<br /> D � � D G� � C� O � D � o � � � �,
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<br /> . �}Q]¢J—t4LOPPd.B1�RTLEITCO..,PNiNt1NG.lITM06RARNIN6.STATIpMENr:OMAHd� 4v y .' .
<br /> . . .. . ... . ._._ ._�._ ....-'_.:�._ �.—_��...�_:__._^.,_— �_.—.�—:���=--�_._�.
<br /> .:.... . . . .. . .. . . ....�.. . . , . �� . . . ... ....... . .. ..._.. . �...... ..... . .:: .. . :�. .
<br /> ' W.ARRANTY DEED: Know Al1 I�en By ThesQ Pxeeent�: That reorge Fuss, widower, Fred Simon ana i'
<br /> �artha Simon, husband and wife of the county of Hall anri State of Nebraska, and Annie Fallis and;
<br /> Ba2zle L. Fal].is, her huaband of the County of ----- and State of Cregon, Grant�rs, in consider- '
<br /> ation of �ho �um of Four Thous�nd &80-100 Dollars, in hanci �aid do hereby grant , bargain, sell
<br /> and convey unto Alva B. �v�ina� of th� Gounty of Hall anci 5tate of Nebraska, grantee, the follov�- "
<br /> i�g descr3bed prQnisea, situated in tlie County of Ha11, and State of Nebraska, to-�rit: The
<br /> South half of the rlorth-c�est quarter of section (10} , Ten, in �ownshi� (11) , Eleuen, North of
<br /> Ran�;e (10) Ten, West of 5ixth Principal �ieridian. Together with all the tenemente, here�.ita-
<br /> �ents and aP�urtenances thereunto belon�,ing, and all the estate, ri�ht, title, interest, dower, �
<br /> curt�sy, clair�i ana demand whatsoever of the �aid �rantai, and of either of them, of, in, or to thi�
<br /> ;
<br /> same or any par� thereo�' . To Have and to hold the abovo deseribed premisQS, with the appurte-
<br /> nanc�s, unto the saicl gran�ee and to h3� heirs and assigns farev�r. And wo here�y eovenant with '
<br /> the said grantee, that ��e hold sa3d g remises by gooa and perfect title; that we have good
<br /> ri�ht and lawful authoxity to sell and convoy thQ same; that they are free and cloar of a11 lieri�a
<br /> and incumbrances what�oever , Anc? we cavenant to warran-t ancl def end the said premises again�t
<br /> � 9
<br /> ;
<br /> the lawful claims of a�.l persons whomsoever. Dated the 25tr� day of Getober, A.P.1909.
<br /> George Fu�s
<br /> �6itneBg: Fred Simon
<br /> S�iaxtha Simon
<br /> John R . Thamp�on Annie Fallis (SE�L)
<br /> F. A. L�ay. Bazzle L. Fa11is . (SEAL) '
<br /> �. i�. Mill.er
<br /> State of Nebraska } \ �
<br /> 1 )$� '
<br /> Ha11 Countp �
<br /> Gn tr�i� 25th day of QGtaber , A,D. 1909, before me, the unders�.�ned, a
<br /> i
<br /> Notary PuUlic, within and for saict County, per�onally came �eorge Fuas, �idower, Fred Simon and .
<br /> Martha S3mon, hu�band. and �vife, to me personally known to be the identical persons v�hose names
<br /> are aff i.�ed to the above instru.ment as grantors, and they severally acknowledged thQ same to be '
<br /> their volun�a�y act ancl deed for the �aur�oge thereir expres�ed. In Witness 1Rhereof, I have �
<br /> haraunto subacxil�ed my nanie and aff3xed my official seal at Grand Island, Nebr . on '�re date ;
<br /> last above writtan.
<br /> John R. Tho son.
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> (�EAL) T�y� cornr�i�sion e�iras Feb�y,3rd, 1910. Notary Pulalic.
<br /> ;
<br /> ;
<br /> State o� Cra�;on )
<br /> ) ��
<br /> Fdultnoraah ,county )
<br /> . dn this aixth day of Novem�er A.P. 1909, before me, the undersigned, a.
<br /> Notary Pu�1ic, �i,tlzin anci for said Caunty, personally camo Annie Fallis and Bazzle L. Fallis, �
<br /> her husband,to u�e pexsona].ly knovm to be thQ icientica2 persons whoae names are aff3ued to the
<br /> abovo �nstrument as grantors and they severally acknowlQU�,ed the san�e to be their voZuntary act
<br /> and deed for the pur�oso therein e�ressed. In Witness �'hereof, I have hereunto aut�scribed my ;
<br /> name and aff i�ed my official seal at Partland, Oregon, on the da�e last above wr�.tten, '
<br /> H. '�. �iller .
<br /> (SEAL) 2�y commission ex�,ires Jun� 15th, 1911 . Notary Public
<br /> Filod for rocord the lst day of �arch, 1�10, at 2-30 P�l.
<br /> �/ �%; �
<br /> , �i - Qry -��'��°'�...� ...
<br /> County� Vlerk.
<br /> �
<br /> ;
<br /> ;
<br /> t
<br />