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� ?�� <br /> � � <br />� � I � ������' ���''�� � ��� � � � �C� <br /> I _�_� _ J_� �_��J��_� _� ��� _� �� <br /> -� .�- _ __ - _ __ ___ _ _._ _ ___ -:_= N __ _ <br /> __._ __ . _ __ ____ _ __ . <br /> __ _�__ _ _ __ __ __ <br /> ^ � ; �ublishect in said county ancl havin� ��neral circulation tiierein ancl attacheci proof of publicatio� <br /> hare to as "Exhibi� �" and �nakea tha same a nart hereof, <br /> Dated a� �,rand Isl�nd, Hall County, TTe��r�ska tnis 18th day of necer.i'�er 1911. <br /> �+,to Ct� <br /> ; Su��sc-ribed in My �resence and stixrorn to before me this - �a�� snd year last above :�rritten <br /> - (SFAL) Ra�ard ii.Paine � <br /> iYly car:r�issi��n expires �3ov 10, 1916. _ 1•To+,ary Public. <br /> Coun�;y Treasurer' s Ce-rtificate of Tax Sale "ExhiY��t':An <br /> The Sta�e of �dQ'uraska � ?10, i 18? A_ <br /> :as <br /> tlall County ( I; Theo P.Roehm, Tre�surer of the County of Hall� in the State <br /> af i�e'r�raska, do herek�y c�r�ify tnat +ize follot�in� clescri��eci neal �s+ate in said County, a�Q State <br /> to-�*rit :- . L�ts Five (5) Seven (7) �.ncl 21ine (9} in }31oe1.: rive �5) of -Seari'f' s Adcti±ic�n to Aest <br /> Lawn, in �rancl Island, �Jras on the lst cia�T of 11OVPI:i'�er 1909, duly sold by me in the rnanner prov- <br /> II ideci 'by 1a�v, at Publi.� Sale at the County Treasurer � s office in rrand Island, ?debrask� for the <br /> ; delinc7uent t3:�ss the years 1907 and 1908 u��on �-he above ciescri'aecl nronerty amountin� to One & <br /> , I <br /> 70�100 DCLLArtS, including in�e•rest ar.d penalty t:ieraor� anc� the c�sts allflwed l�y laur to Ctto Ctt <br /> for the sum of iVJO �• °5�100 DCLLARS ne �ein� ti.° hi�hest and 'aest bidcier for the same . <br /> And i furtl�er certify ��:at unless rec�emrti�n is rnacie of said Real Estate in the manner prov- <br /> ' iaed 'py laUv, the said Ctto Ctt , his heirs or assi�ns �rill be en�itled `o a cteeci therefor on anc� <br /> , aater ;hQ ?" �iay of :dove:�b�r A.D. l�ll, an �u-rrenQar of this certifi�ats �rovicled the la� as :nade <br /> in �uch cases has boen co�plied �vith. <br /> In `rJitness ;�n�reof I have hereunto set my hand tliis 1" da�T of ilover:i'��r A.D.1909. <br /> Theo P.�oehm <br /> (SEAL} Tra,asurer of Ha?1 County, State of P��uraska. <br /> :�2 .95 <br /> ' By �.7.,.Harrisan Der�uty. <br /> id�TICE dF PI;�3I,TCA�IC2� "Ex'r:ii�it n" <br /> 7d .H.n�ly being fizst duiy �a�rorn denoses anu. states t�:�.t he is t:�e pu'c�lisher of the Cairo <br /> Record, � �veekly �:ev�s�apar publisheu a± Cairo, t�all County, ?veUraska, and that the ].egal notico <br /> a tiue co��y of vrhich is a+tached, �vas published in said �aner far � �eriod of three �rreeks, tne <br /> ' first pubiicati�n ��eing on the 13ti� ciay of .7uly, 1911� anct the last �ublication beir.g on f,he 2"�th <br /> ,, day of .Tuly, i911 <br /> �J.H.naly ' <br /> , � <br /> Sur�scri'aaci to in my presence anu sworn to before� this ti"th day of July, 1911. <br /> � �S.AL) Flliott '�axrison <br /> ' i:iy camr:lission expires iv�v lo, 1916. �' idotary Public . <br /> Tdot iCe of Tax Sale Redempt ion. <br /> ' T� E�ma .7.�icha.el, to F..J.2dichael : <br /> You and each of you are 11ere'oy notified that upon the lst c�ay �f November, 1909, Ctto Ott <br /> ' purchasec�, at �ublic tax sale of the county treasurer of Hall �ounty, tlebraska, at his office in <br /> tha court house in saicl county, the fol].owin� clescri'r�ecl real estate, to--Nit:- Lots 5, 7, and 9, of <br /> , Block (5) of Scarff� s addition to �est La�tn an addition to rxand Island, Hall County, :debr�sYa, <br /> for aalinquent taxes for thc� years 1907 and 1908 T�vhich were taxed and assessed for thQ years 1907, <br /> ; 1908, 19p9 1910 in the nar�e of �.J.��dichael but tnat ths record title stands in the office of <br /> ' the re�ister of c�eeds aa Fmma J.i�iichael . Tdo one is occu?�ant or in �ossession of said prer�ises. ' <br /> , <br /> The undarsi�ned has �aid 311 of the clelinquent taves as subsequent to his original sale and <br /> , <br /> jis no� the owner an1 ho?d9r there�f . You are hereby notifisd that the time of redemt�tion <br /> � f-rom said tax sale :�ri11 exnire with the lst day of llovember, i911, and that after the expira�ion <br /> of thres months or more from the date af tho serviceof this not ice the t�ndersigneci .�rill a»�ly to <br /> the county �reasurer for a tax deed for the said nremisas . � Certificate No . 7182 <br />', , . n <br /> Otto Ott Purchaser. <br /> � <br />� ,� - ---- <br />