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<br /> 4Q]j�J—pfLQPP2.BARTLETTCO.,PRINTING,LITH06RAPHIN0�8TAT10NfiNl';OM/!HA .. � . � .
<br />�_ ..... . . . .... ... . . .. . � . . � ... . . . . .. _.... . '�...._ ......... _...._._.... :.,_ _._.-..:�.__.e . ..:-. �'___ ._'____'�=���.. _._. ... -__ � ' __'""".__
<br /> .... . ._ __ '_"_�.�.__.,_...�� �
<br /> �,I
<br /> ' said c orpo rat ion, 'r�,orrill Lan� Co. the president , mayor, chairr•ian of the Boarc� o� �irectore, or
<br /> Trustees or othar chief officex, or ca�hier, treasu.rer, secretary, clerk car managing a�ent not '
<br /> �;ein�; found in saia Ha11 Coun�y, anci I further certify that I served the said Q.A.Abbott , Jr. by ;
<br /> a
<br /> c�eliverin� to saic� C.A.Abbott , Jr. pexsanally a trve and certifi�d cony of said notice with all
<br /> ' the enaorsemer_ts thexe�n on the �ame d3te as I sexvWd the a�ove narred �dorrill Land Co, to-�rit: 'I �
<br /> 1�?ove�ber 24th, A.D. 190Q.
<br /> � Em31 Schroeder, De�uty Sheriff .
<br /> Fees �2 50. paid.
<br /> Subsc ribed in my presence and BWOTn to before me thia 27th day of I�lovember, A.D. 1909
<br /> Witnass nly hand anc� the seal of said Caurt , the date last abovs wr3.tton.
<br /> Fred C. Langman. ;
<br /> (SEAL) Glerk Aistrict Court .
<br /> ' No 6849.
<br /> The State of rTebraska )
<br /> )��
<br /> Hall County } i
<br /> I , Theo, P. Boshr.i, Trea.surer, af the CQUnty of Ha11, in tha State
<br /> I' of rte�rasYa do hereb certif that the followin describeci real estate in aid Count and State ''
<br /> � Y Y � � Y
<br /> Fractional
<br /> to-�vit: �Lots Seven (7) and Ei�ht (8) , in blocl� fifty-five (55) , of Charles l�asmerts Third
<br /> ; ,
<br /> ,
<br /> Addition to Granci Islanrz, Nebraska, ��as on the 24" day of February, A.D. 1908, duly sold by me
<br /> in the ma.nner �ravided by 1aw, at PrivatQ Sale at tYiQ County Treasurer'� of.fica in Grand Island, '
<br /> Nebraska, such real estate having been �reviously offered at public sale but not golc� for . want
<br /> �/
<br /> of bidclers, for the delinquent taxes the year 1.901 to 1906 inclusive�ti the abave descr3.bed premise�
<br /> ,
<br /> ;
<br /> amounting ta Three &26-100 Doll.a-�s including interest and penalty thereon, and the costs allowed �
<br /> by 1aw to T. A. Stokes, for the �um oi Six & 14-1a0 Dollara, he bein� the h3ghest and best bidderi'
<br /> for the �a�ne. And i furthar certify, that unless rederr�ption is ma.de of said Real Estate in the
<br /> manner provided by law, the said T. A. Stokes, his heirs or assi�ns will be entitled to a deed
<br /> therafor on and after the 2�" day of Fabruary, A.D. T910 on suxrenuex of this certificate, pro-
<br /> vic�ed the law as ��atie in such cases has beQn corrplied with. In �itness �thereof, I have hereunto ,`
<br /> �et my hand this 24" day of February, A.n.1908 .
<br /> Theo. P. Boehm.
<br /> (SEAL) Treasurer of Hall County, State of l+tebraska.
<br /> �� �;Z �;� _�c��-�-���,.� d.e�,,,.-fi�� � ;�
<br /> �6 14. ;
<br /> Filed fo�^ record the l�t day of 2�iarch, 1910, e.t 2-15 P.�I.
<br /> - -���'
<br /> � County Clerk.���;
<br /> ���.If..� 1d_ �,�,.1.�(� !�,ry..q. ��q , r l �1 -J_,�,�l . ,��1�,�� �� ! 1 ,�I _�j,�t1.�.,g�1 ,� ,�� �p� y. ��d
<br /> ?l"1�7t'f�?r'7l'7t���'?!��"�7M!'��"��!�;L7���'�7T'"77t71�`��7"�1"��7������?�7!T1'"F' tl7("7t'f,��'��'��Ti��7�7F7;��'7'7��i''��'Il�f'Tl';
<br /> '�ARRArdTY DEED: Kno�r A11. �en By Th�se Presentg, that y�e, Henry �ayer and Helene �tayer, husband �
<br /> and wife, o� the County of xall ancl State of PTeUr��ka, for and in consicierat3on of the sum af
<br /> ` Seventy tv�o hundred fifty Dollars, in har,�i �aaid, do hereby grant , bargain, seZl, convey and ean- '
<br /> �
<br /> s
<br /> �ir�� unto Alva B. ;�inox, of the County nf �a11 and State of Ne'�ra�ka, the followin� described
<br /> real estate situated in Hall County, State of rIebraska, ta-�it: South-east quarter (�E�) of '
<br /> i
<br /> section No , Four (4} and North-east quarter (A�E�) nf Section No. Nine (9) in Township Eleven (11) ;
<br /> North o� P�ange No. T�n (1G) t�est 6"P,�i. To Have ancl to hold the pre�.ises above descr ibed, togeth�r
<br /> �r3th a11 the Tenaraent� , Herec�itan�ent� and appurtenances`�i�.ereunto �elongin�; unta the saici Alva �
<br /> B. �inor and to his heir� and assi�ns, foxevor . And �ve do hereby covenant with the said Alva
<br /> �. �tinor anci with his heirs ancl a�ssigns that we are lawfully seized of said pramises; that they
<br /> are free from encum'orance; tliat vra havQ �,00d ri�ht and lawful authority to se11 the same; and we
<br /> ;
<br /> r�o hereby covenant �o waxrant ancl clefenc� the title to s€�id premises against the lav�ful claitns of ''
<br /> a11 per�ons whomsoever, exce�tin�; a�ain�t claims �rhich ma.y have become attached thereto since the !
<br /> �6" day of Deee�:ber , A.P.190G. Si�nea this 18" day of January, A.r.1910.
<br /> Aenry Mayer. �
<br /> In �resonce of Helene l�ayer . !
<br /> A. G. &tayer. _ ;'
<br /> i.
<br />