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— a <br /> � � <br /> � <br /> ����',�����,� �����C���S�� ��� �C�� <br /> vol�antary ac� ana deed. <br /> �'itr.esN :.;T ha�:a and notariu� sP�.l in s�a.d County, or. �ne c��y arci ��ear last aG:;ove cy�ritten. <br /> ( S E .� L } C. F.. ':''���herstonc� <br /> ' �ly cor�;�i.usion ��:}�ire� Ju1y 1, lhl�. ?fiotary Public . <br /> Filea for r�cord this 2°th c�ay of C;c�o:;ar �,n 1�1� at 10.30 ofcloc;; A.���. <br /> � � <br /> County Clerk. <br /> -O-C-0-O-0�--0-0-0-O�-C-L-O-O--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0�--O-J-0-0-�-�0-0-O-Q-0�-0�-O�-G-C-G�-J-0-0-0-0- <br /> REFEREFf�.�?t L'nl.� "'F �,,, <br /> ��::erea, on �he 17" d�.y of Augu�t A.D, l;)10, ir. an action th�r. �er.ding in the Pi�trict <br /> �iOUZ� Gi itc"i�2 l�%U1:ri'�ti''� ;��u:i:Si.aj ',':�iEZ'@1.21 John F. ���uQY'� i1].�.17.�T?1 i-�. 1-"ia(i,2�'� Ir�Y�F:i.S 1!;. ;;t�der, <br /> �1iza�ath �:�. Hein�, �eor�e �t '<`�c1er , Gha-ries �. °.°�a«er and 1'�sie :�. Peterson vrere Plain— <br /> �if�a anci �7i11i�M Z. Peteruon, Allen Peterson, �:=:ciericri Peter�on, �nd :,i�artle Pe�erUon �rere <br /> ctefondant�, for the �ar�;iti.on of �he real e:tlte h��reir.aft,er clescrib�a, �hQ ur.dersi�nec3, <br /> , �?eferees, a��ointad 'tiy ��id Cour� to ri?<xke Partitiar� thoreof, r,}acie rel�crt in �vrit ing, duly <br /> � <br /> �i�nec�, settin� forth �i�at Partitinn of said landc� cou�d not '�e�e �rith �;reat projuciice <br /> t o tne a?�m��s t7:e L eo�', �°rhieh re,�iox� Z�ras dul�r �Xa:.iir.e c? �:��T t77 e Court � cluly eonf i rmQd <br /> '��� the �'our� ; ��,r.c' ttierau7?on an orcier ��,ras rract� b,r the Cou�.�t anci en�ered��oi rocoru uiroc�ing <br /> i <br /> the�� rsi�r��;c� as rlufereea to soll sa�.ci pre:::ise� a� l��rovicted by lacr fo-r c��h. <br />�'� II <br /> knd ;��hereae;, in 7�ursuai:ce of suiu, tiRre cati.,oci a�-���� notica to be _r.u'�li�heci in <br /> the �-r�nd I�.l��n�' I , , -, ,,. ,* Y� � ', '-� ' 'n an 1 n ,7e ..a c � la <br /> u nue enuert ;:� �—� ��l a . r i c _ f z�e� l i�cu tion <br /> �r��, e s � <br /> � <br /> � y � I I� v <br /> �1 in r:ail C;our��y, :�ob�����,�.a, �i�at �;�re «,rulci ofi��r �uici 1<�na�> fo-r �ale �� pu�;lic auction, at the � <br /> ,; - <br /> , <br /> '� fro�tt �aoor of the Court ,';ouse in ��r�na I�1�nil, xia11 County, �ie�;r:ka, on .,ionaay tile F 6" day <br /> of S�ptQ.::iaer, A.�. 1�10, at t�le ilour oi' +t�to o��,loe;k in �he aft�rnocn or said c�ay, �r�d at <br /> i the t :�me anci pl�ce st_•�ted in said notice, af�er saicl notica i:ac;� s��en pu'tilishea fo-r thirty <br /> u�ys, :re ofi erec� a��id ?�.nds to—�Tfzt : <br /> �il� �'a,t i��alf o� thQ i�orth rast ��uarter, , <br /> Th� r:orth �te�t qkarter of ;�ortl� Fast quar�er, and <br /> The Eaut iialf o� tt;e ?�lorth �est quartcr, all in <br /> �action :TUru�ercci Ti�irty Six (�6) in Tovmehip <br /> �vLUni�erecl Tvrelve (1�} , �loxth of �an�e Ton (10) <br /> J�e�t oi the :ixtil Princi?�al ::ericiian in :;e�ra��:a, <br /> ir� T-iall �oun�y, T.e��r�.�r�a, and <br /> , I�ot i�Tur:�r�er T-.;a (ti� in aE'.Ct1.Gri :'un�b�re��. Thirty (3U) <br /> ir. �o�°:m�hip �?umuered T1�relva (1�} , �?o�th of i�anbe liurn;�ered <br /> ' iline (J) , ��st of �he Sixth Princi;:�al ::��ridian in <br /> i;e�;r���:a, in r�all Loun�;y, T�ebraska. , <br /> f�r �a1e at �,uk�lic �uctian antt �nld the aar:.e to ���3or�,e t"•,. ::�cler ior tlie sur:� of T,;;cnty Three <br /> ThouNand Thr:e TTuncired anci 1 tT:erty Fiva (MN3��5.00) Doll��rs, he 1�ein�; the hi�he�t and a.est <br /> uidczer therefor. Ana aftervrard�, ta—��;it : on tlie 14" day o� GctoUer , A.D. 1910 said sale <br /> ras cluly a�;l;ruvo cj ana c cnf ir�:ecA i�y tYie I�i�t rict Court a� ?.all County, I7e��ras��a, anci ar. cr— <br /> . der r.zacie by the court clirect ing ua a� sucli ref eree� -�o make,�€� oxecute Ana deliver �;o <br /> saia ��;or�e l.. ,<;:_�uer a �oo:u anci �uf�ieient deed CGI'1VQ�ri.i��, c>aicl� to hiri in fe� ^ir�iplo. <br /> I�Zoti�r Tl,.erefore: <br /> ��noyr A11 �-ien Ey '�Ze�e Present��:: TY:at rre, I�ouiS F. iT;�,�arr:an �r�ci ��or�;e A. Leisor, roferees, <br /> in con��iderution of tlla I�ren�i�ea ai�d of �l�e �um of T�vonty Thr::o Thousand Thre� f�undred and <br /> , ��, <br /> T�Frenty Five (�,�F3325.GC) i?ollar� the arnoun� �o aa afo�e�a:id pid and j�aicl i�y s�id Creor�e A. <br /> '.aaaer, ar.d by vi��tu� of tho po�ers vec�tacl ir. u� '�y latt�, clo i�y the�e �roser�ts grant, soll <br /> � ' and conv�y unto tlie :�id �eor�e A. t�ader the fallowin� described rea' e��ate to—��rit : <br /> Th� East half of �iio Storth Fa�t quartor, Tl.e a'ortri �e�� ��u<-trter of +.��o ��o�th East quar'��' <br /> ' ar�a Tlte rast half of �?ze "crtii �7eti�t c��rter, a11 in ryection i'ui�-�uerea T�ii-rty Six (3�:) in <br /> , To�=m�hi� �'w�n'���eci T,�re1.vQ (12} , �'orth of P�an�e I;urn.,�erec3 T,en (10) i9es� of the Sixth Princi��al <br /> ;leric�ian ir. �'etira�r;a, in Ii�:,11 County.;: ?S��;rasr:a, �.ncz Lot Nu�:_�er ^�;ro (2) in Section ?•Tur:ibereci <br /> ,,; <br /> � -- --��- <br />