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<br /> : �01]J—fi40!'P&OFRTLETTCO�,PNINTING,LIT}i06HRPHING�8TAT10a6NY;OMRHA .... . . ...- � � - �� _ � - __- - �
<br /> .... ,. . . . .. . . .. . __ "r..__ .."_.. _�.._,�� .._ .� �—._- ._._. .— ���._ __"'"— -_ _ , .. ...�„
<br /> ..... . . . . . . .. . . . .. . .�� . � .
<br /> is a�f ixed to t]ze for�Uair.� conv�yar�ce as �rantor,�na ackx�owled;ed th� �x�ezi�ion of the same � �
<br /> to be Yiis v�llz��.:�.ry ��ct anc� cleec3. , y
<br /> '�itna�s zr:y hand anci t`otarial �"eal tlie aay �r.d 3r�:a-r last a�ave .nd�ritten.
<br /> � � � �- ;i �
<br /> ( ryeal } Harry i�f2. '�arren
<br /> ��atars,r Public:
<br /> .'y cornr.zis�ion �x��ire� thQ 15�h c�ay of Cct 1Q13. �'
<br /> ,�
<br /> Filed �'or �ecorcl ti�is 7.5 " day cf T�ecel:�aer lr"��',at "`, P.���. � j `
<br /> � ', ;'
<br /> �__ -a-� t'.��.._.._.� �
<br /> � • Gounty Clerr:. � �'i',
<br /> i'
<br /> ,/� n r n n r , �r �r n r n r.�.@ � .n.!'.R R..�.., ..f� r.�l.� .n.C...7!+..7.n n n n r n �r,.ri n_", rr.'l.'!.!t-t? '.t,7 ft n f " �" 1 P_t? �� 7 Gt..�-. . :re_ _��-�_�i! ll,.h..�c:�n-�::� n r�
<br />� 7`��� � � , P ,� � ! �'i „ — ��r, �,� ' � ,� ��., „ _ , r. . . , ' ,� t�. �� . �., . �`� .- , , „ , �7`�-�r '��-:r .� �-� �. -� , .
<br /> , ; �� ,�
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<br /> �-� �-� ��',� 7 � r . ��t 1 .l x � l� , , . t-� r R �� . � � , �� ,� �re , . ,�
<br /> ,. � ,_
<br />� . n r_ rr , �. `� , r -�t , -- , --�� r `tr ,' � , . �l . . .. . _ _. .
<br /> THl� DEED, 1:�ae �t�ii� 14t_l c�ay of Pecer.�:�er in tlLe year ofca�ar Lard onQ th�u�ar.d nine hunclxed
<br /> Qf the ;
<br /> and r..ine,bett��en �'va i;�. rana�rs��i�y and C{.unty of renv�r anc� "�ate of Color3do ,af �he fir�t ;,
<br /> �ar� ,�nd Fertha �."�nc_i���rs �f rrana I�Iar.d Caunty of Hall ana �tate of �,,�'prar�ka,of the seeond i '
<br /> rar� ; �itr.e�seth,That the �aid �:�ar�y c�f �the fir�t �aa��t ,for and in Ean�ideration of the �
<br /> � _
<br /> sum of T�r�~e h����dr�d and fift;r poll�rs,to the said r�a_.�t, of 'the first �aart in hanci ;aaici by ; .
<br /> �
<br /> � � �
<br /> the said �arty af tt�e :��cana �a�rt ,the rec4i�t whereof is her�by carafes�ed and acknoeul�d�ad,
<br /> ha� rel,:is�d,releasacl,�old,c�nve;�ed and �,uit Cl�imed,�na by these �re�ents does xar.iise ,r�lease ;
<br /> ,
<br /> seil,cc�nvey and �tzit C1�ir;� unta L�1� .�'.a37.C1 �a:c�y af the secona ;�a-r� ,he� heixs ard a�si�ns far- �
<br /> ;'
<br /> e�rer,ail the zi�h� ,title ,cl�im and aet::and �h�hich the �aid �axt� of the first part has in and �
<br /> to tlle follr�t�i'1; d:�scri'��e�d I:,o�� cr �ar,�el of gr��zr�a sitLl�te,lyinU ancl �eing in the County of �'
<br /> i.
<br /> �all and Sta�e of i1eY�ras�:a,to-�rit : Frac� ional Lat nuni�ered Ei�;ht (8} in Fractional �lock !' '
<br /> ;,
<br /> �:?�.rrc��red C�� hur.dracl ana nir�et�en (11�) in Rail �naci Aa�lition to the Gri�;inal town of Grand �
<br /> Island ';ei�ras�a ar,a i�s com�lerlent Fractional lot nunl�ered ei,nt t.8) in Fracticnal Rloc'�c
<br /> numb�.red El�v�r. {11) in ,Arnc��d� �.: A'�a��c�tts Adci�.�ian to �he Cri�inal t�t�;rn af �rand Island j;
<br /> T�+ebras�a.
<br /> To Have And '�o ��alc� �l�e sarne,�of�thar ��rith all and �in,ular the ap�urtL�anc�s and �rivila�e�i
<br /> thereunto �elor,�,in� ,or ir �.n��.��ise �'r.e:_��unt� a��ert�inin�,and a�1 th� pst€�te,xight ,title, inter�o�t
<br /> and claim �.=�=r.a±�;over,of the raid ?�art� af the fir�� �art ,either in .lat�r or �quity,to tha only
<br /> �rf1y���r u�e ,��e:����fit and 'ae��oaf of t�:e said r�ar�y cf the s+�cond nart,ner h�irs and as�i;,�s fore-relx.
<br /> In '�itness �he�eof,TYie said narty af the first �art has hereunto set hex hand ar.d �eal the
<br /> ;
<br /> aay and ;Taar first a�;ove ��fritten. ' �
<br /> Eva 14�. �anuers (ceal }�
<br /> ....�.�.�.____«f�_r_._�.� ...�_.��__ a
<br /> Si�;ned,Sealed and L��livexed in Preser_ce of
<br /> �'J. 1`T. Jchr.s c�r_ �
<br /> A. H. Johr::�on
<br /> ��ate of Colc�raua }
<br /> �rn
<br /> k;1.'•
<br /> City a?�.ci County cf Panv��:�) I, �dilliar�� T�. slohnscn a i'ot�.ry Fu'olic in �na for the said
<br /> City ar.d Coun�y,in tY�e ��tate aforesaia,do he�e�y c4-rtif'y th�zt Eva ��i. Sanc�ers =J��ho is �ex�onally �'
<br /> �n�ti�m to nie to k;�e the �erson �4�iiose r�ar��e i� su'�scri�;eu to the for��oing Deed,ar�peared �;efore �
<br /> r��e tliis day in ner�on,��.ncx acknaiJl�<lged that �he si�ned,�e�led and delivered the ��id in�trt�irient �'
<br /> of •�rt�-rit+in� as her free and vo1L:r�ary act ar.d deed,fox the u�es and �ux-�?c:�es thsrein s�t forth. ; _
<br /> riven unaer ry hand and "ota-rial ��a1,tY�lis 14t17 da;r a� Pocary;l�er,� .I?.1�U�.
<br /> � "oal } �il�lia�, ?�. <7ahnson �
<br /> �:,y cori;.i:-�si�n e.r�ire, a�:ch . �5th A.I�. 1911. ��itotary Public.�M��� �
<br /> i
<br /> Filed �ar rncorct tY�ii� 15" cla;� of recer�'�er 1�'09,at �-�� P,I�,�,
<br /> ;
<br /> \ � ���-e �
<br /> ,
<br /> , -��
<br /> , ,, ;
<br /> - ��
<br /> � Cou��y �C1ex�.._.`�_�� .�_,
<br /> ;;
<br /> i
<br /> _ ;
<br />. . . ,, ,
<br />