_ �—. � . _ .... _ ___ ,- • �
<br />. ' , < .t .__.
<br /> 9?-- �t3i'7�1 � ` �. � �
<br /> � "pdndpai amount of tha indebtedrtess secured by th(s Deed of Trust,not inGudir�g sums advanced to pratect the securfty ot ihis Deed of ` r;• ; ', , �
<br /> 'Trust,exceed the odginai prinap�l arcaunt stated herein,or$_�,Q^,000_0� ,whichever is greater. , �±--_
<br /> `� . _
<br /> 16.Misoeltaneous ProvEstons.
<br /> , (a)�orrovror tdo4 Roloase�.Extens[on of the thne fcr payment or modification of amortization nf the sums sscured by this . `' . • _ _
<br /> • need of Trust granted by Lendar to any suocessor i�intersst of Botrower shati not operate to reiease,in any manner,the liabili- - ,
<br /> ty of tNe original Borrawer and BorrovreYS suaessors in interest Lender sha0 not tse required to cammence procee�ngs • . �:,�-�
<br /> agatnst such successor or refuse to extend Uane for payment or otherwise modify amoRizatlon of the sums secur�ed by chis • K _
<br /> � Desd of Trust by reason of any deman�s mada by the odgirtal�orrower and Borrowrers successors in interest. • . y�:. _
<br /> (b)LendePa Po�r�ra.WUiout aftectirtg ths liabitity ot any other perscn liabie for tha paymsnt ot any obiigation herein men- —__
<br /> �oned,and without aftecdng the Ilen ar charge of this Desd of Trust upon any portion of tha Property not then or theretofore �
<br /> �• reieased as security for the full amount of all unpaid obiigations,Lender may,from time to time and without notice(i)release • � ,.�`�
<br /> any person so liable,(I)extend the maturity nr aiter any of the tertns of any such obligations,(ii�grant other indutgences.(iv) • . � •_
<br /> � re(ease or reoonvey,or cause to be reteased or retonvayed at any time at Lenders option any parcel, portion or atl of ti�e . � ,� �'�
<br /> property,{v)take or reteass any ott�er or additionsl security tor any abtigation herein men6aned,or(vi)make compositions or __
<br /> , othar arrangements with debtors in relatio�U�ereto. -_ '- "- , •���s
<br /> ' (c)Forbearance by Leadar Not a Watver.My forbeara�ce by Lender in exercising any right or remedy hereunder,or oth- �: =__
<br /> enrrise afforded by apptip6le law,ahaJi not be a waivet of or predude the exerase of any such right or rertsedy.The procure- , . - -
<br /> ment of insuranoe or the payment of taxes or ather liens or charges by Lender shall not be a waiver or Lendefs dght to acoelet- .,._ -'�
<br /> ata the ma�rtiy af the indebtedness secured by this Deed af Trust : == _'��
<br />� � Suceeasors and Asst ns Bound;Jofnt and Sevarat Liabiliiy;Captions.The covenants and agreemems herein oon- �- ��--� ':z.�"
<br /> (� 9 . •r.�--_-
<br /> � qined shali bind,and the rights hereunder shall inure to,the respectiva successors and assigns of Lender and Ynistor.All , _�._,__--
<br /> covenants and agreements of Trustor shatl be Joint and several.The captions and headings of the paragraphs of this Deed of •. .:�_:--r
<br /> • Tnut are for cornenience only and ara not to be used to interpret or define the provisions hereoL -
<br /> (e)Reques4 for Hotices.The par�es hereby request that a copy of any notice of default hereunder and a oopy of any no�ce ;Y,R,
<br /> rt� .�
<br /> of sate hereundsr be mailed to each party to this Desd of Trust at fhe address set farth above in the manner presuibed by , .,:----_-_
<br /> appiicabte Iaw.Except for any other notice required under aR�:��b1e law to be given in another manner,any notice providad for - � =-
<br /> in fhis Deed of Trust shall be g�+en by maiting such notice T,}-ceRlfied mail addressed to the other parties,at the address sst "�y`'-�`�"'.�"��-`
<br /> forth abave.My no6oe providacl for in this Deed of Trust s.hali be effective upon mailing in the manner designated herein.if 9''R"!�'�!!�'�
<br /> Tntstor is mare than one person,notics sent W the address sei foRh above shall be notfce to all such persons- � ' �:�,� u�
<br /> (�Inspeetton.Lender may make ar cause to be made reasonabie entries upon and inspedions of the Property,provided ';;�;.'_•
<br /> that Lender shaii giva Trustor rt.::�prior W any such inspeci�n spedfying reasonable cause therefor related to t-ender's inter- : � �
<br /> � est in fhe Proparty. �•
<br /> ` (g)Rar.anveyaoca.Upon payrttent of all sums secured by this Deed of Tnist,Lender shall requesi 7rustee to reoornay the --- �
<br /> �.��'; .��--
<br /> Pro e and shall sunender this Deed of Trust and all notes evidencing indebtedness secured by this Desd of Trust io �-_
<br /> Trustee�.Tnistee shall reconvay th3 Property,without warranty and without charge to the person or persons tsgalty entiUed '��`�..-1�`
<br /> ffisrefo.Tn�stor shall pay all costs of recordatton,if any. , �;•
<br /> . ' (h)Petsonal Propariy;Secur[ty ASreemenL As additional security for the payment of the Note,Trustar hereby granffi ���' __.
<br /> - Lendsr under the fYebraska Unffortn Commercial Code a security interest in all fixtures,eGuipment,and other personal properly z�'�"` � �' �
<br /> used in wnnecdon with the real estate or improvements lo�tsd thereon,and not othem�i�a dedared or deemed to be a paR of � '�'��� �� .�^
<br /> �t.,.. ,.
<br /> the real esffite secured hereby.This insWment shall be canss�uued as a Se�urity Agreemant under said Coda,and the Lender ,,i�,:. , .:__..
<br /> . shail have all the rights and remedies oi a secured party undar said Code in addidon to the rights and remedies created under ' '�, � �.�:;�,:,
<br /> and accarded the Lender pursuant to this Deed of Trus�pra�rided that Lenda�s dghts and remedies under this paragraph shall �.`� -
<br /> � be atmuiative w3th,and in no way a IimitaUon on,Lender's rights and remedies under any other secuNty agreement s�gned by �;:; �:.� �� -
<br /> � F Borrower or Trustor. . � `
<br /> (i�Uens and Eacumbrances.Trustor hereby warrants a��represenis that there is no defauit under the provis:ens oi any �
<br /> -- mortgage,deed of trust lease or purohase conbact describing ail or any part of the Rcenerty,or other contract,ins�ument or �� "��:, �_
<br /> agreement constituting a lien or encumbrance against ali or any part of the Property(collectivety,'Uens7,existlng as of the ^- k = .
<br /> `' � date of this Deed oi Trust,and that any and ali exlsting Uens rematn unmodified except as disGosed to Lender fn Trustnrs vrrit- Y•��•'�,; � ,_,
<br /> ��� ten disctosure of Ilens and encumbrances provided for here(n.Trustor shap timely perform all of Trustor's obtigatlons. . .:E�,'i'.= �
<br /> covenants,representations and wartanties under any and aA existing and future Liens,shall promptly forvvard to Len�2r copios - _-
<br /> of all notices oi default sent in cannecUon with any and all ezsUng or future Llens,and shall not without Lenders prior wntten — `
<br /> _ , consent in eny manner modify the provisions ot or atiow any future aQvances under any e�dsting or future Iiens. .._=:��
<br /> _, (�Appiicatlon o!Paymants.Unless othervuise requlred by law,sums paid to Lender hereunder,inctuding wlthaut IimitaUon `' °�°""�-"-�_��
<br /> payments of pdncipal and Interest,insurance proceeds, condemnaUon procaeds and rents and profi�.shail be applied by p.�- -
<br /> Lender to the amounts due and owing from 7rustor and Borrower fn such order as Lender in its sole discreUan daems dasir- �- v
<br /> ,� abto. � � Y�
<br /> (9c�Ssvarablltty.If eny provlsmn of this Deed of Trust car:9lcts w(th applicabla law or Is deGared Invalid or othera�se unen- ��p;���'T•`'�__
<br /> foroEabte,such confiict or inval;8ity shail noi affect the oiher provtsions oi this Oeed ot Trust or the Note which can be ghren --__ --
<br /> effect without ths cunflicUng provlsion,and to this end the provtsions of this Oaed ai Trust and the Note are declared to be sev- �r�—�,
<br /> � etabis. ��";r_
<br />� (I)Tenna.The terms"Trustn�'and'Borrower shail inGude both singular and plural,and vfien the Tnlstor and Borrower are �-"-�L-�'�--^=�-_
<br /> the same person(s),thoss terms as used in this Deed oi Trust shal!be interchangeable. `�
<br /> . (m)Goveming Law.This Deed of Trust shall be goverrt:d by the taws of the State oi Nebraska. �����''=�
<br />.. •✓..
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<br /> Trustor has executed this Deed of Trust as of the date written above. • � .' :_
<br /> � ��. -
<br /> ' _»:�ee:-�-�'�-_.-
<br /> Lila C. Holloway, an un married �i�f�w Trustor � . . . � --
<br />. Trustor Tnistor ` .. , --'
<br /> , . - •
<br />, . �r,r�_
<br /> ' . �.,
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