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��� <br /> �.,_. <br /> � v� � � <br /> , � - <br /> � D �_�o��/ ���/�� - C I <br /> �. J��i ' , 1 ��ry� � {' <br /> � � � �J���\Y./ tii//I��� _7 .�`a'/ NJ - _j.. ._ Jn\ . <br /> ti�J <br /> _ _.__. _ ._ _ –- _. _.— -_ - ---_ __ _ _� — � —_ — <br /> _ —+S$�$$--�f&fe 7onrnaI"ZTompany, Illeink Boo�:1�akers, Stat�oacrs a$II PrinterS� Llncaln� 1Q0b. _' — .�'� _. _ _ —"� . _�.�. —___" � <br /> Record , � weakly neMrspaper Publishecl �t C�iro� Ha11 Coiarty, I1ei;r3ska, and that ths legal notice�i <br /> a true co�y of �hich is attachec� ���as rublished in said paper for a Period of three w°eks, the <br /> iirst publication uaing on the 13th day of �7u1y, 1911� and the last nublication bein� on the , <br /> �i�tn a�iy of .TUly 1°11 <br /> ' _ 4`J .H.Daly � <br /> Subscribed in my presence ar�d �NOrn to before r�e this �7th ciay of July , l�ll. � ; <br /> (SEAL� Fllifltt Harrison <br /> ��y corLi:lission e�aires Tdov 16, l�lE. I�1o�tary Public . <br /> Pdotice of Tax Sale Rer�em�ti�n. <br /> To Anna R.Conistocka Cora H."eaton � Cor� Ela.cabeth Seatan: <br /> You anQ each of pnu are hereby notifiQd that u?�on the lst da� of ilove�ber 1�09, Otto Ctt <br /> �urchasecr at �iibiic tax sale of the county treasurer of Hall C�unty, I�Ie��raska, at his office in <br /> the court house in said county, the follorTin� ciescri'►�ed real estate to-�rit : Lats Nine (9} and <br /> Eleven (lI} of black ten (10) of iTr.zversity Place an aczdition to �rand IsZand Hall County, <br /> i�o'�rask2� for uelin�uQnt t�es f��r the yaers 190r�, 1907 ar.d 1908 v�hich c,rere taxecl assesseci in the;! <br /> r:ar:ia of Anna �.Comstock, for the year 190� �ncl for 1907 , 190£�, 190�, 1901 in the nar.te of Cora H. / <br /> Seuton�n t�rhose r,ar:e ancl_ehe n� Cora Elizabeth Seaton tlie r�cord title stands in the office <br /> of the re�,ister of deeas and that n� one is occunant or in Y�os�es:ion of sai�. nre�aises. <br /> The undersi�necl has paici all of thQ s�ici clelinquent t�xes subsec�uent to said tax sal° ancl is � <br /> '; <br /> � <br /> nov,t the c�tiFrner anc: holder t:�ereof. <br /> You are furth er noti�'iect tY�at the tir�ie of redet�ipt ion from saia tax sale ti�vill expire ,vith <br /> �hQ lst ciay oi 13over:��er , 1911 and tliat after tl�e ex�irP�tion of three montris or raare frorn the <br />;. ' :'.ate of the sarvice of this r_otice tlie unue�signau �uill app:Ly to the said County Treasurer for <br />� � a tax deQ�l for the �aid ��rer,iises . Certificate �10. '�'185 . <br /> 4 <br /> �%tto Ctt Puxchasor <br /> AF'FID?�VTT CiF PTT;;in�iASER F(%R A. TAX 1�E�D. <br /> State of .lebraska ( <br /> ::s <br /> Caunty of Hall ( G�to C�t �eing firfit auly sworn deposes and says th^t he was ';he <br /> purciiusor of L�ts Fiva �5 j Seven �r) ?;ire ��) in Flock Five �5) of Scarff� s Adc�ition to i�est'�' <br /> Larrn� in �ranu Islanci, na?1 County, I�e�:-r:ska, that he �ade such �urc"r.ase at a �u�alic ta� s�le <br /> i::acie in pursuancQ of law, (JV the Treasurer of said County, at his office in the Court House, ir. �- <br /> said County �,pon the lst day of Ilover•aber� 1.90°� saici ��urch�se ��ping evicienced by Tax Sale I1o. �' , <br /> r182 : saic� �ax certificate �avus iscued far the clelinryl�ent taxes assessed ar.�l ta�ed againsNt � � . <br /> �he �ro,:�erty �bove described for the years 1907 ar.d 1908. Tnat saicl tax certificate is ' <br /> a�tachecl hereto anci r:zaae a nart hereof �nd raarked "Exhibit A" : Tnat this aff iant has �aid a11' <br /> t�es su'r�seryuent to the a�;ove ysars anci now holds Cour_�;y T-re�surer' s receirts thexefor. <br /> That r�ora ±i'.ree mon�hs anci l�ssthan fivQ �onths Y�efore the time of reclemptian of said <br /> tax certificate had ex�ired or tax dsed an;�liecl for, this af�iant nre�nareci a r.otice as �roviciedi� <br /> in section 1111� of tirol. ? of Gobbey' s Anr.otated �tatu+es of iJebraska. That a���ant has been <br /> u_�on anc� investi�a�ed sa�cl premises anci th�t no one is in ry?os.��es�ion or oeeupaney of sueh land. �, <br /> That LMma J,2riichael .ras the �er�on ir. �vvhose na�e the title to said land a?�nears of recorc� in ! <br /> ��:e register of a�eas office of said Coun�y� Ti:at ��ffiant :nade diligent irquixy and ';� <br /> I <br /> � <br /> � search anQ that rr.�raa J.iviic7iael can not be founa ir. s�id Caunty, T:�at E.�T.1��iicha�l is the i' <br /> ipe�aon in �F,�nosa n�1e �aic� y�ro �ert �v�.s assess°d anci taxeci for the � - <br /> , � 1 Y years stated a�osTe ancl also <br /> I � <br /> ' tlie y�ars ��a-�ed in said t�x certiiicate, anci up to anci including ±he ;re�r 19:10 taxeS�,t : ,�;, <br /> � <br /> ; That not:ice as �� laE� ��roviaed uf the ex;airation of tha ti.�e of reclerription f�ora saia tax s�le ;i <br /> ( � � <br /> � and tnat a tax deed vrill ae a�?nlied for by this ai'fiant could not be made unon Fmma �T .Pdichaei: <br /> 1 �� in said Coun+y� �ne�.•eforo �.zis affiant ?�ublisheci said �otice ir. the Cairo Record, a netixrsrane�• <br /> , <br /> I i; <br />_ I �' <br /> il <br />