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<br /> __. __.______-_______ _ ____-- __
<br /> . �. ____ __.__ __ __ _.__ __ _____
<br />_ b4298—State Journal Comgany, Bluuk Book blakeis Stutione}s and Printera, Lincoln. Neb._ _ ___. __ ____ _.
<br />----- __ --.
<br /> ' +�ARRAIv'TY DEED. ��`'°- KNU�I ,ALL P�EN RY 7'HESE PRESENTS. That we John C.Hann and Cathrina► Hann,
<br /> ,
<br /> hig wife, Charles A.Hann and Louise J�.Hann his wife, �dinna Boehl and Charle$ K.Boehl her husband ;:
<br /> Fri�cla Rehc3er and Anton H.Rehder her husband, of the Coun�y of Hall and fitate of Nebraska, far anc�
<br /> in consideration of the sum of One Do11ar and other valuable conaiclerations, iri hand �aid, do
<br /> hereby grant, bar�ain, sell, convey and confirm unto �ary t3ehrt of the County of Hall and State of ,�''�
<br /> Nebraska the following descrik>ed rea2 estate situated ir. Hall County , and Sta�+a of Nebraska, to-w�;t
<br /> i;
<br /> An undivided four-fifths ( 4/5 ) interest in and to a �arcel of. �round described as followa ;�
<br /> ' to-wit : commencing at the Iv'orth �test corner of the piece of land in Lo�E r1o,Thir�een of the Count�
<br /> ,;
<br /> �
<br /> Subdivision of the South half af the South East Quarter of Section iv'o. Sixteen in To�rnship Eleven �i
<br /> North of Range Nine, �eat af 6" P.�i, described in the deed from Christian Hann to Anton H.Rehder �'
<br /> recorded in &ook 27 at Page 402 of the Peed records of saicl Hall County running thence westerly
<br /> j; � .
<br /> along the Northerly line of saia Lot Thirteen Sixty two (62) feet, thence Southerly at right ar�gl�is ,
<br /> One hundrea eighty (180) feet, trience Easterly at right angles Sixty-two (62) fee�, thence Northe�hly
<br /> �
<br /> � at right an�les One hundred ei�hty (180} feet to the place of beginning, ��Aleo an undivided �ou�-
<br /> i;
<br /> fifths ( 4/5} interest in the followin� described parcel af land, to-wit ; Commencin� at a point �'
<br /> �'; �
<br /> on the Southerly gide of said Lot Thirteen, Ona hundred five (105} feet Easterly from the South �t�ist
<br /> � � ;;
<br /> corner thereof, running thence Easterly on said side Sixty-six (66} feet, thence Norther2y at rigl�t
<br /> angles One Hundred ei�hty (1�30) feet, running thsnce Nesterly at right angles Si�rtp-eix (66) feet,�
<br /> �
<br /> ' ancl thence Southerly at right angl8g One hundreci eighty (180) feet to the place of beg3nning. !
<br /> �
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO A�I,D the premises above described, �ogetller with all the Tenements, Hereclitame�lt�
<br /> ,
<br /> and Ap�urtenances thereunto belonging; unto the said �dary Gehrt and to her heir� and assigns, for-�
<br /> evar. And we do hereby covenant with the said �dary Gehrt and with her heirs and assigns that ���,!
<br /> we are lawfully seized of �aicl premise�: that they are free from encur:,brances that we have good i'
<br /> : right ar.d lawful authority to sell the same; and we do hereby covenant to warrant and defend the �''
<br /> title to said rremises againe�s the lawful claims of alI persons whomsoever. '' �
<br /> Signed thi8 3" aay Of �arCh A.D.7.911. ;,
<br /> ' In resenca of Charles A.Hann. ''
<br /> + Louise D�.Hann. ;,
<br /> A�itnass to Minna Boehl and Charles H.Boehl H A.Whippl �
<br /> i ness as "t'f`iarZes . ann, u �r� '�/911.1 � ]�inna Boehl. Charlaet H.Baehl.
<br /> John C.Hann Cathrina Hann,� Frieda Rehder,
<br /> and Anton �I.Rehder. Jahn C.Hann. Cathrina Hann. �
<br /> i;
<br /> Arthur C.�Gayer. Friecia Rehder. Anton x.Rehder.
<br /> ;�
<br /> St at e of Nebr aska ( � 'i
<br /> ' � �
<br /> . 8 8 , ;i
<br /> Hall County . ( On this 18" ciay of March A.D.1911 before me the unders��ned a Notary i;
<br /> ;�
<br /> ,
<br /> Publie, duly commis�ioned and nualified for and resicling in said County, personaliy came Charles I;
<br /> �,
<br /> ��
<br /> ` A.Hann & Louise D&.Hann Ylis wife, Frieda Rehder and Anton H.Rehder, her husband, John C.Hann and !i -
<br /> . r,
<br /> Cathrina 'rIann, his wifa to me known to be the iclentical nersons whose names are �affixed to the �
<br /> ;
<br /> ' f ore oin conve ance as �i
<br /> g g y grantvrs, and acknowleclgea eaid instrument to be their voluntary act and
<br /> ! deed for the purpases tl�erein set forth. �
<br /> �
<br /> �I
<br /> , �iitness my hand anc3 Notarial Seal this 18" day of March 1911. !
<br /> i
<br /> ; (SEAL) 1�rthur C,Mayer. i��!
<br /> i �dy comr►is�ion expires �iay 17 1911. ; Notary Public. �' -
<br /> I!
<br /> ( i'
<br /> ' State of Nebraska I�,
<br /> : ss.
<br /> County of Douglas ( On tihis 9th day of �darch A.D.1911, before me a Notary Public in and ��for
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> � said County , personally came Minna Boehl and Charles H.Aoehl, wife & husband to me personally ;�
<br /> �
<br /> known to be the icient ical persons whose namee are affixed t o the above instrument as grantora, an�
<br /> i�
<br /> � severally acknocvlad�ed the execution of the same to be their voluntary act and deed for the purpo�es
<br /> ��
<br /> ' therein elcpressed. i;
<br />� r, .
<br /> In Witnass �Phereof I have hereunto subscribec� name and affixed "
<br /> , my my official seal ;
<br /> 'I �
<br /> at Omaha on the day last abova written. �
<br /> �
<br /> H.A.+�hipple. Notarp Pubiic ;
<br /> � (SEAL� � , � �I
<br /> ; Cornmi�aion expires �iay 5.1912. �f
<br /> i Filed for record biay 27, 1911 at 4 0' clock P.ld. e8 � 'er o e� � I
<br />