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<br /> .19 97 .by and among�G-G-- - � .. - ;-T„�;;=
<br /> E THIS DEED Of TRUST.is made as o'F the arrl day of_ M arr h o . , .
<br /> � t meTn,scor, L H a unre ed w'do \c , _ ��
<br /> + 68803-1810 `�-°�����
<br /> whose maling address is �(197 l f nit 7 A ya l�9Q, r ra A� �!F-(herein`Trustor,whether one or more). � � ` _.:-
<br /> �`.,-a+ac�:�:=
<br /> , - '1. ____ ,S�Y.�
<br /> � the Truste� , . • �
<br /> whosemailingaddressis P 0 8ex 15�7 +ran iclant�,� NF 68$0�-15(17 m
<br /> erein?n�stee�,and ' �`�
<br /> ; .- .. -�,'.�;---
<br /> tfie Beneftciary. '�'` -," •��.
<br /> �� � whose maiting address is 2015 M Broad w ell A v e ,._,G r �' T�i'^� u F 6RR(1� (herein'Ler�de�. , S��._?<«�-�`;�,
<br />� . FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,in�Je�'sng LendePs extension of etedit identified herein to L�la C H 0110 W d V ��
<br /> � � (herein'Borrower,'whether one or more)and the trust herein created,the receipt
<br /> ;� .
<br /> of whict� is hereby adcnowiedged.Trustor hereby irtevocabty grants,transfers,convays and assigns to Tn�.stee. IPI TRUST,WITH � ,-
<br /> � POWER OF SALE,for the benefit and secudty oi Lender,under and subject to the terms and condiUons hereinafter set forth,tha rea! .;^.�. �,�� .
<br /> � ProAer►Y described as follows: ' � �
<br /> � See attac6a�d 'Exhibit A'. � ' 'j!����
<br /> .<.-�; :r�..;�;, '
<br /> " Y .�
<br />. T ether wIt�ail buildin�s,improvemen�,fixtures,s�sts�alleys,passageways,easements,rights,privileges and a�purcenances ` �~ �•� �s� ,
<br /> ..'� � q �!� : ,�
<br />� tocated thereon or in anywisa pertaining thereto,and t he ren t s,issues a n d p r a ft t s,r e v a r s l o n s a n d r e m a i n d e r s t h e r+e o i,a n d s u c h p e r-
<br /> - sonal properly t3rat is attached to the improvements so as to consdtute a flxture.tnctuding.but not limited to,heaUng a�d cooling equip� "1� :"{�'�i �
<br /> . = d ='-
<br /> men�and together with the homestead or madtal inte re s t s,'rf any,w h i c b interesis are hereb y released and wa[ved;alt of whlcfi,indud- _ .+:
<br /> � ing reptacements and addiUons tfiereto,is hereby dedared to de a part oi tlra real estate secured by the Iten oitl�ls Deed of Trust and ,;,,_ �;;,,�
<br /> ` all of the firegoing being refeaed to herein as the'Propertyr. ��—
<br /> �- _
<br /> � This Dead of Trwt shail secure(a)the payment of ths pdncipal sum and interest evidenced by a promissory n�:o or exedit agree- �,.., _..,__
<br /> .havin a mawri date oi 200� . �•". . --�
<br /> • ment dated__. M_ r��h 3: 1997 9 tY �b--l�• _
<br /> � t in the orlQinal prinGpal amount oi$ 10 U21 �0 . and arry and all modiflptions,extensions and renewat� "�''�
<br /> . • •. ; th.reoi or there:o and eny and ati future advanoes and readvanc�s to Borrower(or any o1 them ff more than one)hereunder pursuant ��., �.'"'`•`��
<br /> � t_.,.. _...
<br /> . 4D one or m�promissory ren�as or credf!agreements 40�erein called'Note7;(b)the payment oi other sums advanced by Lender to - .��
<br /> protect the seaacity oi the No.e;(c)the performance of a:1 eovenants and agreemenb of�custor set foM hereln;and(�afl present and �„�_.._�-� _:.�
<br /> • � tuture IndebteCrnss and obligattons o!Bor.aw8r(or any oi them H more than one)to Lender whether direct,indirect,absolute or c¢�:'.1n- �=-.�•r�ti�=
<br /> . gent and whether arising by note,guarar,ty,�verdraft or otherwlsa.The tVote.this Deed oi Trusl and any and all other dacuments �at � �;.-�_
<br /> secure the Nofe or otherwlse executed i�xannection therewith,tncluding without timitetion gaarantees, secudty agreements and .
<br /> . assignments of teases and rents,shall be referred ta hereln as the'Loan tnstrumenffi'.
<br /> : �� Tnutor covenants and 2grees wlth Lender as follows: �
<br /> � 1. Payment oi Indeb:arness.A11 fndeSteQness secured hereby shall be paid when due. � .'"'"'`'_
<br /> 2. Titte.Trustor is the owner of the Proyerty,has the�ight and aufhority to corney the Propenj,and warrants that the Nen creat '�-r.�.
<br /> ' ed hereby is a ttrst and pdor lien on the P:��eRy,except for liens an0 encumbrenoes set torth by Yruator in wriHng and deliver2d to T�,
<br />� Lender before execution of this Deed oi Trust and tt►e execuUon and delivery ot this Deed ot Trust daes not viotate any contrzd or _ " ��;.:.•..
<br /> � cLher obUgatlon to which Tn:s9or is subjed. ' '
<br /> � � 3.Taxes,Assessme-�.To pay betora deUnquency all faxes,special assessra-s and all other charges against the Prop�rty , t='`,��'�:�"`�°
<br /> � now or hereafter levled. � �• � '�
<br /> 4.tn�uranoo.To keep the Propercy iaured againstdamage by flre,hazerds inctuded wlthia�..3 term'extended caverage',and "�.• ,,......_.,,,,.:.'
<br /> � such other harards as Lender may re��::2. in amounts and with companles aceeptabte to Lendc+, namin Lender as an addidonal �'��"'�'��
<br /> g ..a:: ' ." ,4��5�..::,
<br /> � named fnsured,wlth loss payable to the Lender.In case of loss under such poticies,the Lender is authorize0 to adJust,oolfect and • • , .
<br />� � compromise,ail Gaims the:eunder and shall have the a�Uon of applying a11 or part of the insurance proceeds(i)to any indebiedrress . � .�°.'
<br /> secured hereby and in surfi o.der as Lender may detertnine.(ii)to the Trus'torto be used tor the repair or restoratlon oi the Property or • .,,:a.::-�.
<br /> ' (i!i)tor any othe•purpose or object saUsfactory to Lender without aHecting the Uen of thls Deed of Trust tor the tuli amount secured � �,p�;;,�
<br /> • hereby before such payment ever took plaee.Any applicaUons of procseds to indebtedness shait not extend or postpone iha due date
<br /> '. oi any payments under the Note,or cure any detauft thereunder or hereunder.
<br /> 5.Escrow.Upon written demand by Lender,Trustor sha0 pay to Lender, ln such manner as Lender may designate,sutflcient . „
<br /> . • sums to enabls Lender to pay as thay become due one or more of the foliowing: (i)all taxes,essessments anA other charfles against .
<br /> the PropeRy, (ii)the premiums on the property insurance required hereunder.and(iii)the premiums on any mortgage insurance
<br /> required by Lender.
<br />- � 6. Malntenanee,ttepairs and Complianee wit�Lawa. Trustor shall keep the Property in good candition and repair,shall ,.
<br /> , � promptly repair,or replace any improvement which may be damaged or destroyed:shali not commit or permit any waste or datertora-
<br /> � tion oi tPie Properry;shail not remove,demolish or substanUally after any of the improvements on tt�e Property;shatl not ccmmit,sufter . .
<br /> or pertnit any act to be done in or upon the Property in violaUon oi any law,ordinance,or regulaUon;and shall pay and prompUy dis- •
<br /> � charge at Trustor's cost and expense all Iiens.encumbrartces and charges levled,imposed or accessed against the Property or any .
<br /> � • part thereoi. ' • ,
<br /> 7.Eminent Domain.Lender is hereby assigned ail compensaUon,o�vards,damages and other payments or relief(hereinafter , �
<br /> . • I O+sOe�trma��ca�mcutnma+OSa�nq+ass«nnn inoam aeorav� • --�.---� —- -- -- .
<br /> .I
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