<br /> U L`� � LJ Ll U � � O � U � ��� � � � n
<br /> :__ _ � _ - _. . _ _ _ _ _� _� , _ � — — ---
<br /> _ �.___ �_�.._ . ___'._ _ _____"'"
<br /> _. ... _.:� "_� -.-. _,�,._�..- _, .._::..:_.__::_-�_:�_ � �-v�_._.__�_�_._._.__�.'_�'_ �'.__.�.-' _
<br /> _'"
<br /> -_�' . . � .. . . ... -
<br /> ..... .. . . . .. � i
<br /> ;i
<br /> And tlle said Fritzo Scnourun ��ereby relinquishes all her interest in �.nd to the above desc-ribecl
<br /> ;.
<br /> �rer�ises. Si�r.ea thie 24th day of �er�tem%er, A.D. 1909. i;
<br /> " � � Carl Ed�rard Schouru� � i�
<br /> ln ��resance of Fritze Schourun
<br /> Frea �J. .Ashton,
<br /> ctat� of TdeLraska } i
<br /> � �
<br /> �, i'
<br /> Hall County �
<br /> Cn this �`�th day of Septei:�Y�er, A.D. 1�0�, before me the undersigned,
<br /> a :Notary Public, auly co:�::nissioned and quali�"ied for and resir�ing in said Count;r, nersonally
<br /> -
<br /> came Carl �a����a cchourun and Fritze SchoL?ru��, hus'��nd �nd t*�if�, to me known to be the identical �
<br /> �ersons tx�hose n�r�es �re affix�d to the �`ore�oin� conveyance as grantars, and �cknot�zlecl,ed the '�
<br /> i:
<br /> ;
<br /> execution of the same to be �heir voluntary act and deea. ��itness my hand and r.JOtarial Seal '
<br /> �
<br /> i
<br /> the d�y and yeal last above «rritten. l��y co:nmission eYrires the lSth aay oi Oct . 1�'1� . 3
<br /> i
<br /> (SEAL} __ Frecl �l. Asht on���� �
<br /> Notary �'ublic
<br /> I'iled fox .record the 24th clay of Sept . 1905 �t 2-45 P.ivi. %�
<br /> ,;
<br /> ;
<br /> �.
<br /> �-��-��
<br /> � ��� � Count y Clerk. �
<br /> � .!1 iil�� �, � �l ��;;��f ��l�,�i��%2���!_�.� It._/I.Jl,_�2.i!i7-������1! f:������1+7�It���l.���ll��,�i !,' lf;�Ji 1l��It l�;��j! !! li�����'� it�!! ::�;i!��������� .
<br /> ���71`���771"��;7�`�`,`7'�'7�'Ir';l'�'�7�'r�i�i'T�1'i?� �'� � l l-(n r J� r�r t� }�. �
<br /> ('.
<br /> �I.ARRAI�iTY D��D: KNG� �.LL i:��iT fiY 7'HESE FRESE�•?T�: That Feter �J. Deertti�ester anc� Emma L�eer�aester, °
<br /> a
<br /> husi�and and tuifQ, of the Count� of �iall, �nd St�te of i1el�ras�:a, for anci in cor�sideration of the '
<br /> sur:1 of ��vo xunar�d Tr�elve & no-200 Dollars in hand r�aid, do here.,y grant , bargain, se11, convey
<br /> and confirm unto Sophia r,�. �'tillens and �Y�elvin Stillens of the Caunty of Hall, and State of j'
<br /> ,
<br /> ;:
<br /> Nebraaka, the follo:4;in� ae�cr�Uea real estat� sit,.zated in tiall Cour.ty, anci State of r��e'r�rasr:a,
<br /> t o-�Ji� : Lot t;vo (2) in Flock �oxty-r.ine �4Q) of PackQr & F3arr's 2nd Aadit ion to the City of �
<br /> �
<br /> Grand Islar.d, as the same is surv�y�c�, plattecl and recorded. To Have ana to hold the �remises '
<br /> ;
<br /> above describeci, togather �:T;ith all tne Tene::lents, Herec�itan�ents ancl Appurtenances thereunto
<br /> belon�in;; unto the saia Sophia t�i. Stillens and l,�ielvin �tillens and to their heirs and assi�ns, a
<br /> forever. Anci tive do hereby covonant �ith tr.e �aicl Grantees 3nri �rith thei� heirs ar.d assigrs, that �
<br /> ;
<br /> ;�,e are 1w,tifuil;� sQi�-ed of said premises; that tizey are free from encuMbrance; that �ve najre �
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> �ooci right and la���f�zl autnority to sel.l the same; and =Ne do riereb�� covenant to t���,rrant and de- �
<br /> �end the title to saia rre:�ises a�ainst the la�vful claims o�' �.Il �ersons u�homsaever. �
<br /> . �.
<br /> Ancl tr.e �aicl ��r�.�ma Deer:���ester herer;�y ?"elin�uis."�es all her intPrest in and to the a'�ove u.escribea
<br /> prer:�ises . �i�;ned thi� ?4th day of Sentember, A.P.. . 19�° . �
<br /> Pet�x W. Deerwester . `
<br /> .tn presence of �.� r ';,
<br /> �mr�a � Deer��e�ter �
<br /> ;.
<br /> J . L. Cleary, mar� ;:
<br /> �li tn�s� her inark . Fred �J. Ash�on.
<br /> ;
<br />� �;tate of Pde�ras::a ) ;i
<br />� J
<br /> xall County } ''
<br /> �n this �4th clay of �er.at . A. P. 1�G�, beiore me the undersi;neci, a T�lotary= �;.
<br /> Public, aul�,� cor�mis�;ionea and qualified �'or and residin� in said County, nersonally came �'eter ,
<br /> �!. Deer:tires�er �ncl Emr.a l�eertves�er, husband and wife, to mo kno�vn to be the iden�ical persons '
<br /> ;
<br /> ti��nove nam�e� are af�ixed to th� foregtiinQ conveyance as gr�ntor�, and acknor��lpdged the execution '
<br /> oi the �ame to �e ttieir volunt�.ry act and deQa. �Ji�tness my hand and Notarial Sea1 the day and
<br /> year la�t a'aove ���ritten, 1�iy co:nr.iissior. ex�ires the 18th da� of �ct . 1�12 .
<br /> Frea ,�J. Asnt on.
<br /> �5�:111,1 Not��Ty �PubliC .-----_ _
<br /> Filed for recora the :?4tn aay of Se�t . 1909, at 2-�5 Y.J�i. ;
<br /> .� � '
<br /> � ��.��_��.��������____�_____a:
<br /> County Clerk.
<br /> ;'
<br /> i
<br /> � (
<br /> ,,
<br />__._ :.____. _ _ . . _.. . .. {
<br /> � � li .
<br />