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<br /> �� �':ARRA2�TY DEED: �NO'� AZL 2dEA1 BY THESE PRESENTS: That Cr lando Q. Crndof f and Sarah 4rnciof f, his i
<br /> � wife, of thm Cour#ty of Hall and State of Nebraska, grantors, for and in considaration of the sum i
<br /> i �
<br /> � �
<br /> ; of Nine Thousandl�,,Dollars, in hand paid do hereby �rant, bar�ain, sell, convey and confirm unto i
<br /> Frank Burxy of. t�le County of Hall, and State of Nebra�ka, grantee, the followin� described real �
<br /> i
<br /> � estate situated 3�n Hall County, and State of Nebraska, to-wit : ThQ west half of the south-�aest ;
<br /> �
<br /> '� ' i
<br /> ':� quarter and the outh-west uarter of the north-west �
<br /> , � q quarter of section twenty-eight (28) i
<br /> I ;
<br /> �� township twelve �12) North, r�nga Twelve (12) , 9Pest o� the si$th Princ3pal Meridian. To Have � '
<br /> ;? ; �
<br /> ,{ and To Hold the �remiees above descri�ed, together with all the Tenemants, Heraditaments and
<br /> ,
<br /> � Appurtenances the�raunta belonginu; unto thQ said Frank Burry, grantee, and to his heirs and
<br /> �,
<br /> ;i assigns, forever, And we do hereb3r covenant v�ith the said �'rantee, and with hie hQirs ana assi�n� ";
<br /> i
<br /> !� that we are lawf lly seized of said premisQe; that they are free from encumbrance; that we have '
<br /> ;;
<br /> i': good right and l ,wful authori.ty to sell the same; and we do her�by covenant to warrant and defendi
<br /> r
<br /> ';'; i
<br /> � the title to sai premises against the la�ful claims of all persons whomsoever. And the said �
<br /> i' Sarah Ornciof� he�eby relinquishes a11 xight of dowar and homestead in and to the a'bove described �
<br /> � i
<br /> � pre�ises. SiUnea� this 19 day of Februa.ry, A.D. 1910 . �
<br /> , ���� In presence o� , � Orlando 4. �4rndoff. �
<br /> ', Sarah Orndoff. �
<br /> ,' F�rn �d. �in�ert . ,',
<br /> i State of Nebraska'h ) �
<br /> i
<br /> )ss � �
<br /> ) ;
<br /> ' �11 County �', '
<br /> ; ' 4n this 19th day of February, A.n. 1910, before me the unciersi�ned, a ;
<br /> � �
<br /> '' No�ary Publi.c, d ly commissioned and qualified for and residing in said county, personally came j
<br /> i
<br /> � 4rlando 4. Qrnaa f and Sarah 4rncloff, to me known to be the identical personB �rhose names are j
<br /> , �
<br /> ; affiged to the f regoing conveyance as grantors, and acknowled�ed the ezecution of the same to �
<br /> � be their volunt y act ancl deed. iPitness my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year last above �
<br /> i
<br /> i'; �
<br /> �` written. M commission expires Nov. 1�, 1910. i
<br /> E113ott Harrison.
<br /> ; (SEAL) �� Notary Public. �
<br /> I
<br /> I�
<br /> i
<br /> ;; F3.led� for record �he 2nd elay of March, 1910, at 4 P.M
<br /> i i �J��� y.
<br /> �+ � i <-���=�6'--��-P�-� � �
<br /> �; I County �lerk. �
<br /> i, I �
<br /> ' �����������������������������������������I
<br /> �,
<br /> ,� � � ;
<br /> ;; WARRANTY DEED: �NO'� ALL t�Ejt BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, Ira C . �illiams and rertxude �filliams, �
<br /> ;; ;
<br /> !' huaband and wife� of the County o� Hall, and State of �Ie�raska, for ancl in consideration of the
<br /> ij
<br /> �:
<br /> ,I sum of Twanty-�i Hundred Doll.axs in hand paid, do hereby grarit, bargain, sell., convey and confi m
<br /> ,�
<br /> �' unto Edward E. B ittin of the County of F�all, ancl State of Nebraska, the following deseribed
<br /> �' �
<br /> "; real estate situ�ted in wood River, in Hall County, and State of Nebraska,to-wi�; Lots Ten �
<br /> � Eleven, and Twal e (1Q� , (11) , (12) , Block Nine (9) , Brett and Johnsonfs Addition to the Villa�e �
<br /> i< � � �
<br /> �` of Wood River , N braska. To Have and To Hold the premises above described, togetlier with a11 i
<br /> I`
<br /> �� the Tenements, h red3t3ments and anpuxtenances thereunto belon�in�; unto the saic� Edward E. Brit�in
<br /> �, ;
<br /> �', and ta hi� heirs and assigns, forever. And we do hereby covanant with the said �rantee, and �
<br /> '' with his heirs a d assigna, that we are 1a�rfully seized of said premisos; that they are free
<br /> t, i
<br /> Ej from encumbrance that we have �ood right anci lavJful authority to sell the same; and we do here- �
<br /> �� �
<br /> �I by covenant to w rrant and def end the title to said pxer�ises against the lawful claims of all �
<br /> I
<br /> �; persons whomsoev�r. And thQ said Ira C. Williams and rertrude �filliams hereby relinquishes:- all �
<br /> u
<br /> i; ri�ht , title ancllinteres� in and to the above de�criUed premises. Si�ned thia 2 day of March, �
<br /> �I II
<br /> .. � A.n,1910,
<br /> �i I ra C. Williams .
<br /> �; In pr esenc e of
<br /> ;,
<br /> Gertrude Williams .
<br /> R. R. Root .
<br /> i;
<br /> ';I I�. S. Eatan. I
<br /> !�
<br /> j I
<br /> �i
<br /> ,
<br />; � _ ------__ -
<br /> _ _
<br />