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_ _ _ __ <br /> ., _ �S;� <br /> ���.� <br /> ' � 1�J����� ����c�� � ���� � o � �C�� <br /> � _� � � � _� �� _� ,.� <br />�___ � —-__ __ —_ _ ___ __ ____ _ .__ __�_�__ _� ____-- <br /> ______ _ __ _ _ _____ ___ � —___ _—__^ ________ _____ <br /> ' of said County at hie office in ths Court House, in said County upon the lst day of 2dover�Uer <br /> 1909, said ;��chase 'r�eing evictenced by Tax Sale No. 7135 : That said taz certificate was <br /> issuea for the clelinojusn� taxes as�essed and taxed against +he property above described far the <br /> �Tear� 1Q0_6, 1907 and 1908 That said t� certificate i� att�ched hereto and r�acle a part <br /> ' hereof and marked " Exhibit A" ; That this affiant has raid all taxes subse�uent to the above <br /> years and notiv holds County Treasurer� s receipts therefor ar.d is the owner and holder thexeof. <br /> �Y�iat r�ore thar� three months and less than five months before the time of reder�ntion of said <br /> i tax certificate has exnired or tax deed appliad for, this affiant �re�ared a notice as provid°d <br /> ;; <br /> in section 11113 of �Jo1.2, of Cobbeyt s Annot�ted Statutes of Nebraska, and v,rent u�on and invest- <br /> " igated said nremi�es an<1 that no one «r�� in nos::ession or occupancy of such land hereina'oova <br /> '' descr ibed. <br /> ' That Cora H.Seaton ar.d Cora Elizabeth Seaton ;�ere the pPr�ons in who$e r.ames the <br /> '' title to sai�: land apneare of rec�rd in the register of Deeds of�'ice of said C�unty; T11at affia <br /> ," nt izas made clili�;ent innuiry ar.c3 search wnd that said Cora A.Seaton ana Cora Elizabeth Seaton <br /> !; can not be found in said county of Hall ; tY:at said persor� Cara H.Seaton is the person in �those <br /> ' a' name said r�nerty c�ras assessed �nci taxed for tl�e years 1907 1908 1909 and 1910; and that for <br /> n � > > <br /> the years 190n said pronerty was assQSSed ancl taxed in +he name of Anna R.Comstocky And that <br /> ! all of the taxes llerein ::�entioned ur.d all of the taxeg to this �flate un to and including the 1910 <br /> i:ave been �aid by this affiant who is the ovrner and holcier thereof. <br /> That notice as by law provided of the ex�iration of the ti�e of reaemp�ion from said Tax <br /> � Sale and that a tax �eed wc�?�ld be arPlied for �;y t i� af iant could not t.e r!made unon said Cor$ <br /> � � o-r.�,�.�,�w��������-.-��C. <br /> !; Fi.ueaton or the eaid Cora Elizabeth Seaton� in Hall County, +herefore t� affiant published� s�ich <br /> ! notice so pre�±ared in the Cairo Recorc�, a newsPaPer published in said1County, ana having gener- <br /> ' al circul�tion therein, arcl t' affiant ��.5� attached hereto t��e proof of such �ublication and <br /> " marked the same "Exhir�it �TM ar.d makes it a Part hereof, <br /> �ated at �r�nd Ia?and Hall �ounty, ilebraska this 18th uay of Decembar 1°11. <br /> C�t to G�t <br /> Subscri��ed in my nresence anc� sworn to Uefore me thi� 18+h day of DecemUer� 1911. <br /> (SEAL} Ra;�arcl H.Paine <br /> �.fy cnmmi�;sion e�mires I�1ov, 10 1916 `� Totary Public <br /> County Treasurer �s Cert if i cate of Tax Sale. <br /> "Exhibit A" <br /> ' The State of ileUraska ( i3o. 7185 <br /> , � <br /> :ss <br /> Hall County ( I, Theo P.Boehm, Treasurer of the County of Nall in the State of <br /> ' I3euraska, do here'oy eertify ti�at tr.e follor�in� descri'ped Real Estate in s�id County, and State <br /> to-�vit:- Lots 2�;ine (9� and Eleven (11) in F31ock Ten (10) of �Tniversity Place, was on the 1" day <br /> of iZover:�ber A.D., 1909 c:u1y sold by rfie in the r� Proviaed by law, at Pub�ic Sale at the <br /> ' County Trea�urer � s office in Grand Island, Nei;raska, for the cielinquent taxes the years 19Q6, <br /> 1907 and 1908 unon the above clescribed pro,�erty amounting to 65/100 DCLLARS, including interest <br /> ar.a renalty thereon, and the costs allowed by la�N to Ctto Ott for the sum af Gne & 85�1OG <br /> DCT�S��S, he bein� tY�e highest anci best bidcier for the sar:�e. And i further certify, tnat unless <br /> I' reciernption is made of saicl Real Fstate in ti�e manner �rovicled 'py law, the said Ct,to Ott, his <br /> ' heirs or assigns :frill be entitled ta a deed t�.°refor on and 3fter the 2" day of A1o�:rem.ber �'x.D. <br /> !'' l�ll, on surrencier of this certificate� ;�rovicied the lativ a.s made in such cases has been cor�plieci <br /> ' �rith. <br /> In 7�itnass N�ere�f I have hereunto set my liand th�s 1" day of ?•lovember A.P.1909 <br /> Theo P.Boehm <br /> ' (SEAL) ireasurer of Hall County, S+ate of i�?ebraska. <br /> ��1 .85 <br /> By R.L.Ha-rrison Denuty. <br /> ' NOTICE GF PiJBLICATICId. <br /> , , � . i. . - '� 'e <br /> �I.H.Daly ueing fii�t clulv s�vorn ueposes states that ne is +_he pu�,lisY�er of the Cuiro <br /> ,, <br /> �� ;. <br />