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<br /> ' ! �ARRAlv'TY DEED�```���-� , This Deed , Made thia 2?nd day of April in the year of our Lord, one
<br /> thausand nine hundred and eleven between Fidelia Qraveiine of the Cit and County of Denver and
<br /> �,�<,��--
<br /> Y
<br /> ,
<br /> State of Colorado of the firat rart Jc�seph �t:Graveline of the City and County of Denver, and
<br /> �
<br /> State of Cclorado, of the second �art ; 79ITNESSETH, That the said party of the first part, for
<br /> and in considerat ion of the sum af One Hundred & other considerat ions Dollars, to the safd partp
<br /> of the firBt part in hand paid, by the said party of the second part, the receipt wrhereof ig her-
<br /> eby canfes$ed and acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sald and conveyed, and by these preeence
<br /> does grant, bar�ain, sell, . convey and confir� unto the said party of the second part, his heire
<br /> and a�signs forever, all the following described lots or parcela of land, situate� lying anci bein
<br /> in the.���� County of Hall and State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br /> All of the North �est Quarter (N.�.w} of the South East Quarter (S.E.}) of Sect ion Thir-
<br /> ty four (34) in Township Ten (10} North of Range Twelve (12} �Pest of the Siuth Principal �9ariciian
<br /> To�ether with all and singular the hereditaments and ap�urtenances thereunto belonging, or
<br /> i� anywise appertaining and the reversion and reversion�, remainder and remainderB, rents, issues
<br /> , ! and profits thereof; and �11 the estate right, title, interest, claim and dem�d whatsoever of
<br /> the said party of the first part, either in law or equity, of, in and to �b� above bargained pre-
<br /> i mises, with the heredit�ments and appurtenances.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premisea above bargained and described, with the appurtenances,
<br /> , unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigne forever. And the said partq
<br /> of the first part for her self her heirs, .executors, ac�� adminiatrators, does covenant , grant,
<br /> bar�ain anci agree to and with the said party of the second ;�art, his heirs and assigna, that at
<br /> � the time of the ensealing and delivery of theee presentg, She is well seized of the premises
<br /> above conveyed, as of good, sure, perfect, absaluLe and indefeasible eatate of inheritance, in
<br /> iaw, in fee simple, and has good right, full poWer and laevful attthority to grant, bargain, sell,
<br /> and convQy the same in manner and form aforesaid, and that the same are free and clear from all
<br /> former and other grants, bargair.s, sales, liens, taxes, asassaments and incwnbra�ces of whatever
<br /> kind or nature eoever. and the above bargained premi�ea in the c�uiet and �eaceable posse.ssion of
<br /> the said party of the seconei part, his heirs and assigns, againat all and every person or p�rsons
<br /> lawfully claiming or to claim the whole or any part thereof, the eaid party of the first part
<br /> shall and 1�3�:1 7PA�RAP+T AND FOREVER D�FEND .
<br /> � In Witness �►hereof, The said party of the first part has hereunto set her hand and seal` the
<br /> day and �ear first above written.
<br /> Signed, s�aled and delivered in presence of Fidel.ia araveline (SEAL)
<br /> Fidelia �ard Graveline � (SEAL)
<br /> State of Colorado (
<br /> , : ss.
<br /> City & Coun�y of Denver ( I, Laura E.Kiser, a Notary Public, in and for said Citp and
<br /> ' County, in the State aforesaid, do hereby certify that Fidelia Graveline who is personally kna�vn
<br /> to me to be the person whose name is �ubscribed to the foregoing Deed, appeared before me this
<br /> ciay in person, and ackno�vledged that ghe signed sealed and delivered the said instrument of writ-
<br /> ing ae her free and voluntary act �Q� �he usee and purposea therein �s� forth.
<br /> Given under my hand and I3otarial Seal, thie 22nd day of April A.D.1911.
<br /> ky commiasion expires �areh 23rd 1913.
<br /> (�EAL) Laura E.Kiser.
<br /> Notary Public. �
<br /> F'ilee� for recoxd Ma 29 1911 at 10 0� clock A.�d.
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