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���� <br /> � � , ' <br /> � ��_���' i��> > � '�������1 �����; �����o <br /> , <br /> __ ------ .--=---_- _ - -_ -- -- - - —-- <br /> ---_ _ �. -_ -- __ __ ___ _ _ <br /> "�"-'" ����$���-StatO Journal��Contpany, Bliit�k�SOOk Makeis, Stationere and Piinters,. LincoTu, Neb. � �� �� ����"� "- �� ���-�"�� � - �`��"�' `�"�"-'�i-- � � '—"--"`�-'�""— <br /> ..___�_ -._ _. _..-:"._-..-- _ . ... .. . .. . . . <br /> .._.. .....__. _..-.-._ . �._.. ..___. ._. ... __._.._..._...--.__.._____..�_�—..._.__ <br /> Countl Treasurer' s C�rtiflcate of Tax �ale . "Exhibit A" Y <br /> Tne State of Plebraska � iJo. 71$7 <br /> : ss <br /> Ha11 County. ( I, Theo P.Boehm, Tre�surer of the County of Nal1, in the State of ' <br /> i�euras�a, c�o hereGly certify tl�at trie following describeG Real Estate in saict County and State, <br /> to-cvit :- L•ots Cne (1) and Three (3) in Rlock Fifteen (15 } of 1?niversity Place Nas on the 1" <br /> day of `,iover:�'r�er A.r.1.909 duly �ald by rne in the manner �rovidec� b�� lati�r, at Public Sale at the <br /> County Treasurer' s office in iranci Isiand, Ttei,raska� fnr +,he delin^!uent ta..xes the years 19�1 to <br /> � <br /> 1908 inc;ltzsive, u��on the above describeci �roperty ar.iounting to One FY '�'3�100 DCLI,A�.S, ir_cluding <br /> . <br /> in7,e-rest and nenalty t'risreon, and ��ie costs allowed by law to C+�;o ntt for the sum of Four & 83�1p0 <br /> ' <br /> DCI,L�'�S, he k�eir.g tne hi�hest anci Uest bidcler for the same. Ancl I further eertify, tha:�� urless' <br /> recien.�ation is �:ade of ��icl Feal Fstate ir� trie r�anner provicled k�y law, the said Gtto C+,+,, his heir�� <br /> , <br /> c�r �,ssi�ns vrill be Qr.titled to a tieed ti�_erefor �n �nci :fter the �" clay of November A.D.1911 on <br /> surxer.cier of this certific�te, provided the law as made in �uch cases has been com�lied with. ' <br /> Tn iJitness �hereaf, I have r:ereunto set r�.y hand this 1" day of T1oveM'aer A.P.1909. <br /> Theo P.Boehm <br /> (:i AL) Treasurer of �Hall Coun�y, �State of PJebraska. � <br /> `�p4 .83_.____.. BY R.L.harri�on De���ty <br /> NCTICE CF I'TIRLICATI4N. " Exhiuit B" <br /> �1 .�?.Daly being first duly s�rorn clenoses anci states that he is the publisher of the Cairiio � <br /> F.eeorcl� a ��eekly newsp�?�er pu'c�lishad at Cai�o, Hall County, 2�ebraska, ar.d the legal notiee ; <br /> a true copy af ��liich is attacr.ea , was published in said �?a,�er for a �eriod of three �reeks, +he <br /> first �ul�lication ��eing on �ne 13th clay of July� i911, �.r�d tY��e last �ublication �,eing on the 2�th; day <br /> of July 1911� <br /> r7.�f3.DalY_..� <br /> aui�scri��e�r. ray rresence ar.d stiJOrn to _bef�xe r�e this 27tii �.ay of July, 1911. <br /> n <br /> (�EAL) Elliott�har.ri�on '' <br /> ���iy commissi on ex�ires T;ov 16, 1916 � '"'�l!,otary Public <br /> ilotice of Tax Sale Redempt ion. <br /> To Emma Janes, S.ini.Fetersen Est�te, �.��.Pedersen Estate, to the unknawn heirs of s�id c.?S. <br /> Peteraen: You and each of yc�u are hereby notified that uron the �st day of ATovember 190�! <br /> OttQ Ctt purchasea at public tax sale of the County Treasw�sr of Hall County, Nebraska, at his . <br /> office in �;he cour. t h�use 3.n said cour.ty, the fol�owing �escribed real estate, to-wit :- <br /> Lots Gne (1) and Tr:ree (3) of Ulock fifteen (15) of ilniversity Plac� an Addition to �r�nc�� <br /> � <br /> Island, Hall County, I1�braska, for u.elin�-±uent taxes for tlie years 1901 to 1908 inclusive tivhich � . <br /> '„ <br /> r�e-re taxed anct asse�secl fnr the gears 1901, 190r in the r.ame of S.M.Petersen es+ate, and for ' <br /> tl;e pears 190� arLd 190.4 in the name of �.I�4.Peaersen estate� arld far the years 1905 to � 910 inclu�+- <br /> - <br /> iva in the narie of Emrla Janss in ��hose�a�e +he record title stands in the office of the regi�ter� <br /> of �eecis arc: no � ,� o e 'on of ' Y�r <br /> n e i s o c c u a n t o r i n n s s s s�. s a i a e m i s�s. <br /> Tr:e unciersigneu n�s naid all t�� :t�e .eaid delinquent taxes subsequent to said certificate and <br /> is r:or�r the ojvner an�i holaer thereof. You ase notifiQd that the tirne of reder��tion ' � <br /> �rom said tax sale �vill e:�pire v�rith the lst day of Plover�ber 1911, anc� that �fter the e�iration <br /> of tl,ree �?onths or :zore from the ciate of the service of. �his natice +,he�in��ersi�ned ni11 annly �� : <br /> t <br />, to tne said county treasurer for a ta.� deed for tl'ie said _r,remis�� . Certificate A?o. 71$7. <br /> Ctto Utt Pl�rchaser <br /> Caunty Treasurer' s Certific�te of Tax Sale. No 448 <br /> . �'he State of i�;ei�rask� t <br /> :ss , <br /> nall Co��nty ( I, ..TOhn Thomsser� Txeasurer of t,he cour.ty of Ha11 in the �tate <br /> of ide�:;�raska, do he-reLy certify tliat tl:e follai�ring aescri�ecl �eal Fsta+e in said County and State ' � <br /> to-;Frit : Lots Or_e �1) and Three (3) in Black Fifteen (15} in ilniversity Place an Adc�ition to <br /> the C1 Of � *� , � r , � <br /> ty .�ranc� Islanci, lver�raska �ras or� the 15 day o� J�ly �,.D.�.SO1, duly sold by me in the <br />. , !i <br />