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<br /> StatQ of �Iest Vir�in-ia )
<br /> }ss •
<br /> Chio County )
<br /> Gn this 4 day of iti�ay, A.D . 1910, b�fore me the unclersi�ned �
<br /> Jos , �'. Rankin, a Notaxy Public, duly commi��ionerl and qualifiecl for and residing in said cau�j.ty, ; �
<br /> per�onall�,� came David Ran�in and irlary S. Ranki,n, ta rae knarm to bQ the identical persans vahose
<br /> names are affixecl to the �oregoing convey�ancQ as grantars, and ackno�rled�ed the sane to be their !
<br /> voluntary act and deed for the purnoses therein set farth. '�i�ness my hanc� and Notarial Seal �
<br /> �his �th day of �iay, 1910 , i�ly comraission ex��ires the 9 day of February, 1920.
<br /> (SEAL� Jos . �!. Rankin;
<br /> Not�xy Fublic . �
<br /> Filed for record the 7th clay of P��ay, 1910, at 10 A.M.
<br /> _- ' � �
<br /> Coun y er���
<br /> �#,�##;'�-,-�-##�: ,�#��' ,'#�`r��1'���;" �,�#�=,�1--�. ,���##��#-�#�-��#����f��� '� ,��-�� , ��- -��-1:��������
<br /> � �PARRAAITY DEED: ..
<br /> K2dC�l ALL ?dEN BY T�SE PRESE�ITS : That Z, i9illard A. Princo and Carrie Prince, husband and �vife, of '
<br /> the Caunty of I�all and State of Nebras�ca, grantors, in consider�tion of the sum of Faur Thousand �
<br /> Seven Hunclred Fifty ('�4 750) I�ollars , in h�.nd paid do hereby �rart , bar�ain, aell and convey unto ;
<br /> �illi�m Ivers , of the County of �ia11 and �tate of �Tebra�ita, grantee, the follo�in� described �
<br /> prer,rittes situated in the Caunty of Ha11 and State of Nebraska, to-wit: A piece or parcel of
<br /> l�ncl comniencin� Twenty-eight (28) feet in a '�esterly c�irection from the South-easterly coxner °
<br /> of Zot Fiva (5) in �lock fifty-four (54) , 3n the original town, now city of Grand Island, Hall ��
<br /> �
<br /> County, Ne':�raska, it being at a point in the southerly bounlary 13ne af said lot ; thence from ;
<br /> that �oint in a v�est�rly r�irection �l,on� on said southerly boundary line �or a dist�.nce of six- '
<br /> tean (16) feot thance turning a xi{;ht an,le in a northerly direction and parallel �rith the
<br /> i�esterly boundary lina of said lot for a distancQ of sixty (60) , feet, thence turnin� a right
<br /> �
<br /> an�le in an easta-rly diraction anci parallel �ri�th �he �aid .southerly '�oundary line of said lot
<br /> (facing third strQet in gaid city) for a aistance of sixteen (16) feet , thence turnin� a risht
<br /> angle in a Southerly airaction fox a distance of sixty (60) feet �o tlle place of beginning. Zt ' �
<br /> �
<br /> bein� a riace or parcal of said lot having sixteen (1G) f�et front on Third Street in said city b�
<br /> sixty (00) fQet dee�. .
<br /> To�;ether writh a per�etual right o�' way ovex and across a niece or r�arcel of �aid Lot com-
<br /> menc�.n�,; sixty (6G} feet in a northex2y �irectiorl fron the south-�resterly corner of said lo� , beir�
<br /> at a ��oint in the �`dest�rly boundary lir.e thereo�:, thence tu.r.nin� a right an��:� easterly for a
<br /> distar.cQ of thir�y-?i�ht (�8) feet, thence turnina a right an�le R'ortherly for a distance of abou'�
<br /> six (6) fest , rl�ore o� less , thence turnin,r,r a ri�ht an�le �esterly for a distar_ce of Thirty-ei�ht
<br /> (38) �'eet and thence turnin� � ri�ht �r.�le Southerly for a distance of about six (6) feet ,
<br /> r.iore or less, to the �lace of be�inning. ;
<br /> �'his conveyar�ee i� r�a�e �u��ject to �artition �rall Ie3ses , recorded in Book TMF� on x�a�e 1S1
<br /> and �ook "E'", page 464, of the records of Hall County, Nebr�ska. This convayance is �lso made
<br /> subject to thQ pavir.g ta�es �;ainst saia prernises, vahich paving taxes �rantee assumes anc� a�rees '
<br /> to pay. To�ether �rith all t�le tenei,.ents , hereditamen�� , and a��aurten�.nces thereunto belon�,ing,
<br /> an� all the estate, ri�ht , title, intexcst , doc�er, curte�y, cla3r,i and t�.er�.�anu vrh�.tsoever of the
<br /> saia �r�.ntors and of eitYler of ther�^., of, in, or to the sarn�, or any �art thereof . , �
<br /> To have and to hold the ak,ove de�cr�:bed prexlises , �rith the appurtenance�, �mto the saia
<br /> �xantQO and ta hi� heir� �r�d assigr_s forev�r. And we here�y covenant �ri�h the said �rantee that
<br /> we hold saici pror:�is�s Uy gooa and ��erfect title; that �re have �;ood ri�ht , and l�wful authority ta -
<br /> se11. �.nu convey the sair:e; th3t thay �re free and claar of �11 liQns �.nci incumbr�nces v:rhatsoever, '
<br /> subject hotrever to the pavin;� taxes above specified and to the taaes for the year 1910.
<br /> . .An.d vre covenunt to ti;arrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the la��fu1. claims of a11
<br />