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`�7� � � � � <br /> � <br /> �r�J , � ��I <br /> 4 ������-' � °�'�' �r��.� ��,`����A; `����o� <br /> - - ,_��, , <br />-_-----__ ___- - ---- -- . --__-- _:_.� _ ---__�—._._�_ __ __- --- - - - -- -- - -- — <br /> �-' 54286—State Journal Com�any, Blriuk Book blaLeis, Stationeis and_Pnntera, Lincoln, Neb____ � � '� � � ���� ���������� �����- ������ � � � � "� �- -��-�����--" <br />_.._�. _._. .. . . . . ..... .. . ... . . -, �_. -- � ..:. . �.-_._ .._.._ •..... ._.----- --.—. ._._._._.. __._...—�.—..___ � <br /> investigated fiaid nrer�ises and that no one was in possession or occupancy of such land herein- !, <br /> above c�escribed. <br /> That Bertha J.Smith avas the person in ;ahose name the title to said land <br /> anpears of record in the registar of dee�is off ica of said County; That affiant has macle diligen� <br /> inquiry� and search and that said �ertha J.Smith can nat be found in said County of Hall; that ' <br /> said �aerson last named is the nerson in whoee name said �roperty T�vas assessed and taxed for the <br /> yea:s 1900, 1907, 190�� ancl 1909; anci that for the years 1910 said property was assessed and taxed'; <br /> in the name of A.J .Sha;�� Ancl th�t all of the taxes herein r�entioned and all of the taxes to this <br /> date u� to ard including th° 1910 taxes ilavQ been paid by this affiant �vho is the owner and holde� <br /> thereof, <br /> That notice as 'ay la�v proviciecl of the expiration of tho time of redemption froM said <br /> Tax Sale anci that a tax Qsed would be apPli�d for by this affiant could not be made unon said <br /> Ber;ha J.Srlith or upon A..T .Sha�� in Hall �ounty, therefore this affiant publishecl such notice so <br /> �re�aared in the Cairo Recorci, a ne�,rsnaper nublishecl in said Hall County, and having �eneral cir- <br /> culation therein; and that af�iant has attached hereto ths r,roof of such publication and marked ' � <br /> the same "Exhi'�it B" and ma::es it a �aart hereof. � <br /> , <br /> Dated at �rand Island, Hall Caunty, ?lebrasYa this 18th day of Decer:�ber , 1911. <br /> Otto Ott . . <br /> Subscribed in my nresence and svrorn to before me this 18th day af DeceMber, 1911. <br /> (SFAL} TBa� ard H.Paine <br /> ��1y commission expires Zdov, 10, 1916 . Notary Public <br /> County Treas•arer' s Certificate of Tax �ala . No.7186 " <br /> ---_._._._.._ <br /> The State o� Plebraska ( " Exhibit A" <br /> .s5 <br /> . <br /> Hall Cvunty ( I, Theo P.13oehm, Treasurer of +he County of Hall, in the State <br /> ' of Iv'ebraskay ao hereby certify +hat the follo�vin� descri'�ed Rea1 Estate in said County and Sta�e I <br /> ` to-�:��t :- Lot Tarelve (12) in Alc�ck Six (6)�iJnive-rsity Place ��as on the 1" day of ' No-rember A.D. <br /> � <br /> 1909 c1uly sold by me in the r�annQr provided by law, at Public Sale at the County Treasurer' � <br /> office in rrand Island, ��e'oraska, for the delin^uent taxes tne years 1906, 1907 and 1908 unon the <br /> � <br /> ubove ciescribed ?�roperty �mounting to 3?�100 L�CLLARS, including interest and penalty thereon, and <br /> tne costs allo,ved vy la�r to Cttp Ctt for the sum of Cne � 16�100 Dollaxs, he being the highest <br /> and best bidder for the �ame . Anci I furtiier certify, tnat unless redeMntion is made of said <br /> Real Estate in the r�ar.ner provided by law, the said Otto Ott, his heirs or assigns twill be entit- <br /> led to a deed therafor on a�d after tne 2" ctay of ilovember A.D.1911 on surrender of this certific',�te , <br /> �rovidaci the law as r.aade in such cases has been cor��lied �vith. <br /> In �fitness 7�hereof, I havs hereunto set my hand ±h1s 1" da�f of Novorauer A.D.1909. ' <br /> Theo P.Boehm <br /> (�EAL} Treasurer o Hall ounty,�tate of Tdebraska. <br /> �_1.16 F3y R.L.Harri�on Deputy. <br /> IJotice of Publication. "Exhibit A" <br /> i� .H.Daly being first duly sworn deposes anci stat�s tii�t he is the �u'�lisher of �he <br /> Cai-ro Recnrd, a weekly nevrs;�a�aer �ublishecl at Cairo� Hall County, Nebra�ka, and that the le�al <br /> notice, a txue co�y of �vhich is attachecl, :,,ras nublished in said paper for a perioc� of three �veeksy <br /> the first publication i�eing on the 13th day of �7uly, 1911 and the last publication being on the <br /> 27th day af July 1911� <br /> �d.H.Daly. <br /> Subscribecl in r�lv ?�resenco and sworn to before Me this 2!th day of July 1911. <br /> (SEAI,} F11ic�tt Haxrison <br /> :uiy cor_�i�sion expires iJov, 16, 1916. �lotary Public . <br /> Not ice of Ta.x Sale RedeM�t ion. <br /> To Ber-�lza J.Sm:ith , A.�7 .Shaw. . <br /> �Iou an�i each of you arE here'c�y notif iecl that upon the lst day / <br /> of Nover:�ber , 1901� Ct�o Ot� purchased at �u�lic +ax sale of the C,ounty Traasurer of Hai 1 County� <br />. � ;� <br />