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<br /> � ... �OI4S—%LOPP6BAHY6EfTCO.vPR11VTIN6.LITNOORAPHIN6�8T1�T10MER�':OMRNA .. . . ... . . . . ... .. . � . . �-_ .`.^ ..'... - �
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<br /> St at Q nf 2de�ra�ka
<br /> ���
<br /> Itall Coun�y }
<br />' �n thie 15 ciay o�' 1:zarch, 1910, before me tho unrlersi�;ned, �. Notary Public 3
<br /> duly con�mi�sionQa and r�ualified for anc; resiciin�; in �aia coun�y, persanall� came A,. H. Lan�mann,
<br /> sinele, to x�e �;nown to be the ident3cal person �hose narne is affixed to the fore;oing conv�yance +
<br /> as grantor, :�nd acknoti�rled�sc� the exocution of tha same to be his voluntary act �.nd c�eed, '�itness ;
<br /> my hand and �Zotarial Sea1 the day and year last above �rit�en, I�y cornMission exx�irsa th� l0�th
<br /> c�ay of FQbruary, �.91.2.
<br /> T. t�. C. k�arrison,
<br /> (SEAL) 1�y corlma.ssion ex�ires Fabruary lUth, 1912 . Notary Public .
<br /> Filed for record the 16th d�.y of Ilarch, 1�10, at 1 P.��.
<br /> ��--����/�" ' ,�
<br /> �— ,`_�,
<br /> County Clerk.
<br /> ��-�`�:�t.n. �:�Y;�.'�t:�� ry�p l.J._� �l� .,! 11Jr +.�.IL�/.1.tI (_r rt n1 �tn�t_l+._� �,�:r})".�,�q.`�ff. .re � : � �.. � - � -�. �.. r q n u �n� t rt
<br /> ar� ,� ,'( ,1,r�'"'�:���it' .,:�:,,, ,-� , . -^t �.y��{ t-„ + . r'�'" , ,�" Y�'"""1-•,a�...('.��.�,� ��:�,-�-�.� ::��:�-�,- xz�.�.�L�C�� ���:* � '!L��--f�� �:zf -�'cx`.�
<br /> la /1 t�lr A u �� ll n u N �� H r� r. . �7 n�i+ n .r u !t N l7 1+� �: �� l, ,� i� �• ��' !1 J !,� �! ,� Tr�u �� 1 �.i r1 ,� ri��F !� !, tJ L���t. Jl .� �r r � il i. .i 1! fl l. �1� �t .��,;���,�r}'�1 !t�i '�,[�.���i �. ,���
<br /> �AFt�t�iTT.Y nFED: KNG��� A.LL i�iElt BY fiHErE PRE�Ei�iTS: �'hat I , I3er�ha .�icllvane, a �ridow, of the Count�,�
<br /> r�� 'Yoxk, �nc� �tate of i�?ebra�l�a, fax and in consicleration of �he �um of four hundrea and no-100
<br /> Dal.lars, in hand ;�aid, do her�by �rant , bar�ain, s�ll, convey and canfirm un�o S. C. Hu�tan, bf
<br /> the County of Hall, and �t�te af Nek�ra,ka, �he folloti:in�, described reaJ. esta�e situa�ed in 4rand
<br />�
<br /> Islant�, 3n Ha11 Count�r, and State of ?IQbra�ka, to-�it : Lat� t�,�elve (1�) , �.nci thirtean (13) in
<br /> bloc� ten (10} �3ogg �'� Hills Add:itian �o rrand Islancl, iiebra�ka, �s surveyed, �alatted and recorclec�..
<br /> Subject hat�,rever �o thQ unpaid r�ortion of a cert�in nlart�ag� of �1'75 00, Recorded in book 38, �age
<br /> 11'�', of the Hall �ounty, Frebras�:�, mort�a�;Q records. To have and to hold tho premises abavr�
<br /> dascribed, to�;et�.�r yrith all the T�ner�ents, hereditament, and ap�urtenances thei^eunto belonging;
<br /> unto �the saici S. C. Hu:ton, and to his heirs and assi�ns, forever. And I do hereby covenant
<br /> �rrith �h� s�id �r�.ntae, �.na �rith llis heirs and a�si�ns, that T am la�vful].y seized of said premises;
<br /> that they are free from encumbrance, excQ�at �zs abov� stated. That I havc� gaad right and lawful
<br /> authority ta �ell the �ar�e, and I da hereby covenant to Urarrant anrl defend thQ title to said
<br /> prer�ises ag�in�t thQ la�rful claim� of all per�orLs z*rhornsoever.
<br /> Si�nncl �l�ia lo d�y of ��arch, A.D, 1J10.
<br /> Ber�ha 11�cIlvane.
<br /> In pr�ser.ce ai' '
<br /> Bayarc� H. Paine.
<br /> State of iTe'uxaska )
<br /> )s�
<br /> ' Hall County. }
<br /> an thi� 16 c�ay of ���arch A.�. 1910, before me the undersi,gned �iayard H.
<br /> Painp, a Notary Public, duly C41i1TIllSaioned and qualified for and residing in said county, person- '
<br /> �.11y came Bertha McIlvane, a wido�r, to rne knovrn to be the identical �exson �rhose na�e �he affixed '
<br /> -to thc� foregoin� convoy�nce as �rantor, and acknowled�ed the execution of the same to be her
<br /> voluntary act anti c3eeti. '�itne�s iny hand and Notarial Seal the day and year laat above writtan.
<br /> (SEAI,) I�4y com.�i�si on ex�i ro s the lOth day of Novernber, 191t�.
<br /> ��yard �. Paine .
<br /> Notary �'ublic.
<br /> Filed for recard the 16th d�y of :�arch, 1910,� at 4 P.2�4.
<br /> �
<br /> � , ,��
<br /> '�� ..a--P ''� ,
<br /> County �lerk,
<br /> , i .
<br />