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v} (� <br /> ...a��;'�� <br /> ` � ������,���' �������' � J D ��_�(y � � � ,V�(�, � � � <br /> �_�_�'� , �_'_�U��� -I � �N/ J ._� �J ,'. <br /> .. '___ --"_'_ _........... -.__ _'__''�____-_"_ ... . .. --_. .._. _. __."_._.- _ _ <br /> _.�_ ...., ._ .. _. _.. . <br /> 5428�-Sfate 7ournal Com�an•, �lui�k BooL- :l3akers, S�atioueire and Piin�ei � -- ` ---�— <br />— --- i y __,:— -:..____ ��• ��cs�:ffs�. _ . __ ___-- __e._�__ �___ - <br /> __ _�—;� -�__ _. _ _ _ ---- -----._�._� <br /> J__.__._ ...: __. ---=---�---------:_._-._____�_._, <br /> TREASiTP�ER'S TAd DEED. �� <br /> ,� � <br /> �:NOr� ALL h4E11 Fs� T��F.SE PRESENTS : THAT �HE;EAS, at a public sale of real estate for the non- :; <br /> nayment of ta�ces in the county of Hail on the lst day of N�vem'per� A.D. 1909, the followin� � <br /> a�scri�ed real estate situate in said county, to-�rit : <br /> Lot Twelve (12) in Flock Six (o) of iJniv�rsity Plaee ; ar�s sold to Qtto Ott, f�r the ds?in- " <br /> ciuent taxes fox the years 1906, 1907 t� 190£i; Lots C:ne (1) and Three (3} in �1ock Fifteen (15) ;' <br /> of Univarsity Place; 4�rere sold to Ctto Ott for the aelin.r.iuent +axes fc�r the 1�01 to 1Q08; ', <br /> Lot T;SO �?) in Rlac}; Six (o) in L�niversity Place; was sold to Otto Ott for cielinquent Taxes fori' <br /> the ye�rs 1900, 19G7 anci 1°08 ; Lots ltine (9} and Eleven (11) in I31c�ck Ten (10} of University <br /> Place; ;vere sold t� Otto Ctt for delinquent taxea for the years 19Q6, 1907 and 1908 ; <br /> Lot� five (5}� seven (7) and nine (9) in Block five (5} of Scarff ' s Aciclition to �Pe�t Lawn �rand <br /> Island: Yrere sold to Otto Ctt for the y�axs 190r and 1908 for delinnuent taxes; , <br /> All of the above describea lanci lying and 'uein� in the City of �rand Istand, Hall County, <br /> �de�rasha, and �JHEREAS, tiie sar�e not having been redeemed i-rom such sales� and it a�nearing that '; � <br /> I� <br /> the holder of t'ne cer�ificate of nurci�.ase _ of said real estate has coranlied �rith the la�rs of ths � , <br />! atate of .3e�raska necessar�r �� entitle Otto Ott, to a deed of said real estate: �I <br /> i1GiP, THE�FCRE� I count;� treasurer of said counts,T of Hall, in considsration of the nrer�ise� <br /> � <br /> and the sum of fifty cents casn paid b;* �rantee and by virtuo nf the statutes of the State of <br /> 2;�u-raska in such cases nlade ar�c,. nroviaecl, cio here'ay grar.t and cc�nvay urto Qtto Ot�, his heirs. ',; � <br /> and assigns, forever, ti:e saici real estate ne-reinbefore uescribec� ho�rev�r, to any rademption 'j <br /> provided 'ay la�. <br /> riven uncler my hand and official seal this 16th day of Decer�lber, A.r.1911. <br /> NITi�tESS : (SEAL} 6o Tr,eo P.Roehr� <br /> Ba;rard H.p�ine . �'��' �(.o�unty Treasurer. <br /> State of Ne�raska � ' <br /> : �� <br /> i3a11 County. ( On this 16th day of Decer�ber, A.�. 1Q11 before me a Not�ry Public � <br /> in a.nd for saicl C�unty, personally a;�peareci the abocs named Theo P.Boehm, treasurer nf said coun�ty <br /> �e-rsonally ._ �cnown to me to be thQ treasurer of said county, at the date of the execution of the� � , <br /> foregoin� convQyance, anci to 1�e the identical �erson Mrhose nar�e is affixed ta, and bvho executed ' <br /> said conveyance as +r°asurer of said count;y, and ackno�rleclged the execution of the sa:�le to be � <br /> nis valuntary act and deecl as treasu�or of sa�d county for tne �uxpc�ses therein exnressed. � <br /> �litness r.iy l:and official seal t:.e �:ay and fear last a'c�ove a,rritten. , <br /> (S�AL) Fay�'ci �i.Paine ' <br /> 7�1y cornmission expires Nov 10, 1910. Notary F�ublic. � <br /> �,, <br /> Filed for rAcord Decer�i�er 19, 1911 at 2 0' clock P.��. �j , � <br /> �,.'"�%�� _ <br /> Register o Deeds <br /> -o-o-o-fl-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o -o-o-o-o-o-o-� <br /> �, <br /> ,� <br /> "�°� AFFII�AVTT CF ASSI�21EE C3F PtJP�CHASER F(�'R A TAX DEEn. i <br /> � <br /> Stat� of ';ebraska � <br /> � Q5 <br /> . <br /> County of Hall ( SaMUel C.Huston being first duly sworn, depose� and says thut John <br /> Allan Yras the purchaser of Lots thirtean (13) fifteen (15) ancl sever�teQn (17) in �lock 14 of <br /> Scarff� s Addi+ion t� PTest Lavrn an Addition +o the City of irand Island, Hall Colznty, Nebraska, ,�,,,^' <br /> that he �ade such �urch�se �t a Priv�te tax sale m�de in pursuance of law, by the Trea�urer of saij�d <br /> County at his office in the Court ��ousQ, in said County u7�on the 28th day of August 1909, said <br /> , <br /> purchase '�ein� eviderced '�y Tax Sale i1o . 7109_: That said tax certificate �Nas iseued for the <br /> deliniuent taxes �ssessec� anc2 taxed against the property above deseribed for the years 190'7 <br /> That said tax cert if icat a is a}t ached heret o and macie a ?�art hereof and marke d "ExhiG�it A" : �� � <br /> � <br /> That The said purchaqer or this affiant has Paid all taxes subsequent to the above �ears and now !'� <br /> holas Cc�unty Treasu-rer � s receir.ts therefor: That more than three months ancl less than five , <br /> rLor�ns ��efore the tirne o� red�r:?-_1tion of said tux certificate had e�ired or tax deed a�t�lied for '� <br /> ;i <br /> il <br />� � � <br />