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_ <br /> ��� <br /> � l�� - ((�(� �1����I, � ��� <br /> , J��J�J''�'' =����j'vj�JS�� �!,d V��� � �V�� <br /> —_----_..---------— __—�: _------- --- -- -- <br /> �uit Claim need. I```�., This Inder.turo, I�ade this 11" da,r of August , in thQ year Cne Thousand <br /> Nine Hundred ar.d Eleven, F3ET�ELid� Emil C.Perkuhn of Hall County, iJebrasYa, and r�linnie A. <br /> Perkuhr� his wifo, of the first r�art, and Frederick �.Stager of Hall County, NebrasY� of the <br /> ' aecond �art . i7IT1�S�ETH� that the said parties of the first part, in consideratian of the <br /> su�n of One F:unclred Fifty and r�o�100 Dollara to them duly paid, tr.e receint whereo� is hereby <br /> acknowledged, have remisecl, released and quit-clained and by these nresents do for themselves <br /> his heirs, executors ancl administrators, rer�ise, release and foraver c�uit-claim and convey unto <br /> the �aid party of the second nart, and to his heirs ancl assigns forev�r, all ou� right, title, <br /> ` interest, esta�e, claim and demand ',�oth at law anci in equity, of, in and to a?1 The rlorth J�est <br /> �uarter of the �Jarth 7�est wuarter� ar Lot Gne in Section Thirty-Nix (36) in To�rnship Ten (10) <br /> Nt�th of Ran�e Ten (10) iJest af the Gth P.1�S. in HaZl County, Nebras�a, cont aining Twen�y Saven <br /> ' and 95/100 acres. <br /> Together VJith all and �ingular the hereclitament s thc�reunto belon�in�. <br /> To nave and to Hold the ai�ove describeci prer�isss unto the said Frederick � .Stager, his heirs <br /> � and assign�; so that neitner we the said Er�il C .Perkuhn or r�dinnie A.Perkuhn or any person ir. <br /> our name and behalf, shall or ti�Jlll. Y1Br83�t�1" claim or deraanci ar.y right or title to �he said <br /> , nra�ises �r any part thareof, 'aut they and every ona of thera shall �y these �resents be excluded <br /> and forej,Ter k�arrecl. <br /> In 7litness �hereof, The �aid �axties of the first part have nereunto set their hands the day <br /> and year last above v�ritten, <br /> Si�ned, Sealed and Delivered in presence of Emil C.Perkuhn <br /> T.G.C.H.�rrison. ��linniQ A.Perkuhn <br /> St ate of �1e'�z asxa � <br /> „ . <br /> ., <br /> �all County ( On this 11" clay of August A.D.1911 ��efore me tne undersigned T.O.C. <br /> Fiarri�on a Notary Pui�lic, duly comr,lissionea ancl qualified for and resiciing in said County, per- <br /> sonally came Fmil C.Per kuhn a::d 1�tinnis A.Per kuhn, to r�e known to �e the icient ical ;�ersons «those <br /> names �:e affixed to the faregoing conve}tance as grantors, and acknowleclged the same to be tiieir <br /> voluntary act and deed for +,ne purposes there_n set iorth. <br /> �itness r�y hand ancl ;Zot ar ial �eal t he date abov� E�r�it ten. <br /> �SEAL) T.G.C.Fiarrison <br /> 2�.�iy commis�ion a�:rires Fe�ru�ry 10" 1912 ;3otazy Public . <br /> , ' Filed for record Decem'per 18, 1911 at 1Q o' clack A.1�1. - <br /> • ��� <br /> ' e�istar�o��� s <br /> -O-O-O-O-(�-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-�J-O-O-O-O-O- O-O-O-O-J-O-O-O-�-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O- -A-O-O- <br /> . `�� <br /> ' AFFIDAVIT CF PiJRCHASE FCR A TAX DEEn. <br /> St at e of Nebraska ( <br /> : ss <br /> County of Hall ( 4tto Ott, being first duZy sworn, deposes and says that he was the <br /> purchaser of Lot t�relve (12) in �31ock Six (6} of tJnivQrsity Place in rrand Island, Hall County, <br /> idebr. that he made such ;�urchase at a public tax sala made in nursuance of law by the Treasurer <br /> of . said County, at his office in the Court Houge, in said County unon the lst day of Nover�ber� <br /> 1909, saicl �urchase being evidencect by Tax Sale No .� 7186 : That said tax certificate �ras issued <br /> 'for the aelinquent ta.Yes assessed and taxeci agai-�st the Property above described for the_ years <br /> � 1906, 1907 and 1908. <br /> That �aici tax certificate is attached hereto and r�ade � part hereof and <br /> i�zarked °Exhibit �" ; That +his affi�nt has naid all taxes subsuquent to the a'pove years and now <br /> ho1Se County Treasurer' s receint� therefor and is the o�ner and holder thereof. <br /> That more than three �nonths and less than five raonths before the time af redemption of <br /> said tax certificate has exnired or tax deeci ap?aliecl for, this affiant �arepared a notice as pro- <br /> , � } <br /> vided in section 1111� of Vol. 2 of Cobbey s Annotated Statutes of Nebraak� and went unon and <br />