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_ `?7� <br /> �"�-; <br /> ��j��j� '�� L���j'( � � ��lN JJ� �V � � ��� <br /> , �� .��-. �J����..J�J J �� J � <br /> '- __. . ___._ ._',_ _ _ - _ __ __.- ____ ____ <br />�_i- .': ..._..-T . . _ __".-' .-'. .__ ._...._ .-.. __ ._ _. ._ ..-- . __. . _. ... ___. ..�._ _.-..� <br /> '__ _.. . , _ .,.__ ....._ <br /> ...... .__._ _.. . __. <br />�_-T- . . ..... ..__.. .. ._. ...._. .. � - . _ . ... <br />, _'_-__ '_. _ _- __�-�__` _.�, '._ _'_ ' ___'--- -....___ ._._ __ ._-- <br /> ; Nabraska, at his office in. the court house in said County, the following aescribed real est�te <br /> to-v�i • r <br /> t . I}ot t�velva 12 of bloek six 6 of ilniversit PTace an Aadition to srand Island <br /> tv f ) ( ) y <br />� � <br /> �iall County, Nel�raska, for delinquent ta�e� f�r the years 1900, 19Q7 ?9J8, which �vere taxed and <br /> asse�sed for sais years and for the year I909 in the name of Bertha J.Smith and for the year 1°10 <br /> in the name of A.J.Shaw but the record title stancis in the office of the register of deeds in the <br /> , n:�me of Ber�ha J.Smith, No one is occupant or in po�se�sion of said nremises. The undersi�ned <br /> has �aid all of the said cielinquent taxes sub£�:quent to said certificate and is now the owner <br /> and holder thereof. <br /> You are furt�er notifiecl that the time of re'emption from said �ax sale �vill <br /> . <br /> expire �rith the lst day of �lovern'r�er 1911� and that after the expiration of three months or more <br /> ! from the date of the service of this notice the unc�ersi�ned will apply to the said County Treas- <br /> urer for a tax cleed for the said �rer�isas. Certificate No . 7186 � <br /> Otto �t+, Purchaser . - <br /> AFFIDAVTT �F PT7�',CHA_�E FGR A TAX DEED. <br /> StatQ of PIebraska ( <br /> � :ss <br /> Ccunty of Hall ( Otto Ott, being first �luly sarorr� deposes and e�ays that he was the <br /> �urchaser of Lots one (1) and three (3) in Alock fifteen (15} of University Place, �-rand Island <br /> '� ivebr, that he macle such purchase at a rublic tax sale made in pursuance of law by the Treasurer <br /> � of said Coun�y at his off i �e in the Court House, in said County, upon the lst day of ��over:�'oer <br /> '; 1909". �aid purchase �eing evidenced by Tax Sale �10. 7187 _ That said tax certificate -:-ras <br /> ! issued for the delin;uent taxss assessed and taxscl against the �ronerty above described for the <br /> ' years 1901 to 1908 inclusivQ. <br /> Th�t said tax certificate is attached hereto anci made a part <br /> ; hereof anci marked "Exhii�it A" ; That this affiant has �aid all tages subs�e.quent to the abova <br /> � ', years and no�v holcis County Treasurer � s receirts trierefor ancl is the owner and holder thereof. <br /> That more tilan +l�ree montlis ancl less thar. five months before the tine of redemptior of said <br /> tax eer�ificate has ex_pixed or tax deed arplied far, ±his affiant nrenared a notice as �rovided <br /> in section 1I113 of Vol 2 of Cobbey' s Annntu+ed Statutes af Zlebragka, and went unon and ir.ves- <br /> tigatecl said �remises and that no one w�s in passession or occu?�ancy of such lancl hereinabove <br /> cleseri'�ecl. That Emrna Janss wa� the person in whose nar�e +he title to said land a�pears <br /> of recc�rd in t��e re�ister of deeds office of �aid County; That affiant rias made dili�ent <br /> , ' inquiry ar.d searcr: ana tliat said Er�.��a can not be four�c� ir. said County of Hall; that said <br /> �erson last named is the nerson in whose name said �rorerty �Tas as�e�secl ar�d tahed for the years <br /> ' 1905 to 1910 inclusive an�i t7iat for the years 1901 and 19G2 said rrorexty was assessed ard taxed <br /> in the nanie of 5.2�.Petersen estate and for the years 19G� ar.d 1904 it �xas assessed and t�xed <br /> in trie n�e of S.iy1.Pe�ersen estate. And tYlat all of the ta.xes herein mentioned and all of <br /> trie taxes ta this date up to and incluciin� trie 1910 taxes hava i�een �aid by this affi�nt �xrho is <br /> '; t�:e ownor �r.d holder thereof. <br /> That notice as by laev provided of the ex��iration of the time �f xec3em;�tion from said Tux <br /> � Sale and that a tax cteed would 'ue a?���lieci for by this affiar.t c�uld not be macle uron said Emr.►a <br /> Janss or u��on S .Zva.Petersen Estate, or upc�n S.M.Pedersen Estate� in F:all County, therefore this <br /> _ <br /> affiunt puwlashed such nuticv so preparecl in trie Caixo Recorci� a neti�spaper publisheu i�i �aid <br />� <br /> �' Hall County, and having �eneral circulation +herein; ard that affiant has attached hereto the <br /> ' n-roof of such publication and markecl the "Exhibit A" ar.d Makes it a rart hereof. <br /> Dateci at rrand Islar.d, Hall County, rlebraska ±his ��th c�ay of Decer.l'�;er 1911. <br /> Otto C+t <br /> ___.. <br /> Su'��cribed in my presence anci sworn to before Me this 18t11 day of December � 1911 . <br /> (SEAL} �ayard__H�Paine_ <br /> I , ��lotary Public . <br /> Tviy corami�sion exnires Nov 10, 1916 <br /> � ; <br /> � '' <br />