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�� � <br /> - <br /> ����� � <br /> �5���.. � � . � <br /> ������� �°��'��-������ ������ ���Q�� �� <br /> _ V- _ I <br /> ________ ._ ________ _ __ ______� _�-�__-_ _______-_ ___ _____ ____ __ ___ _ .__ _- <br />___ __ _ _ ___ _ <br /> 54286-8tate Journal ComBany, Blavk Book Dlakers, Stationers and Printers, I.dnwlu, NCb. � . � � � ���� ����� ��� ���� � ���� ��-����� � � ��� � � <br /> �_.�. ,._._,_ � .,_. �...__. ... . . ... .. . . _.. .. _... .. � ..._-___-'---_.-- ,��_, �---.,.,..,.,.,_ .... - -- __.__.. _ . . _ <br />._.- --- ..._ . . ... . . . .... .. . ._—_._._... ._----_�---...._ — <br /> �! <br /> q <br /> iJC0I3 RIVER CE'r��TrRY ASSCCIATICI�1 ' 'i <br /> Attest : <br /> C.E.Tov�ne By 2d.Diefenderfer President corp <br /> � �e cret ary eeal <br /> State of Plebraska ( <br /> :ss _ <br /> County of Hall ( Be it r�membered that on this 13 day of R.�arch A.D.1911 l�efore I:.P.Bv.r- <br /> mooc� , a Notary Public ciuly corn�:lissioned and quaiified in ancl for Hall County, Nebraska, Perso- . <br /> nally came 1�i.Diefer�dsrfer , Pxesident , C.E.Tor�nQ Secretary of the �ood niver Cemetery gsso�C- ; <br /> iation, and the� are personally kno�vn to me to be the narties signing the foregoing Deed as <br /> Gfficars of said Association and each sevarally acknowled�e thP execution of the foregc>ing <br /> instrument to be his voluntar.y act and cieed �ersonally and ae an officer of saict Association far <br /> �ne use anc� rur�oses �i�e-rein ex;�ressed. <br /> IN iVITNESS �l.ereof I have hereunto set my hanrl anc� Notarial Seal tl�iis 13 day of �iarch A.D.1,�1�. ` <br /> (SEAL) ,x.P.Rurmood <br /> T�y comrni�sion ex�ires 5. 2viarch 1915 Notary Public. <br /> Filed for record Deceniber 5, 1911, �t 11.10 o' clock A.M. <br /> y��G� , <br /> Re�ister pf eeds"� <br /> -o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-e-o-o-o-o-o-c- -o-o-a-o-� <br /> �...,. <br /> � THE �RAND ISLAND CEMETERY. <br /> Cert ificate of �au'nership � <br /> The City of rranc� Island of the fir�t part dotn hereby certify that P:�axy L.Rentfrow of the <br /> seconcl part is the ocvne� of Lot No 95 in Section D Row as desi�natad on the ma� as sections, ^� <br /> ro�vs, and lots of the Cer�etery of s�id City, in the County of Hall and Stata of Nebraska, .kno�n <br /> as the rrand Island Cer.�etary and for �hich the said �arty of the second �art hath �aid to the <br /> , said party of the first part the suni of TNenty i1n�100 Dollars, and that in consideration thereof ' <br /> the said �arty of the second part is entitled ta the perpetual use of said lot for the puxpose <br /> of intorrnont only, subjec� to the Laws of the Stato of Tdebraska thereto anper�aning and all <br /> ordinances, rule� ancl regulations which are in force and may from time tb time bs adonted by the ' <br /> p3rty af t�e first Part for the regulation and �ova-rnment of said Cemetery. <br /> IN TESTITJSOI��Y ���1r�RE0F� The City of �rand Island, Nebrask� has caused its seal to be hereto <br /> affixed, and this indenture to 'ue signed 'vy its i�iayor and attQSted 'py its �lerk, . this the 28" � <br /> c�ay of tdover7'ber in the yea�r of our Lorcl, One 7'housand iline �-iunclred and �levan. <br /> ATTEST. Charles r.Ryan , <br /> H.E.Clifforcl. corn �Aayor. • <br /> C �'PK, seal <br /> Filecl for rQCOrd necer:i'c�er 12, I911 at 4 .45 0' clock P.iVi. � <br /> _ Register of eeds <br /> -o-o-o-a-o-o-o-t�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o--�-a-o- o-o-o -o-o-o- <br /> �� �HE �RATdD ISLA2�1D C�'rdETERY. CERTIFICATE OF G'�iiitNERSHIP. <br /> The City of �rand Island of the first ?�art cioth hereby certify that Bertha Parker <br /> of the second nart is the oc�ner of Lot P10 130, in Section r, Row. . . as designated on the �ap as '' <br /> s����ons, rotivs, anci lots of the Cemetery of saicl City, in the County of Hall and State of Neb- ' <br /> rasya, kno�vn as the rrand Islar.d Cer�etery and for which the said narty of the second �art hath <br /> paid t� the said narty of the first �art the sum of Fifteen 2do/100 Dollars, and that in con�ider�tion <br /> e <br /> ' thereof the said party of the seconci part is entitled to the nerpetual use of said lot for the � <br /> � . <br /> purr�ose of interment only, subject to the Laws of the State af I�'e'araska thareto appertaning and` <br /> �11 orc��nancas, rules and regulation� �vhich are in force ancl may from time to ti�e be adoptec� by � <br /> the narty of the firfit part for the regulation and govern�lent of said Cemetery. <br /> IN TESTI�dCIJY aJHEREOF, The City of �rand Island, P�ebraska, has caused it� seal to be hereto aff:: • <br /> ixec� ancl this inclenture to be signed by its &�ayor, and sttested by its Clerk, this the 15" r�ay of <br /> Decem�er in the year of our Lord, One Thousand 21ine F�uncired and Eleven. <br /> ATTEST: Charles G.Ryan � <br /> Fi.E.Cliffard ���� "� `�—"'"1�;IAYCR. <br /> Clerk <br /> Filed for recnrd December 16, 1911 at 9.30 0' clock A.r�. . � , <br /> � � 'i , <br />. , il <br />