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<br />— - ��__.... -- ._.._ ___ _. _ _ --� --. �_ __ _ _ __ _ - - ____ - — —
<br /> 5428$—State Journal Com�ans'. B1unk Book lUakers, Stutioners and Printera. Lincol� Neb, �' �- -�— _ �'� _
<br />_. .__ ----_,___ _ . � - � ___.._,._____ _ _ _______..-- —---_..�—_
<br /> I — --
<br /> of said Corporation. _
<br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal this llth d�.y of May, A.D. lqll. . � _
<br /> (SEAL� John Allan
<br /> Nota�ry Publie
<br /> I�y commission expires Ja,n. 5, 1912.
<br /> Filed for record on th� 13th d�y of Navember 1911 a.t 2 :30 o'clock P.M. .,
<br /> ��
<br /> Register of Deed
<br /> ��s����������������s�����������w������������������������w����������������������������� ������x�������
<br />, �UIS CLAI�i DFED �"
<br /> THIS I2�I)ET3TITRE; �ade thi� 5eventh day of I3ovember� 1911, Between S.A.Foster
<br /> Lumber Comr�any a Cpr�oration of the Caunty °of i,ancaster, and State of Nebraska, of the first part
<br /> and Carrie �.Spelts, of the Coi:,nty of Hall, and State of rlebraska,- of the aecond ?aart'.
<br /> AITNESSEfi� That the said narty of thc� first part, in coneideration of the sw� af Cne Dollar
<br /> to it duly �aici� the recei�t �vhereof ig hereby acknowleciged, has remised, released and �uitclaime�i
<br /> �.nd by theee presents does far itself� its successors and assigns, remise, release and forevQr
<br /> ,
<br /> -
<br />� quitclaim iznto the said party of the second part and to her heirs and as�i�ns forever, all its
<br /> , ri ht title interest estate claim ar.d de�end 'ooth �zt law anci in e uit of in and to All �
<br /> g � , , � � Y> > : . �
<br /> of the follonring described real estate, vix:- Lots N'umbered One (1�� Thrse {g} � Five (5),
<br /> Seven (7), Eleven (11), Fourteen (I4), Sixteen (16), Seventeen (17), Ei�hteen (18), Nineteen {19}�
<br /> Twenty (20}, Twenty-��to (2��, Twenty-four E24}� Twenty-five (u5)� Twenty-�even (27)� Twenty-nine ,! �
<br /> (�9}, Thirty (30}, Thirty-one (31j, Thirty-two (3u), Th-yrty-three (33)� Thirty-four (34}� Thirty�'!;
<br /> five (35}, �hirty-six (36), Thirty—A1ght (38}, 3nd Forty �40), in Foster�s S�ab-I�ivision of Lots ;I
<br /> Eleven (11�, and Twelve (12), of �ood Lawn Sub-Pivision of P.art'of South-east Quarter of the
<br /> ,
<br /> North-east Quarter , anci nart of the N�rth-east �uarter of the South-east Quarter of section Tcven�t;�- .
<br /> �our �24}� in Township Ten (10}, North of Ran�e Twelve (1�), �Pest of the Sixth Principal inericiiar��
<br /> in Hall County, Nebraska, Tc�gether with a21 and singular the appurterlances thereunto belongin�;
<br /> to have ar.d to hold un�o the said Carrie B.Spelte and her heirs and assigns forever; so that !
<br /> ;,
<br /> neither it, trie said S.A.Foster L�.unber Campany nor any ?�erson in its name and behalf ehall ox �i7;�.
<br /> l:�ereafter claim or ae�cand any right or title to the said prer�ises or any part thereof, but it,
<br /> they and every of them shall by these presents be exciuded and forever barreci.
<br /> IN �ITI�iESS �HERECF, The eaid S.A.Foster Lur�ber Cor�ar.y has duly caused this deed tv be j!
<br /> executed by ita Pre�ident, attested by its Secretary, ana its cor��c�rate Seal to be here�.nto duly
<br /> affixeei the e�ay and year first abova �vritten. - r
<br /> �
<br /> �titness: corp By S.A.Faster Presiclent
<br /> �'-race Aitken seal
<br /> Attegt �.E.Foster Secretary
<br /> �
<br /> The State of Ne'�raska ( �
<br /> :ss
<br /> Lar.caster County, ( On this 8th clay of Nove�ber A.D.1J11 'oefore �e� �race Aitr.en,
<br /> a Notary Public � duly cca�missioned and c�ualified for and resic�ing in said County, personally
<br /> came S.A.Foster, Presi�ent, ar_d J.�.Fostsr, Secretary of the c�ithin named S.A.Foster Lumber Gom- ' '
<br /> ' �:any both to me knac�n to be the identical ersons who as such officers si ned the fore oin uit '
<br /> P � � � Q
<br /> i .
<br /> Claim Deed, on behalf of �said S.A.Foster Lwnber Corunany, a Corporati�n, and they each aeknowledgeiid �
<br /> .
<br />' the execution of �aid instrument to be �heir voluntary act and deed and the voluntary act and
<br /> dsed of the said S.A.Fos*er Lu�3�er Comnany.
<br /> �IT2�TESS my hand and Notarial Seal at Lincolr� in �aid Caunty, tha day and year last above
<br /> v�ritten.
<br /> (�EAL� rrace Aitken, Notary Public. '
<br /> My cor�missian ex�ires on the 11 day of Jan'y 19I6.
<br /> Filed for record on the 13 day of November 1911 at 3 0' clock P.M. '�
<br /> eg ster ee $ �
<br /> -o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o_o-o-o_a-o-o-e-o-o-o-o-c�-o-a-a-o-Q-o-a-a-o-o_o-o-U-e-o-o-o-o-o�o-o-Q-a_�.;-c�-
<br />� . _ �i
<br />