<br /> D15L� U � LS � IJ � D LJ\� � � `=t? � c -:
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<br /> �.�.� c�.a�.m neea: _ ��
<br /> Knor�t A11 .��ien By T:z.�n� Presents : That A1fre3 tT, Hannan an.3 ��atilda S. Hannan, �iusba:�3 and �rife of �
<br /> the County of Ha17J dnd StatP of �1�braska for the consi��.eratian of �J�e & 00/].00 Do1.l.ars,�iareap
<br /> v�.zit Cl aim and canvay unto A1.�Qrt A.?��a�.ey of the County of IIaIl and. .State o� Ne�raska,a?1 of .
<br /> our ri�ht ,tit:le ancl inter�st af ;!vhatso�ver nature,in an� to t�ie follo�i�g descxi�ed Rea1 Estate �
<br /> sit���.ta� in tr.e Cour�y of Iiall. and ��ate of i�lebxa:�ka,to-t�it . Frdctional �,ot (N) t�o in Block
<br /> ( 13� ) one l�un3red & tYli rty �;�vo� i n Uni on Pa�ci fi c f�a�l�+vay Co' a 2nd Acidi ti on �o the ci ty o�
<br /> Grand I�1.an� as �ho:�n by the recarded plat thexenf.
<br /> I�T ��r TT�ES� �iFR�;Or,�e have hereunto aet our han�,s thi s 16th �ay of June 1909.
<br /> �li tne ss: A1 f red tJ. Hannan
<br /> John �. Thampson ��iatilda 5. Han�an �
<br /> State of I�ebra�ka )
<br /> )�S.
<br /> tiall Co��n�y ) On th� s lrth day June A.�.1909 befora me,the un3ersi�ned,a Notary
<br /> ;
<br /> Public in and for said cc���nty,rerso:�ally came Alfred TT.fiannan and A�1atil.da S. Fianz�an Hus'�an�
<br /> mnd �i�fe �vho are �er�onally kno��vn to rn� to be the ��aent�cal �?er.�ons �rho�e na..�es ar� affi�.ed to
<br /> �
<br /> the abave �nstrlx:�ant as ;xantoxs an�, they se�rQra'.1,y ackno�nl.ed{;e3 the said instrument to be th�i�
<br /> volun�ary act and d�ed.
<br /> u'�itne;�s :�y har.d arid �Jotarial sc�al ,the �.ate aforeaaid.
<br /> ( Seal ) RTohn R. Thom son
<br /> _._
<br /> Ptfy corz.�i s�:,. on �.L�i.r�� Febry 3ci l.�10. o axy u l�c.
<br /> -
<br /> Fi�,ed :�ox rer,or3 thi� 25tYh 3ay of Fsbruary 1910,at 4 P.�.
<br /> �����- ��:'�
<br /> � oun y 1,er .
<br /> �. .�;�,� �' '�l�#y'��'-f/-11 ..,/(:,�.,/J..(j�,'u l,.': �;�1- .�7;lt��( '1��/.. �t. , .J/. ' :u t.� �j;�-�-!� � . ,��r�{�:.0.J� : �; �l�,-u j '.�j,.t..�( ,J�.j..�(j��j:. � .�j�,.j��..j��j q.�(j, . _��,�j, �,j �
<br /> �� 7;�„ ,���� �, ,7,, rl tr�iT717�?�l �, �,��f �r�, o �t �, ,l�€„ Is�,. ����T����r�,. �i7.� ,� ,t�„ ��i7 ., rt �'f'7(���, �:�iC.�t��/�rJ�7Y"�7f`l�t!"rl���,�717i`7f�7�7!'7/,��1l71�7�„�
<br /> t�ARRANTY I3EED; I�now A11 �fen By These Presants: That �e, William R. 1�cCroskey and Orrilla M.
<br /> �cCroakey, husband and wife, of the County of �ioward anc� St�.te of Nebraska, for and in consider- ;
<br /> atian of the aum of Three Hundred anci no-100 Dollars in hand paid, do hereby grant, bar�ain, sell,
<br />�I
<br /> eonvay and confirm unto x. C. :�ic(�oskey of the Coun�y of Dawee and S�ate of Nebraska, the follow-•
<br /> ing deacribed rQa1 eata�e situated in Hal1 County, and State of Nebra�ka, to-c�it; The undivided ,
<br /> one half af Lot Eight (8} of Hayrnans Sub-division o� the West half (�i�) of the North-west quarter,
<br />�
<br /> (N'��) of Sec�ion Twentu-f ive (25) , Township Eleven (11) , Ptorth af Ran�e Tsn (10) Weet of the 6th ; .
<br /> P. �. in Hall Coimty, Nebra�ka, To Have and ta hold the prer:lises above desaribed, to$ether with
<br />; all the Tenements, �ereditaments and Appurtenanees thereunto belon�ing; unto the �aid H. E.
<br /> �iCCroskey, and to his heirs and ass3gns, forever. Ancl we do hereby covenant with the said H.E. ,
<br /> AdcCroskey and w3.th his heir� ancl as�igns tha� �e, ,lav�ffully seized af sa3�d premises; that they are
<br /> ,�
<br /> free from encumbranca; that �re havQ good ri�ht and l�wful authority to se11 the same; and we do
<br /> hereby covanant to warrant and ciefand the title to said premi,aes a�ainst the lawful claims of
<br />�, all persans whor�soever. And ths said 4rri.11a �. �icCrosksy hereby relinquishes all her right of ` �
<br /> .
<br /> -� dovrer in and to the above described premises. .
<br />�� �i�ned thia 16 day of Feb. A.D .1910. .
<br /> 1Pilliam R. �cCroakey.
<br /> In pre�ance of prrilla �, �eCroskey.
<br /> Chris Appel. -- �
<br /> �
<br />