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- n <br /> �_ ��I <br /> V -"�-, <br /> , �\�jl�Jl �� "_�.J�j����5L.9�� �ii V��� ���� <br /> _ ... .. _,_. _ _ ___._ __ _ . . _ _ � _.__:___. .�_ ____--- <br /> _.�__,__.� - __-- --- - ---- -----°-------- - <br /> REFEREE' S DEED� KNO'� ALT, �EN BY THESE PRESEPITB, That, �Phereas, in an action pend�ng <br /> in the Di�trict Court of Hall County, Nebraska, ( Case No. 3488), in xhich Henry Mayer wae plain <br /> _ _ <br /> . <br /> tiff and �illiam Berry, if alive, and �f dead, then the unknown heire of �filliam Berry, deceaeed. <br /> Berry, wife of �illiam Berry, Whose�first name is unknown, Laura Hun�, George Hunt, <br /> 1 <br /> her husband, John Canway, E7.izabeth E11en Conway, a minor, John H.Pettibone, E.S.Ni$on, Pettibone <br /> and Nixon, a co-partnership were defendants, it was, among other thin�s, found, ordered, ad�udged <br /> and decreed as follows: that the defendants, l�illiam �3erry and Berry, his wife, Laura <br /> xun�, John Conway, John H.Pettibone, E.S.Nixon and Pettit�one and Nixon are non-residents af the <br /> State of Nebraska, that Elizabeth Ellen Conway, a minor� is a non-resident of the State of Nebra <br /> ka, that� a guardian ad litem was duly appointed and has answered for said minor; that said defen <br /> ' dant s we re duly not if ied of the f iling and pendency of Eaid act ion by publica�ion 3n the Free <br /> Press, a wee�ly nevrspaper published at Granc� Islanc� in said H�21::County, Nebraska, for �he time <br /> �nd in the manner provided by la�v, that the unkno�vn heirs of �illiam Berry, if dead were duly <br /> a.�° <br /> made parties to said action, it was^faund that Benjamin Berry died intestate i3� the year 1902, <br /> � that at the time of his death, he was seized in fee simple of a rectangular piece of ground fro- <br /> , nt in� on Sixth Street in trie City of Grand Island in Hall County, Nebraska, 33 feet by 132 fe8t <br /> being the Easterlp one half of I,ot Na. Three (3) in Block Twenty-three (23) in Nagy� s Addition <br /> ; to the City of Grand Island, that he left surviving him a� his heirs and �only heirs at la�, <br /> �Pilliam Berry and Jahn Berry, sons, Laura Hunt, �dinnie Conway and E9argaret Graham, daughtere, <br /> � that Minnie Conwap died leavin� her �urviving Elizabeth Ellen Conway, aged five years and her <br /> husbana John Conway, her only heirs at la�, that �I�Fi�n &erry and B�argaret Graham have conveyed <br /> their interest in said real estate to Henry Mayer, �la�.ntiff, tliat Petti�one and 1Jixon, John. <br /> Pettibone and E.S.Nixon have no legal or equitable claiMS.�in- or ` 3;nterest to said premises and <br /> it was further decreed tha� the title to said premises be forever quieted in �illiam Berry, if <br /> , alive ancl if dead then in the unknown heirs of �Pilliam 8erxy, deceased, Elizabeth Ellen Conwap, <br /> sub�ect to the curtesyright of John Conway and Henry Mayer and their respective shares were <br /> , <br /> the���by confirmed and the undorsi�ned Arthur �G.Abbott was duly appoirrted referee to make parti- <br /> t i on of said psemiaes. � <br /> And Whereas, said referee aPpointect by said Court to make partition of said real estate <br /> made report in writing, duly signed, setting forth that partition of said larid could not be made <br /> � without �reat prejudice to the owners thereof, which report was duly examinecl by said Cour� and <br /> ; <br /> said Court being satisfied therewith, confirmed the same and thereugon made an order and caused <br /> � the same to be entered direeting me to sell said premises as upon execution to the highest bidde <br /> 'i for cash in manner provided by law, <br /> And fn pur�t�ance of said order I caused a notice to be �ublished in the Free Press, a neWS- <br /> paper publishecl and in general circtilation in said Hall County, that I would offer saicl land <br /> for sa3e a� the front door of the Court fiouse in said Coun�Cy on the 16th day of �ay� 1911 at one <br /> o' clock P:M. of said day and at tMe time and place stated in said notice and after said notiee ''��� <br /> . had been published for more than 30 days, I offerec3 said land at public auction and eold the <br /> same to Arthur C.Mayer fvr the sum of �100.00 cash, he being the highest bidder therefor and <br /> afterward$ and on the 22nd day of May, 1911 said Court approved and confixmed said sale anc3 bq <br /> an order directed me as said referee to execute to said Arthur C; �ayer a deed conveping said <br /> li land to him in fee simple. <br /> No�r Therefare, I, Arthur G.Abbot� referee, in consicisration_ of the premi�es and of the sum <br /> ��rtue o�S <br /> of �1Qp,00 so bid and paid by the said Arthur C.Mayer and b�� the powers vested in me by la�, do <br /> by� these presents, grant, bargain, sell and convop unto said Arthur C.Mayer and �to his heirs <br /> and assigna forever, the real estate described as followa: a rec�anglar piece of grov.nd front- <br /> � <br /> ing on Sixbh Street in �Che City of Grand Island, in Fiall County, Nebraska, 33 feet by 132 feet <br /> i �', � ..:._ __- � <br />