. .. , . .
<br /> .
<br /> . . . . • ------.... .. . .. ... . _ . . .-- .. _. . _ _.. .- -
<br /> ��- —...�-- - ..._. .�_.�___ ----- --- . � �_ _`� . . � -
<br />, 9 0 �.�17�� : . , .
<br /> bq this Mort�age.MorEgagor shall pay to Mortgagae the amauat of rsny deSaienoy betwesn the ea6ual Sa�es.assess , � •
<br /> ffients�iasnraace premiums snd�¢onnd rents and t.he deposite hereunder wl8hin 10 d¢,ys�fter demaad is aasde upon ��
<br /> MortgP.gar reqaestin�payment theseoL
<br /> j8. �epaiY.�4ninten�aa o�Qea.To promp2�y�pair,rassoxe cr re�uild eqy b►�ildinga or 1mpm�amenta nave or .
<br /> " � herea8er oa the Propert�;to lneap the Propera►in 600d ooaditlon and repair,withaut ara�te.and hae irom rmeoLssnia's or ,
<br /> j other lfens nai�zpsesaly aubozdlnafsd to the Hen he�o�not to malte,suffas os gosmi3 a�nuiseaae Co e�ds�nor Eo °
<br /> diminiah or impair the valne oY the Pevpsrty by at�►e�t or omiasion to sok nnd to aomp�}7 with all requtramenta of law . . -
<br /> ., � �vifh i+eapeot to the Pa�ope� . . , '�'�-
<br /> � �. Coadeaana4fon.In the eveat the Propertq.or sny part t$asea},ohall bo tolaun by eminant domain,tlte . .
<br /> � Mnrtgagee is empawered to colleat and�aeive all aompan�atlon�rhio➢s mqy b3 pald foP ony prapas'{y t�son or for ds�- ' ` -
<br /> ages to property aos taken.and Mortgagae ahall apply suoh aamponaetion,�t Ite option, oithes to B r�eduatfoa of the
<br /> - � indebtednesa seaused h.ereb�or W repair and�store tl�e prropar�y so dama�ad. - . - . �- ,
<br /> & Pestormance by Most�s�aa Morigagea may.but sLall have no obligation.to do�y aai wbioh tho Mar�gar � ' ` _
<br /> bas a�eed but fails Lo do,end Mortgagee�y also do aqy eaE it dea�e nsaeaa�r8 to groteot fhe Uen hereoL Mo�ag�r . • • - �
<br />� a�eea to rap�y.upon dema�d,any eums so azpeaded by tho Morf�a�ea tor tho abova puaposv�.sad any sume so `: `• ! , . _ ._'
<br /> �pendesi 2y the Mortgagea elmli be added to the iadebtedaeaa eeou�ed herob�ead baaoffio eubj�of f�o Lhs iten IIerea� �`� r
<br /> •: � Mor2gage�stall not inans aqy pe�onal liabilf�beoanas oi an�tbing it ma�y do or omtt W do hereuades , � . '-�;'''
<br /> g. Defsul�Aealgament o4 Bent�.Time fa oY the easenoe hereo�and upoa Mortg�gor'e def�ul4 la sqy covenent � . ��''�f'`
<br /> or sg�ement oithis Mortgage.inoludiag covenante Lo pe5►when due the sums souured by this Most�YQe.the Most�agee • r'°�'`�'�=
<br /> . ahall he ea3itled,st its eole optfoa and wlYhout notice,to deolase all sa�ms saoured by thin Moetga�e to tho fmmediatejy ��`�
<br /> dna snd g.,�sble aad may aommanoe fo�ea2osure of thie Mortgage by jud3mial p:oceedinp;4ud.yrovldsd llvRher.Wa8 '.«-�°--��,
<br /> , upon eua23 dafanit the Mortge,gee,or s reoeiver appointed by 8 aowet,m�g at ife opttaa and wlthout re�rd ta the adeQu�. %.,����
<br /> ay oi the secarlty.enter upua and take poasesaion oi tho Proper4q and colleot the sent�.i�sues and prnsb therefmm and �• •.;"�-=__--
<br /> app�y them 5ist to t�3 cost oi colleatlon and operstloa of the Ptoperty and then upoa tha indebtedaes�seauraB by tbi�
<br /> Mostgag�said ranb,issuea and proSts baing assi�►ed to tha Mort�ee as insiher seourity for fhe ptqymoat oi the . ���=
<br /> : indebtedness seaured herebyt. . `. .�' —
<br /> •..�
<br /> ,�.
<br /> .,• � 10. �ander of Propezty.If all or any Part oi the Properl�is sold or tranaterred wlthouf the espres�wslttea oo� �;',`�,�f - •
<br /> eya�nt otithe Mortgagee.Mortgages mey at ita solo opiton.deolaie all aumi aeoured hy 4hts MortQaBa to be fmmedfats�y •%.(!f.�
<br /> . . 44g 8IIL�le. _ +:I�. .Y �.
<br /> '� � 11. FaCnse Advauaea.Upon request of Mortgagos.Mo�rtgagee ma,y msice addi4lonsl and ltift�re advanoes to �� I
<br /> ' Mortgagor.6noh advanaes.with iatsrssc thereon.ehall be seaured�y thin MorRge�a whea evidenoed by ymmis:,oPy aoio9 �� �,�M °i��': :
<br /> � � ;� eteting tHat eaid notes are seaured hereby.AL no time eha11 tha p:lnadpal amou�nt ot Eho lndebtedne�s seoured b y thls : �
<br /> •' { Mort�ge,not iaoluding aua�advanced to proteat the seourif,y oi thie Mortgage.e$oeed the orl��l Noto. "`��- - �` �
<br /> � ,
<br /> • � .. �� .
<br /> 12 Mi�callaaeo�Provlalona. ' . ,
<br /> -�r��.. � `if
<br /> v,«:.�.:.
<br /> (a) Aay forebesranoe in axerofaiug aqy s3ght or reme�y sLall aot be a waivor theraoi ��.r .�
<br /> (b) All:emediea provlded herein ara distlnot and oumula�iw to aqy other slght altordeA by IaW os e�ui(�r. ;�� � �
<br /> ;
<br /> and mey he ezercised ooaourrent�y,independant�p os euoaenaivaly. - ' ,
<br /> ,,.,• ;��
<br /> F
<br /> . (o) The aovenaute and e�eemante aonEained heY+ein el�all bind.and Lhe rlghts inuro to.i�e resDeottve suw T'��� �' � ' -
<br /> oeasora and a�ef�of the Mortgagor and the Morigagee. "�"���r.'�
<br /> �
<br /> - �=:c-;':-°-----�.
<br /> (� All ca�nante snd a�eemente ot the Mortgegor are Joint and several. �1•.•__ _:�
<br /> _ `:•`�
<br /> � � (e) �'he headinp oi the paragrapbs oi tLie Mostg�o e►ro fos aonvenieaaa on�r aad ehill not be uaed to fater `y��r
<br /> pret or BeHne the paovlsions hereoL . "``"• .� ��F„ --
<br /> _ �:-�ix• „t.....
<br /> i8.Reteuse. U on , :i=u�• � '
<br /> p paymen!o!all aums seonred bq thie M�ngage.Mortgagee BhtsU diaOhnsge Wa Mort�s�e aaa • t.a' �',-
<br /> ahall e�eaut�o ead deHver s eatislaatorst release thereLos. . ""`�•- ,
<br /> . :�� , , .
<br /> _ . '� "�e:
<br /> IN WITNE89 WFIE,'REOF Mortgagor basi esecuted thie Mostga�e oa the 6 th �,ot P1a rc h _so� ,� � � . '
<br /> � �.il'. C�:����'� . , . _
<br /> Theo FJ��e.L - � C���t�?it� .s�.�,: -�,
<br /> `f�1il�e ,Gu
<br /> ; �1 dred t1. L;:c-Ari er�on �� �
<br /> State of Nebseska, Ha 11 Connty es: ', -
<br /> pa tvis 6tfi day oi M rc _10 Q7 -beforo me.the undomf�oA.n Not�y Publio . .
<br /> . duIy comnr,.:ssioaed aad qas118ed for eaid caunty,peisonally oame Theo H. Anderson and I'Ai 1 dr b7_ La -a�derson. � .: �
<br /> � husband and wife .tomelmawncobewe � '�
<br /> 18eatfoal gerson(n)whose nama(e)are subsorlhad to the fozegoing inatrument and ookaowledged tho oxeoutloa thereot �
<br /> toba thai r volunteeyeotend deed. .
<br /> � v�r�ness my nana ana aorar�sl seat ac Grand I sl and �n e�asa oouapr.tne -
<br /> dute atozoaaid. i �
<br /> / /� �-
<br /> My Commission esPi�s: ���l•�� �- �( . �c.ti �� �. � ` �^' � _
<br /> ������ Notssy Publio f
<br /> �a�.���� � . i
<br /> ' NSCt0688IS5 .
<br /> �� 0 National Bank of Commerco Trust and SaWigs Assocla�ion.Lincotn,Nobraska � �� � � —
<br /> i •: �s
<br /> __�" . . ` ;. . _---•— —. : • • , . '.'1. � .
<br /> � .. , . . . . . . ,. . . ' . . . . . '.r.,�' � ._ . , .. . _.. _ , _
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