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��� <br /> � � � _ _� � _ � � <br /> �\�J�J���� ��'��;��'� 5_, �.fl�� ��Jo <br /> � J� _ J 1 <br /> ___ _, -_-______ _ _ __ _ _ __ _--��_ __ ____ _ _ _ _ _ <br /> � __ ___ _ �_� ^_ ___ _ _ __._ _ <br />_ 542Sg—State Journal Company, Blauk Book Tiakers, Stationers aud I�rinters, Linc�ln_ �eb_�,_._ __—�,,__ _.� ._.._.__ � _ _ _ _ _ <br /> -� .__...�_ ._ .�_--�_ _:-__ ___, , _. _,__ _., __ _�— - _.__.__ �.�—__—.�___.._.�_�__ <br /> ; <br /> Subscribed in :n.y presenr:e and s�vorn to befare me this 18th da� of December 1911. � <br /> � <br /> lSeal ) �ayard H.Paine <br /> :��iy comrnission exnires Nov 30, 191�, Notary Public ' <br /> � "E�iibit A" Coun�y. Treasurer � s Cer+,ificate of Tax Sale. <br /> No 7184 <br /> Tne State of PYebraska ( ' <br /> � �s <br /> hall County ( I, Theo P.�3oehm, Treas�er of the County of Hall, in the <br /> S'tate of ileuraska, cio hereby certify that the followin�g described Real Estate in said Coun�y� <br /> anci State tt:�-�ait:- Lot Two (2} ir. Rl�ck 5ix ��) of itniversity Pl�ce was on the 1" day of <br /> Tdovember A.D.7.909 c�uly sold by me in the manner nrovided ��y l��v, at P?�b1ic �ale at the County <br /> Treasurer office in Xrand Island, T?ebraska, for the delinnuent taxe� the years 190G, 190'7 and <br /> 1°G8 u��on tlie abovQ ciescribecl r�ronerty amounting to 12�100 P�LLAFS, incl�?ding interest and pen- <br /> wl�y t'r:ereon, ancl the costs allowed by law to Ctto att for the sum of Cne & 1v�100. DCLL�.RS, he ; <br /> bein� the hi�hest and �pest bidder for the sar:�e . And i fuxther certify that unlass redemption ��' <br /> is rnade of s3id Real Es�ate in fhe r:�anner �rovided l�y la�v, the said Ctto Ctt, his heirs or as�i�n� <br /> �ti�ill bQ entitled +o � deed therefor, on ar.d after the 2" ciay of P1oveM'�er A.D.1J11 on surrender of <br /> certif icate, nrovicied tlle law as made in such cases has been complied i�rith. ' <br /> In ;�itness �'dhereof, I have hereunto set my hand this 1" da� of Alover�l�er A.D. 1909. <br /> Theo P.Boehm <br /> ' �1 •16 (S�AL} Treasuxer of� Ha 1 oun�ty, �tate of P3ebrasl:a. , <br /> By R.L.Harrison Deputy. <br /> T30TICE GF PTJBLICATIaN " Exhibit �" <br /> 7J .H.Daly being firs+ duly s�NOrn deposes anci s�ata� tl�at h� is the pubiisher of The Cairo <br /> P.eec�rd, a weekly newspaner publishecl at Cairo� Hall County, 2�1eM�raska, anci that the legal notiee <br /> a true copy of �rhich is attacnec�, was �au'�iished in said narer far a �eriod of three wesks, the <br /> first �ublication ��ein� on the 13th clay of July, 1�11 and the last ;aublication bein� on the 27th � <br /> day of July, 1�11. <br /> A .H.Pal , <br /> Su�,scribed +o in niy Presence an� �4*rorn to before �e this ?7�h clay of July 1911. ' <br /> �Sx,AL) Elliott Harrison ' <br /> i�.y cornr,iis;ion exnires �1ov 16, 1916 � �?otary Plzblic. � <br /> No±i ce of Tax Sale Reder:���t ion. � <br /> To Ella J .Gi�son, Ella J ,xibson: You and each of you are rereby not if ied t hat upon the lst!' <br /> da�T of Tdover���er � 1909 �tto �tt nur^}�ased at nublic tax sale of the County Treasurer of Hall Count�r <br /> . � <br /> ��E�raska, at his office in the court house in said County, tlie fol�owing described real estate <br /> to-wit :- Lot T�ro (?) af Block Six (�) of iJniversity Place acldition to rr�.nd I�land, Ha?1 County <br /> i'e�raska, for delin�uent taxes for the years 190G, 1J07 and 1Q08 tivhiah were taxed and assesseci ' � <br /> far the years 1908 1909 ar.d 1910 in the na.�^�e of Ella.?.Gi'oson and fos the years 1Q05 and 1907 in <br /> the narle of Ella J.�ilson anci in ;�hose name the record title stands in the office of the re�ister <br /> of deecls and that no one is occunant or in Possessian of said �remises. The talcivr�igned has pai� <br /> all of the c�elin_r;uent tal�s su'osequent to this sale anci is the oti*rner and holder tl�ereof. <br /> , <br /> You axe furtr�er n�tified ���at the tir�e of redemptian from said tax sale v,rill exPire �rrith <br />� the lst c�ay of Tdovor.�ber 1°11, and that after the expiration of three month� or more from the date'! <br /> of the service of tnis notice tne undersi�neci will anply to the said County Treasurer for a tax ' ' <br />+' deed for the said �rem,ises. Certificate No. 7184. ';� <br /> ;: <br /> atto Ctt, Purchaser . <br /> AFFI�lAVIi CF PLtiCF#E4:E F(?P� A TAX I)rT'D. <br /> State of Tde�;rasYa � <br /> ' :ss <br /> County of Hall ( Otto Ott, bein� first cluly st��orry deposes and says that he was the <br /> purciiaser of Lots nino �9) and eleven (11) in �lock ten �10} of T?ni�rer�ity Place� rrand Island <br /> 2�;e�r . t��at he made ' x e � <br /> such �urchase at a puplic ta sal ra3de in nur�uance of la�v by the Treasurer <br />_ ; '�i , <br />