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<br /> �
<br /> Paine, a TTOtr^�..ry' Pub1�.G� duly commis�3onec� anct quali�'ied for and residin� in said Caunty, `�aerson-
<br /> a11y c�me J. �. Dill & Jessia G. Di11, his wif e, ancl �. C. Huston, and Anna 1�. �uston, his �wif e, i
<br /> to ma known to be the ic�entical persona whose names are affixed to the foregoin� conveyance as ;
<br /> �;r�ntors, ana acknoc�led�ed the execution of the same �o be their voluntaxy ac� and deed. �itnes�
<br /> my hanci anci rdotarial Seal the day and ysar last above written. My camm3ssion e�ires Nov. 1�th, �
<br /> ;
<br /> 1910, �
<br /> Bayard �i. Paine,
<br /> (SEAL� Notary Public.
<br /> Filed fox recorc3 the 26th day of February, 1910, at 3-30 P.�� �
<br /> �'
<br /> �.-��' �a�f���-�-.�._.____
<br /> County Clerk.
<br /> �`��i��#�'����"��#���#����#�#�-�r4��'�`��'��x�������#��'��'���'�##���� '
<br /> �ARRAN'TY DEED: Know A1l Men By These Presents, That �ear�e Ludwi� and Carrie Ludwig, husband and
<br /> wife, of �he County af Ha11., anc� State of Nebraska, for anc3 in cons3deration of the gum of Thir�y �
<br /> i�'in� Hundred (�3900 00) Dollarg, in hand ps�ici, do hereby gran�t , bargain, sell, convey and confirm;
<br /> unto Alfred J. Baker of t}�e County of Ha11, �nd State of Nebraska, the foll.a�ing described real
<br /> estate s3t�ated 3n Hall County, �nd State of Plebraska, to-c�it: Blocks number eleven (11) , Thir- '
<br /> teen (13} and fourtaen (14) of Psrkins Sub-division of the sout�-east quarter of �ect�,on nwnbex '
<br /> twelve (12) of Ta�vnship number eleven (11) , North, of Ra.n�e Nu.�~aber Ten (ld) , West of the Sixth
<br /> P. �[, and Lots Numbex Cne., T�o, Three, Faur, Fiv�, Si�, Seven, Eight , and Nine of Valentine
<br /> Park, a sub-dxvisiQn af �31ock Number Twelve (1G) of Perk3ne Sub-division of the_ sa3ci South-east !
<br /> quartar of Section Number T�relva (12) avove de�cribeci, sub�ec� however �o one certain mort,�age of '
<br /> �10�0 0� in favor of John R. Bonsen, recorc�ed in Book 33 � pa�;e 419 of the mortgage records of
<br /> said Hall County, Nebraskaa ��hich the grantee herein a�;ree� to pay as part af the consideration
<br /> abave named, with in�tereat thereon fram Mareh 1s�G , 1910, un�il paid. ,
<br />' To I3ave and Ta I3old th� rremises abovo ds�cribed together with a11 �he Tenements, Heredita-i-
<br /> ments an� appurtenancea thereun�o belon�in� �nto the said �Alfred J. Baker and to his he3.rs and
<br /> assi�n�, forever. Ana vre do hereby cavenant with the s�3d �rantes, and with his heirs and assi�n� ,
<br /> that we ara la�rfully �eiz�d af said pre�ises; that they are free from eneunibrance e�eept as �bove �
<br /> Bt�ted; that we have good ri�ht and la�ful authority to sell the game; and we do hereby covenant �
<br /> to vrarrant anct defend the title to said premises agains� the 1.awftil. claims af all �erson� whom- '
<br /> �oever, e�ce�it as above �t�ted. And the s�iict Carxie I,udwig hereby relinquishes all her ri�,hts �
<br /> of every de�c rigtion �hat�oaver in and to the above descrik�ed prem3ses . 83gned thie 19n day;,of
<br /> Febrtia.ry, A,D. 1910.
<br /> In presence of George Ludwig.
<br /> Carr ie Ludv�ig .
<br /> S. C. �iuston.
<br /> State af �debrasI.a )
<br /> )ss
<br /> Hall Coun�y �
<br /> 4n this 19th day of February A.P. 1910, before me the underai�;ned S. C.
<br /> Hueton, a Notary Public, duly commisaioned and qualif ied fox anc� residing in said County, per�an-
<br /> al7.y came �eorge Ludwi.� and Carxie I,udwi�, husband and wife, to me knoran to be the identical
<br /> persons �hase names are affixeci to the foregoing conveyance as �rant�r�, and acknowledged the
<br /> execution of the same to be their voluntary act and deed. �fitnesa my hand and Notar3al �eal the °
<br /> ;
<br /> day anti year last above written,
<br /> �. C. Huston.
<br /> Notary Public .
<br /> (SEAL) �y comMission expires ti�e 25th day of Ju1y, 1912 .
<br /> Filed �or record the 26th day of February, 1910, at 4-7.5 P.M.
<br /> ./�.�'����-�-���._
<br /> County Clerk,
<br /> � �;
<br /> �
<br /> � � _ � ;�
<br />