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� ?� �_ <br /> ���J�j�� J � LJJ'U�� � �LU�l�S`� �l V � � ���t� <br /> , � � J �� J \� <br /> . __.-� .. . _._., ._,. _..___ - '____-- <br />�.-.'_ ....,,..._�_....____�__�_�_ . ' .- . _ .. . _-_ _'____ _'_.- ...__ .-__ ._._... _.__"- _ . _ -._-. _... ..__-_,__. <br /> .-s:-'_'".._..-:-= ._ _ ._..._"'.._.. . <br /> manner� by la��v, � �� Private Sale �t tr.e County 't'reasurer �s office in rrancl Islanc� Nebras- <br /> ka, stzch real estate havin� beer. rreviously offerecl at public sale but not sold for �ant of 'oid- <br /> ' ders, for t:e cielinruent taxes for the years 1893 to 1900 Inclusive uron same a�ounting jo Five <br /> ' and 61� DCLI�ARS, inciudin� interest ar.d penalty tl�e-reon, ana the co�ts alloweci by la� to Hall <br /> County, i�1e'�raska� for the sum of �ix and 11/ Poll�.ra, it being the highest and best bidders, for <br /> ' the same. And i furtrer certify, that unless reciemntion is made of said Real Fstate in the <br /> ` r;ianner provicleu by lavr, the said Nall County, Iv'e%raska, or assigns will be entitled to a deed <br /> therefor on ard after the 16 day of July A.D.190� , on �urranaer of this certificate, �rovided <br /> tiie la�r as r�acie, in such cases has been complied wit7�. <br /> - In ��Jitneas �7i:ereof� I have hereunto set my hand this 15 day of July A.D.1901. <br /> I <br /> � 6.� �Tohn Th�nissen� � <br /> Treasurer of Hall County, State of Tye'araska. <br /> In consicleration of the �ay�ent of �5 .95, The Gounty of Hall, hereby assigr.s all its rigr�t, <br /> ' title and interest in and to the witYiin certific�te of tax sale to Otto Gtt, By order of the <br /> ,' Board of Su;�ervisors of Hall County, Ne'�raska, ciated �lay u0th, 1�01. <br /> , . Signed t�iis 1 day of Nov 1909 <br /> Chairman oard of Supervisors . <br /> County Clerk. <br /> AFFIDA�TIT OF Pi1RCHASE F41� A TAX DEED. <br /> State of Tdebraska ( <br /> :ss <br /> ' County of Hall ( Ctto 4tt, ueing first duly sworn, deposea anc� says that he vr�s the <br /> purcha�er �f I�ot tt�to (�) in Block Six (6) of ilniver�ity Place, �'rand Island, Hall County, Ne3�- <br /> ! xaska that he m�cie sueh purchase at a public tax sale made in r,ursuance of law by the Treasurer <br /> of said C�ur.ty at his office in the Court House, in said County upon the lst day of Plovember <br /> 1909, s�id purchase '�aeing evicienced by Tax Sale `10:7184 ; That said tax certificate was issued <br /> � fox the delinquent taxes assessed ar.d taxed agair.�t tize �roperty a�ove clescribed for the years <br /> 1906, 1907 anci 1908. That s�id tax certificate is attached hereto and Made a ;�art r:ereof <br /> ar.d marked " Exhibit A" ; That this affiant has naid all taxes subsec�uent to the above years <br /> ar.d no;� holds County Treasurerts receipts therefor anci is the owner and holder thereof. <br /> • ThVJ mQre than three months and lessthan five months ►�efore the time of redenntion of saici <br /> tax certificate has exr>ired or taa deed �annliect for, this affiant prenared a notice as rrovided <br /> , in section i1113 of Vol. 2 of Cobbey' s Annotated Statutes of r��ebraska, and went unon and invest- <br /> ��ated said ;�remises ar.d that no one �Nas in �ossession or occuP�ncy of such land riereinabove <br /> deseribed. Thut Ella J.Gilson .vas the rerson in dvhose r.ame the title to said land appears <br /> of recorcl in tne register of deeds office of �aid County; That affiant has macie diligent inqu- <br /> iry and search ar.d that said Ella J.rilson can not be found in said County of Hall, t.iat said <br /> ,���'-�'� <br /> nerson last named is the person in wr.ose name said property �ras as�essed for the year� 1a05� <br /> - Qe� <br /> i906; and that for the years 1908, 1909 and 1910 �aid �roperty �1as assessed and taxed in the <br /> � <br /> name of E11a J.G�b�on, that all of the taxes herein r.:entioned and a11 of the taxe� to this <br /> date up to and in<,luding the 1�10 taxes have been j�aid r�y this affi�nt �vho is the ov�ner and <br /> holder thereof . <br /> That notice as by lat� nrovicied of the expiration of the time of recier:lption from <br /> � s�,id Tax Sale and that a tax deed,��oulsl be applied for by this affiant could not i�e made t�pon <br /> �aid Ella J .ri�son or upon the said Ella J.ii�sor� in Hall County, tnerefore t�iis affiant pub- <br /> lisred stzch notice so ;�renarecl ir_ the Cairo Record, a ne�vsnaper published in said nall County, <br /> �nd having �en�ral circulation therein; and that affiar.t has attached hereto the nroof of stzch <br /> 1 ?�uk�lication anci r�axkecl the sar,�e "F.xhibit A" ancl makes it a �art hereof. <br /> ,���"�f <br /> D�tecl at rrand Islar�d���lebrask� thie 18th ctay of December, 1911. <br /> , � <br /> �t to Ott <br /> � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> i� <br />