� - _
<br /> � � � � �� ��� ) �
<br /> �
<br /> ' � �J�J�Ji�J'� J�ZJJ'`J� � SL�I�N�� �51 V � c� ���
<br /> , � �� .. ��J-� J �� J �, _. .
<br /> '__'_'._._..T,-.__ _-._ _.___s__._._--.-.__�._-_ _._"_�_--__--____-�--.- _____._-.-_-_.-__-._
<br /> ' he has made c�ili�;ant inquiry and search and was unable ;o f ind 1�. ,l�i.Shaw in a�hose name t itle to
<br /> lots in this notice descriUed -ar»ears of record in tha r`e;ister of deecis office in said Hall
<br /> County� 2�lebraska, to-:xrit :- Lot s 10 and 12 in Block �l of College Addit ion t o �Pest Lawn in rrand
<br /> Zsland, in Iiall County Tde'aras3�a, in said Hall County and that- he �as a�so una�le �fter diligent
<br /> search and inq,�iry to find Harriat �I.Cooper in said County, that no one v�as in the actual ro�s-
<br /> ession or occupancy of said lots.
<br /> Ar+hur �.Abbott
<br /> Subscribed and s:rarn to before me this 9th day of I3ovs�ber A.D_.1�11 by said Arthur ?.Abbott •
<br /> �litness ::�y hand and notarial ssal the ciats last above written.
<br /> ���
<br /> (SEAL) G, A.Ab;�att,,�Tr - ., -
<br /> �dy cor�mission Decer_iber lst I915. Notar`y Public
<br /> �.H.Daly Ueing first duly sE;rorn ci°noses and states that he is the publishe� of the Cairo
<br /> � Record, a �reekly ne;�s;�aper pu'alished at Cairo, Hall County ldebraska, and �he legal notice, a
<br /> true cop� of �rl:ich is attachedy �ras ��ublisheci in saia na�er -for a Period of three weeks, ±he
<br /> � first ?�ublication 'asin, on the 22nd day of June, 1911, �r.d the last pu'�lication being on the
<br /> ��th day of tTuly� I911. � r
<br /> �d.H.Daly
<br /> �ubscriberl to in my ��resence and s.forn to ��efora me tr.is 19th day o� July 1911.
<br /> (SEAI,) Lllia�t Harris�n
<br /> I�y comr,iiss.-ion ex»ires �1ov 16, 1916 rlotary Publ�c
<br /> Notice To Redaem From Tax Sale nf Land. �
<br /> To E.P�.Shaw, if li�ring and to tha unknown l�girs of E.�d.Sha�7, if dead; to Harriet ;�I.Cooper, if
<br /> livir�� and ta the unkna4m heirs of Harriet ��t.Coo�ar, Yf dead. �
<br />� You are hereby notified that I seor�e` Sutherland on the First dau of ilover��er A.D.1909.
<br /> -;�urchasecl of the county treasuror of riall County, Ve'araska, at publ-ic sale for taxes I,ots Tsn
<br /> (10} a::d Twelva (7��) in Block T,�renty-one (�1) af Colle�e Addi�ion t� 3�est La�rn in Grand Islarid,
<br /> in �3a11 County, ilebr . - �
<br /> .All said l�ts �vere sold for the unnaid taxes for the year 1908 and were assez�sed for said pear
<br /> in the na�e of E.��,Shaw. Title to said lots- appear of record in t:1e register of deeds office
<br /> �; in the na�e o�' F.+�d.Sha�r. I�arriet 1�.Cooper apnears of record to have some lien on or interest
<br /> in said lots . Aftar �he exniration of three months from the date vf service of this notice '
<br /> a tax deed to all sa�d lots �i17. be annlied for. The ti�ne of redemption �rom said tax sale
<br /> , ��vill e:�pire ori Nov 2 A.D.1911.
<br /> �' ieorgs Suther land � Purchaser.
<br /> Krow all �en by These Presents: That 7�I�ereas at a Public sale of real estata for the
<br /> non-�ayz�ent of taxes, made in the county of Hall on the lst day of idover.iber A.n.1909, the foll-
<br /> , o�ving descri'�ed xeal estate situate in said county, to-wit :
<br /> - Lot� T���o (2}� Four (r), Six (o}, Eight (8), Ten (10), T�aelve (12) & Fourteen (14) in Alock
<br /> , Five �5) o� Scarff� s Adclitian �o �►e�t Lav�n in rrand Island, Nebraska, and L�ts Ten t10} and
<br /> T�velve (12) in B1ock T�ven�y-one (�1) of College Addition to i�est Lawn in �rand Islanc� Nebraska.
<br /> .
<br /> was sold to G�or,�,e Sutherland for the delin�uent taxes of the year 1908 and, 77hereas, the same
<br /> not havin� beQn redPersed from such eale, and it a�pearin� ±hat the halder of the certificate
<br /> vf purchase �f said real estate nas complied �,vith the la��s of the State of Nebraska necessary
<br /> to entitle nim to a deed of said real estate: No�, �nerefore, I county treasurer of said county
<br /> �f Hall, in consideration �f the �renises and of a fee of 50 � in hanc� paid and by virtue of the
<br /> statutes of the State of Nebrasl:a in such cases made and provicled, do hereby �rant and convey
<br /> - _ .�
<br /> nuto �eo�ge Sutherlanc�, his heirs and assi�ns, forever, the said real estate herein'c�efore descr-
<br /> , i'�ed subj ect however, to any reaemption nrovidect by law.
<br /> riven under my hand and official seal thi� 9th day �f Atovsr�ber A.Tt.1911
<br /> l�i�ness: (SEAL) TheU P.Boehm
<br /> I�.T.H�rison. County �'reasurer
<br />