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�T , __ <br /> . `?�7 <br /> �� <br /> D������1 � ° ��.�� � ���� � o � �C�� <br /> � � <br /> � <br /> � ��. � �� � .� <br /> � ! +his affiant �repareci a �otice �s �rovicied in section 11113 of Vol w of Cobbey' s Annata+ed <br /> ' Statutes �f idel�raska: That affiant has been u�on ancl investi�ated s�id �reraises and that no one <br /> is in nosse��ion or occu�ancy of such land : That Charles Slack �*ras the person in �rhose name <br /> � tne titla �o said ?and a;�pea�rs of recard in the register of deeds offica of said County: That <br /> affi�nt h�s r�ade diligent in��uir� and search and that said Charies S�.ack c�n not '�oe found in said <br /> '. Countys T:�at saict rerson last r_aMed is the per��n in ��hn�e name said nraperty was assesse�t and <br /> ' ta�ed for tlle years statect above ar.d also the years s,?b�ec�uent thereto. <br /> � That upon tY�e llth ciay of October 1910 the said John Allan c�ho �vas the purchaser of s2�id <br /> tax certificate sold assigned and transf�red the same for a valiiable consirleration �s set out in <br /> the !vrittan enclorsement tiiereon to this affiant, to-:vit Samusl C.Htzstion r�ho is now the owner and <br /> holder thereaf. of �vhich a copy is hereto att ached and made a �art hereof as "Exhibit R" unon <br /> ' said by leaving said notice to him nersonally in said Courity. <br /> That n�tice as 'qy law proviaed of the expiration of the time of redemption from said Tax <br /> ` Sale and th3t a tax deea :vill be apnlied for �;y thi:s affiant can not be macie. unon said Charles <br /> ' ' Slack in saia �iall County, :herefore this affiant will r�u'plish saic� notice in the Cairo Recoxds <br /> a newsnan�r Published in �aid County and having �eneral circulation +,here�in, �nd will attach the ' <br /> ':, r.raof of pu'olication :�ereto as "Exhi'uit I�" . <br /> D�t,,ec2 d+ �',rwncl Islanci, Hall County, 'r1e'araska, ±his lOth day of �lay, 1911 . <br /> S�r�uel C.Huston <br /> � Subscribecl in my preaence ancl s-r�orn to 'pefore me thia u�y and year last above �vrittsn. <br /> �SEA.L) Ra�rarcl �i.Paine <br /> iafy comr,ii�sion expires IJov� 10, 1916. Notary Pu lic . <br /> -"�`x�i i�it A"- - - - - <br /> County Sreasure-r' s Certificate of Tax Sala . <br /> �The State of i1e'araska ( Tdo 7169 <br /> } .._ <br /> : :a� <br /> Hall County. ( I, Theo P.Aoehr� Treasurer of +he Cour.ty of Hall� in the State of <br /> ': :learasYa, ao hexeby certify tnat the fol:LOwin� described Real Estate in said County and State, <br /> ' �o-tivit :- Lots Thirte�n (13), Fifteen (15), and Sev�ntaen (17) in Block Fourteen (14) of Scarff's <br /> � <br /> !! Aciclition to i�est La�+�r� in �rand Island, vebraska. was on� �he ?8" day of August A.r.1909 dul;r sold <br /> ' by rne in the manne� �rovided by 1aw, � at Pr ivate Sale at the Count� Treasurer' s off ice in rrand <br /> � Islanc� i1ei,�raska, such real estate havin�� �een nreviously offered 3t �ublic sal� bu� not sold <br /> , �'or �ran� of 'aidu.ers, for t�ie delin�uent t�xes the year 190'7 upon tile above descr i'raecl property <br /> ' amounting �0 78/100 P,CLLAr�S, includin� interest a:�d �enalt�T '-.lereon, ana the eostQ al].owed by la�v <br /> • to John Allan for the sum of One & 70/100 DCLT�ARS, he 'qein� the highest and oest 'pidcier for the <br /> same . And i further certify� th�t unless reder�;�tion is made of said Real Estate in tha manner <br /> z�roviaed by lav�, the said John Allan, his heirs or assigns ;hrill be entitled to a cteed tizerefor <br /> on arld after the 29" clay of August A.D.1911 on �urrender of ;his cartificate� �rovided the law as <br /> . r:lade in such cases h�s l�een compliecl �vitn. <br /> � In 7Pitnoss 7Phereof, I have hereunto set my hand this 28" day of August A.D.1909. <br /> Theo P.flaehm <br /> , � 1. 70 (SEAL) Treasurar of H�1 Courty, � tate o ��el�raska. <br /> '�'°`" <br /> ' Aav by Apr 1-11 F3 n.Z.Harrison Ds ��tv. <br /> � see� endorser�ent ar. bac <br /> �'xrand Island, Neb� Oct, 11, 1910. <br /> For ana in consideration of Five 00/1�0 Dollars, to me in hand ��id, I hereUy sell, assi�r� <br /> ' transfer ancl �et over to Samuel C.Huston of Hall C�unty, J�1el�raska, all my right, title ancl inter- <br /> � ' e�t in anci to the within certificate ancl ;hs real estata +herein described� and also to the tax <br /> recei;�ts attached hereto. Nitness my hand �he uay and year last abov� written. <br /> 7�itnogs: <br /> , � L.r.Allan _Jahn Allan_ <br />