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<br /> DEED OF TI�UST WITIi EllYURE ADVANCES ° � ' : :. . . --
<br /> _ THIS DEED OF TRUST,is made as of the 5th day of M arc h ,79 97 .by and among�G � `�;•��;T.- .
<br /> ' theTrustor, Robert D Hancocl�and Patricia J Hancock husband and wife 0►` �• . �' �`
<br /> ��,�a�iQ�
<br /> " 68803-8310 ��' ' -----_�__
<br /> whose mailing address is �nere����scor,whether one or mote), • , ..,' ` `;.4;,;�.
<br /> ..�
<br /> . „�*!sneg•.-
<br /> � meTn,scee Five Points Bank a Nebraska Coraoration . _"�=.'*'�':
<br /> .. , ,;�.���
<br /> , whose mailing address is p,,tl Rnx 1 S[L7,S.ra nd Tc1a n d� N F 698� -15(17 _(herein?n�stee'.and :"•��-
<br /> theBenefiaary,Five Points Bank , "�
<br /> '�;�-
<br /> whose mailing address is 9(11� N �roadwell Ave�. „r.,rand Tcland N E 68E�3 (herein'Lende�. --: �-- _ _
<br /> � FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATICi�3,induding Lendefs extension ot credft identified herein to Robert D Ha ncock � �?'
<br /> (her�in°Borrower;whether one or more)and the Uust herein exeated,the receipt _ �v:� �
<br /> of which is hereby actoiowtedged, Trustar h�reby irrevocabiy grants,transfers, ccnveys and assigns to Tnsstes. IN TRUST.WITH � - . .y �� . :'
<br /> POWER OF SALE,far the benefit and secu��. of Lender,under and subject to the terms and cund�ans hereirrafter set forth,the reaf . _
<br /> . ,.
<br /> propertY desaibed as follows: '..". -,
<br /> � Lot Twenty Five (25), Westgate Subdivision, Hall County, P�ebraska. .. ..- f�.•=
<br /> :�� j:. .
<br />� �•r�,Y+.� � ..j f t =
<br /> TogetAer with ail buildings,improvements,flxtures,streets,alleys,passageways,easements.�z-•5trts,prtvpeges and appuriem3nces ' _ ,?�
<br /> � lacated thereon or in anywise pertaining thereio,and lhe rents,issues and profits,reversfons and s3mainders tfiereoi,and sua'h per- at � �
<br /> - sonal properiy th�t ta attacheA to the improvements so�s to cons6tute a fixWre,including,but not limited to,heaNng and cooAng equlo- ,,,.�•�-_
<br /> menk and tagether with the homestead or ma�itai interas�,if any,which interests are hereby released and waived;atl of whfch,indud- ��• ,±
<br /> ing replacements end additions therato,is hereby dealare�to be a paR of the real estate secured by the lien of this Deed ot Trust and � �J� ,r..: ;•..�„���
<br /> �v�:�•°,
<br /> - � et!of the foregoing being referred to herein as ifie'Proyb�►�i'. `� "~
<br /> ' This Deed ot Trust shall secure(a)the payment ot the pdn�ipal sum and interest evidenced b a promtsso note or credi4 agree- �
<br /> 1' ry r .�',,�_�
<br /> � ment dated Mwrrh F ].gA7 .having a maturiry date of Mar _�1, 200 , ____ -- -
<br /> �. =°-
<br /> in the original prinGpal amount of S 9 d �091_7 4 .and any��nd atl modifiptlons,extensions and renewats . , __
<br /> • thereoi or thereto and any and all future advances and readvances to Borrower(w a:�y of them H more than ono)hereurMer pursuant ___ -_
<br /> to one or more pmmissory notes or credii agreements(herein calleA'Note';(b)the payment oi other sums aQvanced by Lera�ru to �_::�_•
<br /> proted the secudty oi the Note;(c)the pedormance ot all covenants and agreemerts of Tn�stor set forth hereln;and(d)ail present and �.��:T _���
<br /> . future Indebtedness a�0 obfigatians oi Borrower(or any of them if more than one)to�snder whether direcx,indirect,absotute or contin- ,_.,,.,� ��; . .
<br /> gent and whether a�ising by note,guaranty,overdraft or othervvise.The Note,this Qeed oi Tnist and any and all other documents that � t`',. ' �_..._.._�
<br /> secure the Note or othenroise executed in connection therewith, induding witt�out limitation guarantees,security agreements artd •� .f �-�_��"""{_
<br /> � assignments ot leases and renis,shall be referred to herein as the'Loan Instruments'. � -
<br /> � Trustor covenants and egrees with Lender as follows: '��S�" '
<br /> r�,;:
<br /> . 1. Pa�sr.ern ot Indsbtedness.A(I iRdebtedness secured hereby shail be paid wAen due. _ � ...._._'�.� .
<br /> 2. Titte.Trustor is the owner of the Property,h2s i1s�dght and authority to corvoy the Properiy,and warr:�t5 tfiat the Nen creat - � .
<br /> � ' ed hereby is a flrst and prior flen on the Property,exc�i for 8ens and encumbrances set foM by Trustor in a^:�'ng and delivered to � , - � -
<br /> Lender before execution ar tfi�is Qeed of Trost,and the execuUon and delivery of this Deed of Trust doea not violate any oontrad or ���1'�'-'R�"•' �-
<br /> .R
<br /> otherobligation to whlch Tnutor is sub;�i. ��—��—=
<br /> • 3.Tax�;s.Assessmenie.To pa�L•c'ore delinquency all taxes,speGal assessmenb and ail other charges against the P�perty =-�ti�=�=-•�����%.
<br /> � now or hereafter levied. � ' � �
<br /> • 4.Insuranee.To keep the Property insured against damage by flre,hazards included within the term'extended ooverage',and , •
<br /> such other hazards as Lender may require, �n amounts and with companios acceptabte to Lender,namtng Lender as an addiUonal . •
<br /> named insured,with lass payabte to the Lertder. In pse ot toss under such policies,,the Lender is authodzed to adjust,oofled and ,
<br /> oompromise,all clafms thereundar and shall have the opUon of appiying atl or paR of the insurance proceeds(i)to any indeb:2dness - .' �
<br /> • secured hereby and in such order as Ler�Csr may determine,(ii)to the Trustor to be used for the repair or restoraUen oi the Property or , •
<br />� .' pii)for any other purpose or object saUsfactory to Lender without aKecting the lien ot this Deed of Tnist for the full amouni secured '
<br /> hereby before such payment ever took ptaoB.My applicaUons of procesds to indebtedness sl�,all c�ot extend or postpone the due date � • �
<br />, � ot any payments under the Note,or cure any detauit thereunder or hereunder. � • . �
<br /> � 5. Eaerow.Upon written demand by Les�der, Trustor shall pay to Lender, in such mannar as Lender may designate,sufficlent . � .
<br /> . sums to enabte Lender to pay as ihey beoome due one or more of tho fotlowing:p)all taxes,assessments and other charges against
<br /> the Property, (ii)the premiums on the property insurance required hereunder.and (iii)the premiums on any mortgage insurance • � � � '
<br /> , req�ired by Lender. �
<br /> 6. Matntenanee,Repairs and Complianes wlth Laws.Trustor sball keep the Property In good condition and repair,shall . • . �
<br /> • prompUy repair,or replace any improvement which may be damaged or destroyed;shall not commit or pertnit any waste or detedora- , _
<br /> ' tion oi the Propetty,sfiail not remove,demolish or subsfantialiy aiter any of the improvements on the Property;shail not commit,suf4er • • �-�.
<br /> or permit any act to be done in or upon the Property in viotation oi any law,ordlnance,or regulation;and shail pay and prompUy dis- • ` ' �
<br /> charge at Trustor's cost and oxpense ail liens,encumbrances and charges levied.imposed or accessed against the PropeRy or any , � —
<br /> � part thereot. �
<br /> 7. Eminent Qomain.Lender is hereby assigned ail compensaUon,awards,damages and other payments or reliel(hereinafter �
<br />..- - -�-� Nscs�vMs,epnnn.a�oe.mrrm,sma •.-�--�-_ --- .
<br /> � 9,969Mrm�awacrn.�r.ceT.�a�ma5a+ro+�sscrn�on.s�-nmNOxam : . . '
<br /> f
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