<br />� D � � D � � � O � D � oc � � �,
<br />. , _. __ _ _— — _� —- --- - _
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<br /> _._ �_ _..
<br /> �: ... .-._. .— -__ __
<br /> � -. . __ ___ �____—�._�T �:_�_'_"_
<br /> _ __ _
<br /> . . .. . ...:. ... '_'� "_
<br /> St��e of A�er�raska ) �
<br /> Sa.
<br /> V�11ey Colanty � On this 1st day of .�arch,A.D. 1910,before me the undersi�ne3 a Notary '
<br /> Pu�lic,duly cornm�isuiari�d �nd �uali.fied for �and residin�; in said county,gerson�l:a.y car��e Clifton '
<br /> � .
<br /> C.C.�'aulk,�o me kr.o�n to be the icientical �eraon =�hose n�zre is affixe�i to the forego�n� convey- _
<br /> ance a� g;r�.ntor,ana ackno:vlerl�ed said x,I�stxurr.ent to be his vc�luntaxy �ct and deed for the pur- � f
<br /> po�e� therein set forth. i�
<br /> �'itnes� my hand an� Notarial �eal �his lst day nf jdarch 1�10.
<br />� ( Seal ) R.I,. Sta�1e
<br /> .
<br /> ���y commissian �xp::res tYie �Oth day of Dec. 1910. o ary Fu ac.
<br /> Plotary Acknocvled�;:�ent.
<br /> .
<br /> �tate ai Ne�r. )\
<br /> 1 �\
<br /> �,..:.
<br /> F�all County ) l�e It Remen.bered,'Phat on this �nd ;�ay of i.iarch A,�. 1910,before me the
<br /> unaers i�;ned W. L. �k rague a Notary Publ.ic, � n and for said county,rersonally came Perry J.Paulk,
<br /> ,
<br /> a si n�le r:an to r;e kno�rn to �ae the ��ent:�.cal rerscn whose name is affixe� to and �rho executed
<br /> the fore�;oing in�tru:.-;ent as nrantor ar.d ackna�:vl.ed�ed the sams to he his voluntary act 3nd deed
<br />� fc�r the �uz�oses ther�in �et foxth.
<br /> I� t�ritness my hana and Natari�.1 sA�� the day and year last above �uritten.
<br /> ( Seal ) �l. L. S ,r�a u�e
<br /> �y commissicn ��ir�s the 27th c�ay of ivtarch 1y1'�. a ary Pu� lc.
<br /> �'iled for recor� this 3"d�y of ;�iarch 1;31U,at 4-30 P.�1.
<br /> � � -�/�--2 '�� � �
<br /> � �� 1,1�6��. � ��
<br /> �'�/{�j'�/$+' �)(I' �/f);��j/j(:��I7r� -, �)()�^Ij),.��J/'�-j(j/. �.I{I.t.r,� .u.�/`�'�.� I�..'.�(1����Iit �?.�,�.���r;�. ! �� ��u ra rr_rr��:tld�.�{��.�-?)j���i-�ll-:�T/f�-3I�. :�.7/��-.�.7/�( ����'.�J'�� �fl#� y�H.�t� . �y��j'�t�(j/'.7/j/'.{1�((/� .�ji� II ;
<br /> i/ I!��li�/f e.l tl f� i1 t���Il !i (1 r. !/��I/ 7I���fi 1� I� ��I/ f fF �... ,. . .� l, �1� . ft.} . : i �I �l .� .� !: � /r . r:� l� Il t� �!i fl !1 �1�ri , .. �(! i :-�.I ,. ��!! r. -,��i� �, f! l� �1 J��I1���F1 �. .
<br /> KN4VJ ALI� :.tEN �Y TI�E;ka ?�R�SE�uTS: That Peter T. �lelsc�r� and Anna Ndel�on,his �vife ,of the County of
<br />� T�+uckolls,�nd State of T1e�ara��a,Gx�.ntors for and in consi��;r�tion of the surn of �'ourteen Thaus�.nd;'
<br /> si�ht hundretl Dollars :in hand aiu an he re'�y grant,�ar .ain,se11,conve and canf irm unto John
<br /> '� a �` Y
<br />' Ca�;y of the County of �Iall ,an:i ��at� of ��e�ruska,Gr�ritee ,the followin� described real estate
<br /> �ituated in , in I�all Count�T,and S�ate of Ne�ra;�na to-;;rit : The south--�est quarter of �ection �
<br /> six ( 6) , to�rnahi� eleven (11) north range �leven (11) �est nf the Sixth Princi�al ;:"eridian. !
<br /> TO FiAVE AND TO IiOI,I� tl�e ��re�•�ise, ai�ove describe3, to�etl�er �vith all the 'Cenement�,�3ereditament�
<br /> _
<br /> , ., .
<br /> .
<br /> ,
<br /> and A urtenance there��nt n �elon . in •uy�to the sai� John �" _
<br /> 3 , Cad �rantes and to his heirs and as
<br /> s
<br /> P� F� � Y ,
<br /> ,
<br /> igns,fore�rer. And �re do hereby coTTeriant �ith the aaid Xran�ee,and �vith his heirs and as�i�ns ,
<br /> that tive axe la�vfully sei�ed af said �re::�ises; t��at they axe free �rom encun:�rance eaceFt mortgage"'
<br /> for d� 60G0 to wh:ich tliis is subject. that we have �ood xi�ht and la�ful authority ta sell the
<br /> same;and T�re ao hereby covenant to. warrant and �.efend tYie title to sairl �rer�ise� against the
<br /> lar+rful c],aims of all �exsons ��rh��aoever. ;:
<br /> And the saic� Anna '�Velson �er.e'ay relinquishes all ri�ht of doY�er in an� to tlie above c�.ascr�bed
<br /> premises.
<br /> S i.t�;ned this ` 8 �ay of Idovenaber. A. D. 19fJ�
<br /> Sn �resence of Peter T.Tdel�on `
<br /> F.�i. Sweet - - -,___.� Anna Nelson �'
<br /> 5tate of Nebraska )
<br /> ) SS.
<br /> Iv'uckolls Caunty ) On thi� �th �.�ay of November A,�, lgpy i�efore me the �{ndersigned �'.�.
<br /> S�veet A Z`tU�c't2'y Public ,dullT commi�sioned anci qu�.lified for an� re�iding in �aid county,�e.rsonallyk''
<br /> ca:c:e Petex T.2Jel,c�rand Anna T�el�on to :�e known to be the iclentical �ersons �vhose naMe� are affixsd
<br /> to the foxe�oing conveyance a� �rantors and ackno��led�ec� the execution of the sarne to be their
<br /> vol�;ntary act anci deed.
<br /> a"itness My ,han�i and �otarial ��a1 the 3�y ancl yca� last above �rritten.
<br /> ( �eal ) � F.M. S�veet
<br /> �Y.y corrtt�is:;inn e�ires the 2�th 3ay of J��ne 1910, a ary u lc i
<br /> Filed for recoxa this 3"aay af i��arch 1:�10.at 4=30 P. ��,. � ��� /��;r�
<br /> ,
<br /> oun y �e r�i�
<br /> ,
<br />