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)�� <br /> ,� �� � - -- � - , �I <br /> � ?�W J '�, ! '_J��' ��j�%���� ' � _��� �'��io; <br /> , <br />__ _ _ — --- - - --- _ <br />�_. <br /> ._ —`"---- 3�L$�-.�fsfeToncnaI�Zompaay, BInu�Z'ook:�fa�eis.�ta�oners an _2ra, cata, �_. _ . _ __ ______ ___ __�� _�_ ___. <br />-- � __ �.__,. --- - --- _ _ _ ,_.. - - . <br /> __— ._�.._._ ____ .._._... �.. �._---- — — <br /> THE CAIRO REC�. � RD. ' <br /> -�'.�aly,Pu� i�s r.� "Exhi'�it Bn �; <br /> C airo, T1eb ., <br /> t� .ii.nal,y beir� first duly s��orn deposes anc� states that he is the publisher of tl:e <br /> Gairo ,?ecord, a =Nee�ly nev�s�aner ;�ublished at Caira, Hali County, Tde'praska, and the leg�l r.otice:, <br /> a true co�y of :Jhich is a+taciied, was �u'alisheci in saicl naner for a �eriod of three weeks� the <br />� first pub3ic�tic�n bein� on �I73 llth day of 1�day, 1911 and the last nublication ��eing on the 25ti1 <br /> aay �f :1a;T, 1911. +J .H.Daly. . <br /> Sui�scri"�eu �a in rny presence anci s�aroxn to 'pefore :lvs �his 2'7th day of May, 1911. ' <br /> (SEAL) reo 71.i'�ingert - <br /> i��dy corn�::is�ion exy�ires Gct 2s, 1913. �iotary Public <br /> NOTICE. � <br /> To Cnarles Slack, ilon-rs,�i<ient : You axe here'py not ifiecl tnat on the 28th day of Augu�t ; <br /> 1909, John Allan �urchaseQ Lots Thir�;een (13} fifteen (15) ancI �eventzen (17) in Block Fourteen ' <br /> (14) of Scaxff ' s lic:dition to tdest La�vn, in �rand Ielanc� a�e'�raska, from +he County Treasurer. � <br /> of Hall County, �1ei�r;�ska , for taxes for the years 1°07 and 1908 in the sur� of Cne dollar and <br /> sev�nty cants ��1.70) ti�e sarr�a bein� then c�elinnuent ar?d un�aid: �hat saicl pro�erty was assessed , <br /> in �he name af Charlas Slac� ��ritten Cha� S1ack, and a�pears in hie nam�he recorcte in the �ffice'' <br /> of tne registQr of deeds of Hall County, TTs��ra�ka, th�t on the llth c�ay of Ccto�-�er 1910 . John ; <br /> Allan sold and assigned to Samuel C .i�ustor� hi� intarest in said �?�ro�erty acnuirecl by said r�ur- <br /> chuse and the certificate issued to him for tlie sar_1e by the Cour�ty Treasurer: th^t .Tohn Allan <br /> �aid the taxes on saicl ;�ro�erty as t?:e h�lder of saicl +ax certificate for the years 190", 1908, <br /> 1909 ; ir. the sum of one dollar anci t•rrenty eents fc,r 1907� in the sum of ninety four eents for <br /> 1908, and in the sum o� ei�hty onts for 1909; and Samuel C .Huston paid the taxes f�r 1910, <br /> � . <br /> That on the 28tn clay o� August 1911, Samuel C."riuston will a��ly to the caun�;y treasurer of <br /> Hall County, i�1e'�raska, for a tax c�eed f�r said pro�erty and the said caunty treasurer cvill issue ' <br /> . <br /> to him, said tax deecl unless s�id ��ro�nerty is recleemeu ��efore tha+ time . � <br /> Samual C.Huston. � � <br /> llt�. , ��' A ss ignee of Purchaser. <br /> TRE AStJREn�S i AX DEED. <br /> Know a11 J�ien by These Presents,: That �lhersas, at a private sale of <br /> . <br /> real estatc� for the non-�ayMent of taxos, r:�ade in the county of I;a11 on the 28th ciay of August - <br /> 1909, ti:e follc�ti�ino descri'ued real estate sit�.z�te in saicl colznty, to:Atit:- �_ <br /> � <br /> ?,ots thirtsen �13) fiftQen (15) and seventoan (17) � in Block fourteen (1�) of Scarff �s Ac�ditiari <br /> to 7Jest Lac�rn an Addition to the Cit;l of and in the: ��.ty of rrand Island hall Count PTebraska. - <br /> , , Y, <br /> �vas sold to John Allan for the delinquen� taxes pf ±he year 1907 ancl, Nhereas, +he sar;�e not havir� ' <br /> ��en redaemed frarn such sale, ancl it ar��earing that the holcier of the certifica�e of ;�urchase of � <br /> saici raal estate has com;�lieci Y�rith the la�vs of the Sta+,e of ;lebraska necess�ry to entitle Samuel <br /> C.Hustor� �ssii�n�e ol said John Allan, to a cleed of s�id real est3te; Ido�v, therefore� I county <br /> traasurer oi' said county of Hall� in consideration of the nrer�ises anci the sum of fifty cents <br /> cash paid by grantee and 'r�y virtue, of the statutos of the State of ?douraska in such cases made • . <br /> ana �roviaed, c3o iiereby grant anci convay unto Samue 1 C.�.uston, his heirs and assigns, for.ever, <br /> tile said real estate herein��efore cisscri��ed subj°ct, ho�ever � to any redern�tion provided by la�v. <br /> �'iven uncler r:iy hand ancl official seal this loth clay of P,eceml�er A.D.1911. <br />' �Vitr.e ss (SEAI,} Theo P.Boehrz <br /> �a;T�rcl H.Paine � County Treasurer. <br /> St ate of i1e'aras�:a ( <br /> : ss <br /> �iall Coun�y. � On this 16th ciay of Pecer:�aer A.D. 1911, before me a �latary Public in <br /> anci for said Cbunty, personally a;�»eared th� ai�ova named Then P.�3oehm treasurer of saici 8ounty ' <br /> ;�ersonally knnwn to Me to ��e tha treasurer of saici County �t the date of the execution of the , <br /> fore�oin�g conveyance, ar_d to 'ue the idsntical y�erson vnc��se name is affixed to, ancl �rho executed <br />