of f ice in the Gotirt <br /> I� <br /> , � House� in said Caunty uron the lst day of TJovarn��er 1909, �aid purchage ��einu evid9nced 'a3* Tax <br /> Sale i1o. 7��4 That saicl tsx eertifieate �rras issuecl for the cielin�uent taxes assessed and <br /> " ``' taxeci against "the property abova ciescribeu for tho yeara 1907 and 1°08, That said tax cert- <br /> if icate is attached 'nereto and made a part hereoi and �arked " Exhi'�it A" Tha+ the nurchaser <br /> or this affiant h�s naid all taxes subse�uent to +,he above years and nov� holds Cou�:ty Treasurer� s <br /> ' receipts therefor: That more than three mon�hs and less than fiva months before the t�me <br /> of reCi°r��fii��n of saici tax eertificate had expireci or tax deeci appli°d for, this affiant pre�arec� <br /> a r.otice as provided in s°ction 11113 of Vol. 2 of Cobbay' s Annc�tstecl Sta+utes of i�ei�raska, <br /> T:�:�t aifiant has been unon ancl invaeti�ated saict rrernises and that n� one is in �ossarsion <br /> �r occu���ncy of such ?and: That Charles Slack �ras the �erson in �rho�e the title to said <br /> � lancl al��ears o� recUrd in the re�iste-r of deads officQ of said County: T:-at affiant has made <br /> dii igent in�uiry �nc�. s�arch and that Chax�_es Slack nor Chas Slack can not be f ound in said <br /> Cour.ty: Ti�at said person last r�ar�ed is the �exson in ��yhose name said �rorerty was assessecl <br /> and taxed for the years stated above and also the �ears subsenuent and u� to this date . <br /> - That upon the 15th daf of Octo'qer 1910 the said Clara L.Younkin sold assignecl and <br /> translerea all her rights in said tax certificate b;r enclorser�er.t thereon to this affiant tivho is <br /> � <br /> now the o�vner and holaer thereof. <br /> � � . . . . <br /> . That notice �s 1�y la��v providecl of tha ex�iration of tne tir�e of re��er.�tion from said Tax Sal <br /> � �nd that a tax deec� :;�iI1 �e ar�lied for by this affiant can not :ae made u��on Charles rylack ox <br /> � Cnas S�ack in said County, ther�Pore this af�iant rrill nublish said notice in +he Cairo Record <br /> a neiNS�aper 1�u�lisliea in saici County and havin� general circulation +herein and will attach <br /> , z�roof of publication here�o as Exhibit � . <br /> Dated at �rand Island, Hall County, T1e i�rasi;a, +his llth clay of .7uly 1911. <br /> S.C .huston <br /> Subscrib°d in my Y�resenc� anci s:���rn to before me this day and year last abovo v,rritten. <br /> ' (�EAL) F�a;�arcl H.Paine � ' <br /> . �.iy cor,u�:iissian e�nires Ivov 10, 1910^ ilotary Public . <br /> pExhibit A". <br /> ' COUIdTY TRFAStJRER�8 L'E�tTIF�CA�E OF TAX SALE. y�o,7 z Z•,� <br /> THE STATE OF 21EBRASKA,� <br /> ss. <br /> Hall County, I, `�heo.P.Boehm Treasurer of the County of Hall, in the 3tate of <br /> Nebraska, c�o hereby certify that the fol.lowing described Real �state in aaid County and State <br /> to wit : I,ots eleven (11} twelve (12) and thirtaen (13) in 3unnyside subdivisian of lots 50, 51, 52, <br /> , ' <br /> 53, and 54 of BarkB subdivision of part of ne 1�4 10 - 11 - 9 . wa� on the lst day of iJovomber <br /> e <br /> , <br /> , A.D., 1909 duly sold by me in the manner provided by law, �t Fublic .9ale at th �ounty Treasurer <br />