<br /> ULSL� U � � � O � U � 0� � -'�' � �.
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<br /> '�QI'�9—liL6PP4BRRTLETTCO.oPR1NTIN6.LITHQbHAPHIN6.BTATIOpHRY:OMAHA . ..._ ._— ...� .- ... . . A . .. A .. � ' �
<br />__' ....-�, ..,.. . . . �. _ . . . . . .. . . _ . . . . . ,.-. . .. . �. . " . .. . v.��. -
<br /> . . _. _ _ .._. . __ _.. _—_� _ ..— ._��-._�......�-_..�._.�_. _� = .�� �_�—� _�
<br /> {.
<br /> ' State of Nebra$ka )
<br /> )�s
<br /> Ha11 County. } ; �
<br /> an this 25th day of February, A.D. 1910, befare me the unaersi�r�ed, a
<br /> Notary Public, duly eommis�ionecl ana qualifieel for and residing in said County, �er�onally came �
<br /> i
<br /> Jessie G. Dill ana J. E. Dill, w:ife ana husband, to me kno�m to be the identical persons whose
<br /> nameg are affixed to the foregoin� convepance as �rantors, and acknowled�ed the execution of the '
<br /> same to be thair voluntarp aat anc� deed. '�itness my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year
<br /> 1as� above vvrit�en, �iy commis�ion ezpires the 25" day of July, 1912.
<br /> S . C. Huston .
<br /> (SE.AL} Notar�r Public �
<br /> Fileu fox recorci the 28th day of February , 1910, at 4-40 P.A�.
<br /> ��� �;�-''
<br /> County Glerk.
<br /> ' �"��'����'-��������'��'������i������'���������������'��
<br /> �'ARRAI�T�Y DEED: KN41A ALL ��EN BY THESE PREBENTS: That we, J. G. Ro�dahl, ancl E13n Rosdahl, husband
<br /> and �rife, of the Caunty of Polk, and State oF Neb�aska, for and in consideratic►n of tha sum of
<br /> F ifty-siz hundred anc� no-1�0 Dollarg, in hand paid, do hereby grant, bar�ain, se11, convey and
<br /> confirn� unto �6illiam Frie�man, of the Qounty of Ha11 and Stata a�' Nebraaka, the foll.o�ing de-
<br /> �cribed real estate situat�d in Hall County, and State of Ne'c�ra�ka, to-wit: North half of the
<br /> North-�eet quar�er of Section seven_.° (7� , Township eleven, (11) , Range Ten (10) , '�est of the 6 �
<br /> P. �. Hall County, Nebraska, eontaining $0 acres more qr less according to the �overnment Survey. ;
<br /> To Havo and To Hold the premisas abova described, to�s��ier with all the tener�ents, hereditamen�s
<br /> anci appurtanance� thereunto belon�,in�; unto the said �illiam Friasman and to h3s heir� and
<br /> aasi�na forever, And we do horeby cavonant with the aaid Grantee, and with his heira and asBignsj
<br /> that we are lawfully seized of said premises; that they are free from encumbrance, escept a
<br /> mortgage for �2000 r�ade by the grantors to �filliam Splinter and nov� a�ains� said premises , which
<br /> �
<br /> mort�a�e debt, with 3nterest thereon f rom �arch lat, 1909, tha grantee aseur�es and agrees to pay ":
<br /> as a part of -�he abovs named cansideration; that we have �aod xi�ht and lawful author3ty to sell '
<br /> the same, and v�e do heraby covenant to warx�nt and def end the title to said pre�uses against tha
<br /> lativful cla3ma of all persons whor�soever, exce�t aaid mort;;age above deacribed. Signed this 23rd '
<br /> day of February, 1910.
<br /> J. �. Rosdahl.
<br /> Tn presence of
<br /> Elin o�dah �
<br /> R 1,
<br /> ; M. E. Bittner.
<br /> State of Nebraeka
<br /> Polk County 4n this 25th day of February, A.D. 1910, bsfore me the undersi$ned �ax E.
<br /> Bittner, a Notary Public, duly commi�sioned and qualified for and re�iding in sa3.d County, per-
<br /> sonallp came J. �. Rosdahl and his wifs, Elin Ro�dahl, to me known to be the identical persons
<br /> t�hose names are affixed to the forogaing conveyance as �rantors, and acknowled�ed the egecution
<br /> of the same to be �heir valuntary act and deed. Witness my hand anc� Notaxial 8ea1 the day and
<br /> {.
<br /> year last abovo written, 2�Iy co.vnission e��irea the 17" day of January, 1911.
<br /> (SEAL) Max E. Bittner.
<br /> Notary Public. �
<br /> Filpd for rocord the lst day of T�axch , 1910, at 1-40 P�i.
<br /> ���Y a-�����j��
<br /> Coun�Y Clerk.
<br /> i; \�
<br />