' ���_
<br /> � I1J ;�I�i�j�JJ� �1.�,�j'U/� � ��41�L�J 31 V �!� ��
<br /> , . _....�/ -�.� ____�-_ � -��, ��..J_� J ��YJ -i \.��
<br /> I ' All the above described lots are in actual possession or oceurancy of Clarence E..Masten,as tenar.t
<br /> .
<br /> of said Anna J.Milisen. After the expi.ration of three months from the date of servica of
<br /> this notice a tax deed to all s�id lots tvill be a�r��ga for.
<br /> The time for rademption from said tax sale �till expire on the 2nd day of lvoveml,c�r, 1910 on
<br /> each lot. Anna Milisen, Purchasar.
<br /> ' Anna J. Milisen.
<br /> State of Nabraska (
<br /> Hall County ( �s J.M.�unkel , being first duly s��rorn on his oath statee, that he is the
<br /> ' sheriff o:F Hall County, 1ve'�raska, that on the '7th day o� July, A.�.1J10 he sarved the above not-
<br /> , ice on the a'bove named Clarence E.Masten in Ha11 County, Nebraska, �vhom I found in actual pos�-
<br /> � ' egsion c,r occ��rancy of the as�ove aescr.ib�,d lots by delivering to him �ersonally in said County,
<br /> a true and c�rti}'ied eopy oi the above notice. That I made diligent search and inquiry for the
<br /> above nar.�.ed Chas or Charl�s H.�Aoo�ls and Susie o.r Susan B.Do.ran, t'_Zat the said Chas H.�'�oods is i
<br /> dead, tlZat I made 3iliaent search an3 inquiry and am unabls to Find any of the unknown heir� of
<br /> .' said Chas ?i. ;q�ods in Ha11 County, �ebraska, that I am unable to find said Susie Doran in sai3
<br /> , Iiall County, �nd:�ar� unable to learn �*�hether �;he is alive or ,�ead.
<br /> J.M.Dunkel
<br /> Dated this 9th day of July A.D.1910.
<br /> SubscriUec� in �y ;�resence �nd ���orn to before r�e by the �aid J.M.Dunkel this 9th day of July
<br /> A.D. 1�10.
<br /> (S F A I� ) Artnur G.4bbott
<br /> arthur
<br /> Fees -�1. 00 Paid rdotaxy Public.
<br /> P��-��-�-,- �,��.-�-Q� �!� Z ° � j 9 � �
<br /> TR£ASt1RER'S TAX DFED �
<br /> Kno^� all Men by These Pres�nts: That T"lhereas, at a Public sale of raal estate �or the
<br /> ' non-pay;nent of taxes,maae in the County of Hall on the 2nd day of 1�ovQm�e.r, A.�. 1908, the fol-
<br /> said
<br /> Io�ving described real e�,tate situ:�te in,�the county, �a-��it:- £,ots Nine (9) Thirt �en (13) and
<br /> �! Fourteen (14) in Block Eighteen (18) of Stanley Place , in the City of rxrand Island, ivebraska,
<br /> �vas sold to Anna J.Milisen for the �-�e�. inque�t taxes of the ysars 1896 to 1907 inclusive on 1o�s
<br /> ' 13 & 14 anc� :for the year 1901 to 1907 inclusive on said lot 9. and �►fhereas the same not having
<br /> bean redeemed frozn such sale, and it appearin� that the holder of the certificate of pizrchase of
<br /> ' said raal estate has comvlied ^�ith �he la:as of the State of lvepraska necessary to antitle Anna
<br /> �7.Mili�en to a dee3 0� saiY real e�tate: No�►d, thererore , I, county treas,irer of said county
<br /> , of Hall , in consi �.erat-ion of the premises and 50 c and by virtue of the statutes of the State
<br /> '>' of Nebxaska in such cases maae and Provided, do herc�by grant and convey ,.znto Anna J.Mi�isen, her �
<br /> ,' heirs an�:�i �+_ssi�ns, forevar, the said xeal estata her�inbefore 3escribed subject, hoRever, to any
<br /> redaMpti�n providad by la�r�.
<br /> 4iven under my hand an1 offi�ial s�al this 4" a�y of 1��ovem'oer, A.D. 1910
<br /> �JIT�tESS. (SFAI�) Theo P.�3oehm.
<br /> , R.L.Harrison County Treasurer.
<br /> St�te of Nebraska (
<br /> ( �s
<br /> H�11 County ( On this 4" �ay of Nover:�ber, A.n. 1910, before me a Notary Public in
<br /> and �or sa:d Co,znty ,r��rsona, ly appaare:3 the abose named Theo P.�3oehm, tre=�.surer of said county
<br /> rersonally kno�xrn to me to be the treasurer of �aid county, at the ciate of the execution of the
<br /> �'ore�oing conveyance, an�1 to 'oe the identical person ��hose nar:�e is affi�ea to, ana �.�vho e�ecuted
<br /> ' said conveyance as treasurer o� sai�. county, and ackno�.�led;ed the eYec,�tion of the same to be
<br /> his vo2�ln�ary act �nd 3eed as treasurer of said county, for the p��rnoser t�erein �_;vp,-esaed.
<br /> �ITNESS �!y hand and offical seal the �.ay and year last above ���rit�en.
<br /> Arthur r7.Abbott , IV4taxy":�Pt.blic.
<br /> (SEAL)
<br /> MY commiasion expires P�ovember 20, 1913
<br /> Fi1ed for recoxs Nov�m'oer 17,1910 �t 3.15 F.'�. ` �
<br /> __-ra��nty�Cle rk�==�--______
<br /> ,
<br />