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<br /> Unless otherwise agreed in writing.all►nswance Proceeds shall be apptied ta the rc�sturation or reQair of the Properiy , ` _ � I
<br /> or to the Secured Debt,whether or not then due,at Lender's option.Any appliration of proceeds to principal shall t�ot .. � � �.+'
<br /> extend or postpone the due date of the scheduled paYmeat nor change the amount of any payment.Any cxcess w71 be .. , .
<br /> paid to the Grantor. If the Propertl'�b�re ihe cquun uon halltpass t�Lender t�he extentof he Snec�ued Debt ' . ,' �� . :_�
<br /> resulting from damage to the Property .t
<br /> . immediately be�ore the aoquisition. ' ,� •
<br /> 2p, ESCROW FOR'd'AIC�S ANU INSURANCE.Unless otherwise provided in a separate agreement,Grantor will not , .
<br />� be required to pay to Lender funds for taxes and insurance in escro�+• ' . _
<br /> 2L �NMT�I-13EPORTS Al�i�`���ONAL ID�CIJMENTS.Grantor Grar►tar a rees co sign.deli eru nd fi e ' � ___
<br /> financial statement or information Lender may deem reasanably necessary• to e ect.continue,and preserve - � . � �� •-
<br /> . any additional documents or certifications t hat L en der m a y c o n s i d e r n e c e s s a ry p � + � :� �
<br /> • Grantor's obligations under this 5ecurity Instrnment and Lender's Gen status on the Property ' .
<br /> �, 'O�,e�l�ip[1VDIVmUAL LIABILIITY;CO-SIGNEEtS;SUCCESSORS AND ASSIG1dS BOUMD.All duties ::;.;,.. -. ., • �.
<br /> under this Security Instnunent are joint and individual.If Grantor signs this SecuritY Innrument but daes not sign an _ • _ /: � `,`;:-
<br /> evidence of debt,Grantor daes so only to mortgage Grantor's interest in the Property to secure payment of the
<br /> • Secured Debt and Grantor does not agree to hs�ersonally liable on the Secured Deb� If this Security Instnunent .• ,I.����
<br /> .� � sec�ues a guaranty between Lender and Grantcr, Grantor agrees to waive any righu that may prevent Lender from ._' _
<br /> ' bringing any action or claim against Grantor or any party indebted under the o6Ggation.These rights may include,but ,' ��.
<br /> to this Securi �-��..• '�
<br /> are not limited to,any anti-deficiency or one-actio e1u�e�°of t�lus Security lnstrumentnor any evidence of debt -__ —___
<br /> Insh�ument may extend.modifY or make any c6ang Instruinent.The - -
<br />° without Grantor's co�s�n�Such a change will not release Grantor from the terms of this Security .
<br /> <°«, ducies and bene5ts of¢tiis Sscurity Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Grantor and Lender. �:� ,.: ___
<br /> �, ppp�,.(1�a,BY,E LAW;SE�EttAB�.['d'Y+INf�1tPRETA'fION.This Security Instrument is govemed by the laws of .�:: '�
<br /> ;•:: the jn,*isdic�tion in which Lender is located,except to the extent otherwise required by the laws of the jurisdicaie3 � z r;_�
<br /> � where the Property is lacated.'Il►is Security Instrument is compdete and fuUy integrated This Security Instrument ci.a� .
<br /> ' not be amended or�odified by oral agreement. Any section in this Security Instrument,attachments,or any -•>�.��y�i�:'�
<br /> agreement related to the Secured Debt that can�fi;cts with applicable law will not be effei isv�e.�n��at t be enorced ,�_-�' " -.
<br /> or impfiedly permiZs che variarians by written agraement.If any sedion of this Security . ��`� '
<br /> '<;1; according to�u terms.that section will be severed and will not affect the enfarceability of the remainder of this ,i�;r.;x` �•.•r
<br /> �;.._ Gc:
<br /> .�:
<br />- gecurity Insuument Nhenever used,the singular shall include tne plural and the plural the singular•The captions and = _
<br /> headings of the sections of this Security Instrument aze for convenience only and are not to be used io interpret or -� i
<br /> define the tettns of this Security Instrument.Tune is of the essence in this Security Instrument. � 'i"• : •..
<br /> 1A. SUCCESSOR T�22US'A'EE.Lender,at Lender's option, may fram time to time remo uccessor trus ee pw thout `��� ����<..�`,: �1 �
<br /> successor trustee without any ot her fo r ma l i t y t h a n t h e d e s i g n a t i o n i n w r i 1 i n g.'f h e ., ;�,_,
<br /> � conve}aace of the Property.shall succeed to all the title,power and duties confened u�on Trustee by this Security _ ;� . _
<br /> , Instrutnent and applipble law. it b first class "��• . �-°
<br /> �' Z5. NOTICE.Unless otherwise required by law,any no qce s h a ll b e g i v e n b y d e li v e ri n g i t o r b y m a il u i g y ._,
<br /> , m�u'1 to the appropriate party's address on page 1 of this Security Instrumsnt,or to any other address designated in y� ,. ,�
<br /> � � - writing.Notice to one grantor will b$deem e d to be notice to all g rantors. '` � �
<br /> •. � �, �ypryERS.Except to the extent prohibited by law,Grantor waives all appraisement and homestead exemprion rights t. : :�jr`.�
<br /> �-�--
<br /> ',�:- relatin�to the Propecty. �
<br /> r/, pT�g'I'ERMS.If checked.the following are applicable to th�s�ecuriry ins�run,CUi.
<br /> 7�$] Une o!Credi�The Secured Debt includes a revolving Gne of credit provision. Although the Secured Debt _ •����.
<br /> . may be reduced to a zero balance,this Security Instrument will remain in effect until released. 1��,R�' __
<br /> � Q Construction Loan.This Security Instrument secures an obligatian incurred for the construction of an _ _ _
<br /> . . �provement on the Properry• -�--- _ -
<br /> ❑ F"uct�ue Filing.Grantor grants to Lender a security interest in all goods tlhat Grantor owns now ar i.n�e �o,,,�,�...-�.--
<br /> � future and that are or will become fixtures related to the Property.This S�rity Instruraent suffices as a �'�''"r � ._�*�'.�--
<br /> �� � financing statement and any carbon,p�otographic or other reproducuon may be 6led of recArd for pur�a�nses � :: .,�,-._.._., :
<br /> , � ;st!"-�t,*<' ;;,x-;,�s.
<br /> of Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code. �,•:. :�:�• ��. ., •
<br /> � ❑ Ridere.The c.ovenanu and agreements of each of the riders checked below are ineorporated into and �-��;,_�_�.
<br /> .:�
<br /> ...' . supglement and amend the terms of this Security Instrument.[Check all applicable boxesJ . .,,�
<br /> � �
<br /> ..... ' . ..•�...
<br /> ❑Condominium Rider ❑Planned Unit Developmem Rider Ot er
<br /> ..................................................... 'r�a+�l`a'1°�",�'`
<br /> . . ❑ AdditionW Terms. - �t`'� '�
<br /> •,�-.�„�,��.. `
<br /> . - '�„,;
<br />� ;'� .. �(r;,;«,.;�,; __
<br /> , . . � � . �:.
<br /> ,^�.,_ — ,
<br /> • ' SIGNA'i'lJ[tES:By signing below,Grantor agrees to the terms and covenants wntained in this Security Instrument and in y;�y�„Y� „: �
<br /> '.� any attachments.Grantor also acknowledges receipt of o copy of this Security Instrument on the date stated on page 1. _
<br /> ..
<br /> r�.���
<br />. '� . ��� - ����;�""' f � �
<br /> � ' ��'`__ 03 06/97 ... ...... � . .......... . .
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<br /> 03/06/9
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<br /> . (Datc1 (Signature� ' `
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<br /> �.
<br /> ' ACiCDIOWLEDGMEN'f'� HALL , �
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<br /> . �.� E
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<br /> �� GEHERA!MOIABY-Shte ol Nea�sq ' : �'�.
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